Nicely put, and I am the same, I have no need of quick change of rigs. I have a rig bin or two full of ready tied bottom or snowman bait rigs, and a rig wallet with around 10 ready tied pop-up rigs. Cutting the mainline just above the hooklink swivel means I am getting rid of fragged line, (check it regularly anyway) using a run ring and buffer bead means I can slide them above the cut off section before cutting it with no hassle.
A very short Multi-rig section can be a right pain with the loop, and I think high long way up pop-ups can be a bite reducer in themselves at times, above the feeding fish, or even making them a bit wary and leave a most obvious hookbait. I know, I know, they will take them sometimes, but not every time. I want my hookbait at the same level!
For pop-ups I do like a D-rig, the run ring on d loop if using a mono, fluorocarbon is very free sliding, (braid I think creates a bit of friction) more so I think than a multi rig, and I think the bait movement on that D causes extra problems.
Don't get me wrong, the Multi-rig definitely has its place, but is no better or worse than many others. It is however a saver of money, binning hooks as opposed to a whole rig. It may also cost fish if you don't check the hooklink material itself though.