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Has anyone thought of putting some putty on their rig tube?

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Has anyone thought of putting some putty on their rig tubing?


I was wondering about using leadcore to hug everything closer to the deck but heard lots of stories of how unsafe this was, and it just came to me would the idea of sticking some putty on my rig tubing work instead and would it be safe?


I dont know if anyone else has thought of this but if u havent then id like to know of any advice on keeping everything flush to the lake bed thanks


Just buy weighted tubing. Leadcore will only hug the bottom if the bottom is flat the same with tubing. You are better off using mainline straight through with putty or sinkers attached.

although alot of rig tubing is heavy i still put putty on my mine then i no its flat to the bottom i like to put putty up as far as pos to pin every thing down :wink:


So where abouts do u put the putty? at the top and bottom of the tubing? or just spread out randomly along it ?

I've heard of people putting putty on the tubing, i've never tried it though.


You can fish slack lines to keep everything pinned down to the lakebed as an alternative.


slack lines give slower indication tho dont they on the alarms?


down to how much tubing you use i use about 1 and half foot some times 2 foot from the lead about a foot first bit then my next bit just on the end of the tubing then some up the line 2 bits a foot apart just to pin that bit of line down


Just ditch the tubing if your that botherde put a few bits of putty on the main line . Maybe its just me but if your concerned about presentation and spooking a fish with the rig tube then just do away with it

I've heard of people putting putty on the tubing, i've never tried it though.


You can fish slack lines to keep everything pinned down to the lakebed as an alternative.


slack lines give slower indication tho dont they on the alarms?


Not really, if its set up correctly.

Just ditch the tubing if your that botherde put a few bits of putty on the main line . Maybe its just me but if your concerned about presentation and spooking a fish with the rig tube then just do away with it


the lad is curious he may need tubing on and leadcore may not be aloud on his water

were do you go in donny im from barnsley


Dont anymore mate i go lakeside fisheries in retford. Wud like to fish tyrum hall but waiting list is long n i cant afford 400quid for memeber ship


it is a lot of money that i fish bolton brickyard pond and some nice carp in there well hope ive been some help for ya with rig tube :wink:

were do you go in donny im from barnsley


Dont anymore mate i go lakeside fisheries in retford. Wud like to fish tyrum hall but waiting list is long n i cant afford 400quid for memeber ship


it is a lot of money that i fish bolton brickyard pond and some nice carp in there well hope ive been some help for ya with rig tube :wink:


Ye cheers mate ill give in a go, maybe not put any on the line tho n just use flying back leads instead as i am a fan of these. How big they grow in brickyard mate? ill have to check it out. Me n a mate were on about fishing cromwell but thats dear as well £25 for 24 hours so ur looking at 50quid for a decent session


i too use the flying back lead with this set up i like to no all my line is on the lake bed . the brick yard ponds fish go to 28 29 lb but this was last yr this yr hopfully a couple of 30s :wink: stock of 300+ carp


I've used putty on the tubing at the rod end for years, but I do make sure that if I do the Running Ring can get over it with no problems.




slack lines give slower indication tho dont they on the alarms?

Not with a running lead, it is actually more instant.


If you go to the Lead Set-up or Semi-fixed vs Running threads in Rig Tying Stickies, there is a fair bit of information on them about how a running lead will give more instant indication :wink:


I accept the fact that there is also slightly more resistance with tubing and a running lead than there is with no tubing and running leads :wink:


just a thought guys that if we do away with all forms of tubing, leadcore, leaders etc and replace them with putty direct to the mainline wont this lie flush to to the bottom and give the potential to chafe and damage the line???? espacially when the fish picks up the bait and runs with it??? I know that this won't be the case everytime but we can't be compleatly sure what we are fishing over 100% of the time or when fishing over gravel. I use leadcore leaders for 90% of the time and buy the ESP ready made up ones that i know are compleatly safe for the fish if the worst happens. I have all the different colours to suit every type of lake bed and it just gives me that little extra confidence that everything is pinned down and strong against any sharp objects on the lakebed :)


I agree that the piece of tubing, where the tail rubber goes is too long (assuming that this is why you think that they are dangerous because the tail rubber will take some serious pressure to come off) but i always spit on the section where the tail rubber goes and never push it all the way down, this coupled with a quick test before castin out ensures the rig is compleatly safe :D:D

I agree that the piece of tubing, where the tail rubber goes is too long (assuming that this is why you think that they are dangerous because the tail rubber will take some serious pressure to come off) but i always spit on the section where the tail rubber goes and never push it all the way down, this coupled with a quick test before castin out ensures the rig is compleatly safe :D:D



Not just that, any leadcore leader where the lead is fished Pendant style or inline is a complete danger to the fish and is an accident waiting to happen I.e a tethered fish.

The leadcore will always be trailing in the event of a snap-off, leading to the potential for the fish to get tethered.

For ESP or any manufacturer to release such a product is beyond belief, shows how little that fish care is thought about, and is completely irresponsible



I believe it was a Pendant leadcore set-up that you or Mach3 pulled in at Merrington, complete with fish attached and trailing a rig?


Leaders or not:


I use leadcore leaders for 90% of the time and buy the ESP ready made up ones that i know are compleatly safe for the fish if the worst happens.


If the leadcore kinks just behind the tail rubber, the lead will not release.

I agree that the piece of tubing, where the tail rubber goes is too long (assuming that this is why you think that they are dangerous because the tail rubber will take some serious pressure to come off) but i always spit on the section where the tail rubber goes and never push it all the way down, this coupled with a quick test before castin out ensures the rig is compleatly safe :D:D



Not just that, any leadcore leader where the lead is fished Pendant style or inline is a complete danger to the fish and is an accident waiting to happen I.e a tethered fish.

The leadcore will always be trailing in the event of a snap-off, leading to the potential for the fish to get tethered.

For ESP or any manufacturer to release such a product is beyond belief, shows how little that fish care is thought about, and is completely irresponsible



I believe it was a Pendant leadcore set-up that you or Mach3 pulled in at Merrington, complete with fish attached and trailing a rig?


Leaders or not:



So do u think leadcore should be out of the question completely? if not do you have a prefered set up. The putty at the top of the tubing sounds like a good idea think ill give that a go


food for thought gents and something that i seem to have over looked. So to pin the line down within the vicinity of the rig blobs of putty spaced a metre behind the lead?????? Can't belive that if a product is that dangerous it has been allowed to remain on the market for such a long period of time??? I always thought large companys such as mentioned would be at the forefront of carp fishing and carp fishing safety :(:?

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