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360 spinning rig


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Hi All,


I have been thinking about trying out a 360 spinning rig see below





My question is, if anyone has used this, what is the best method of attaching your bait. To me, a hair rig does not look a good idea as you would have to add it somehow, probably the usual way which surely would have an effect on the "Spinning". So attach it directly to the hook?


My other thought was to use a rig ring in between the two stops on the hook and attach a pop up using floss.


Or not a good rig to use when carp fishing?


I apologise for this maybe just thinking out loud but I am still quite new to this. Any advice or tips would be appreciated.


Thanks very much



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this rig is damaging to carp, unless every fish you are fishing for is over atleast 20 pounds. It destroys the mouths of smaller fish.


its a very controversial rig, with many named anglers advising people to stay away and to use different rigs.


there are better rigs for certain situations so i would never use it, ive seen the damage it can do! :evil:

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I see, well thanks for the advice, maybe ill try something else then.


To me, at least in theory, its sounds a good rig, but obviously I would take on board advice from more experienced anglers than myself, so thnk you.


Ill keep on thinking!!





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its cool mate.


Dave Lane invented it, but he rarly fises for small fish!

the hooking capbilities of the rig in the right situations are awesome no doubt about that, but carp care comes first. :)


for rigs like it that incorporate a rig ring instead of a hair, you could heat up the popup with a lighter (be careful not to burn the popup) and tie it on with a light braid or hair braid etc. The heating will make the skin soft for a short while allowing the material to grip into the skin.


tiger :D

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Thanks for that Tiger.


The heating up the pop up tip is great and will definately be used in the future and any rig I use a pop up on so thank you.


Thinking more about the 360 I guess the reason for the mouth damage would be the weak mouths of smaller fish getting ripped up by the hook spinning and is something I will definately NOT be trying now :!:

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this rig is damaging to carp, unless every fish you are fishing for is over atleast 20 pounds. It destroys the mouths of smaller fish.


its a very controversial rig, with many named anglers advising people to stay away and to use different rigs.


there are better rigs for certain situations so i would never use it, ive seen the damage it can do! :evil:

I sorry I have to disagree with you.

Ive used this rig on one rod all season,and looking at my records Ive had 39 fish on the rig from approx 1LB to35lb,without mouth dammage to any of them.

A frend stoped useing the rig because of mouth dammage.

The problem is the angler not the rig,as ussual.

I play fish to the net regardless of size,my frend bullies them to the net.

The rig normaly hooks well back and the mechanics of the rig force the point and barb deep into the flesh,if you play the fish theres no problem,if you bully the fish to much,regardless of size the hook will rip out on thin liped fish and empale elsewhere in the mouth.

I have seen the same dammage with every rig when the fish has been hooked deep and bullied.

At the end of the day its up to the angler to use the rig safely,I would not use it in a hit and hold situation.

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fair arguement about bullying, i personally dont bully my fish to the net.


But when you have such world class angling talent such as Dave Lane explaining the dangers of this rig when used on smaller fish, then im not going to touch it. Its not that i believe everything i read but carp safety is at paramount to our sport.


If your friend had mouth damage issues then you should stop using the rig too i feel, becuase it only takes one time or one jolt of the rod tip to completely destroy a fishes mouth. :cry:

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Hi All,


I have been thinking about trying out a 360 spinning rig see below





My question is, if anyone has used this, what is the best method of attaching your bait. To me, a hair rig does not look a good idea as you would have to add it somehow, probably the usual way which surely would have an effect on the "Spinning". So attach it directly to the hook?


My other thought was to use a rig ring in between the two stops on the hook and attach a pop up using floss.


Or not a good rig to use when carp fishing?


I apologise for this maybe just thinking out loud but I am still quite new to this. Any advice or tips would be appreciated.


Thanks very much




Sorry mate but I cant see a real point to your thread as the picture provided clearly shows a rig ring placed between the two stop beads, most people choose to tie the bait directly to the ring using floss, but contrary to your fears a hair can be tied directly to the ring, which has no detrimental effect to the spinning of the rig.


These rigs do work, but as has been said you really need to be absolutely sure of the stock sizes of the lake your going to use it on - big fish rig only.


Incidentally - I dont think its the rig that causes damage, I reckon its the hook style i.e. curved shank like that of a LS nailer. My mate uses these hooks for 20+ fish, and swears by them, I've used them 3 times and lost 2 good fish to hook pulls which may or may not have been the cause? At present I'm not confident enough to try the pattern again. I would be willing though to try the rig again with a different hook e.g. Longshank x which has no curve in the shank

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No worries mate.


I've just edited my above post re hook styles which may be something to consider.


Note: fancy rigs work like the withy rig but I think its better overall to fish with simple rigs with the fish feeding hard on a bait that you've established over time. Effort = results, not fancy rigs.

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fair arguement about bullying, i personally dont bully my fish to the net.


But when you have such world class angling talent such as Dave Lane explaining the dangers of this rig when used on smaller fish, then im not going to touch it. Its not that i believe everything i read but carp safety is at paramount to our sport.


If your friend had mouth damage issues then you should stop using the rig too i feel, becuase it only takes one time or one jolt of the rod tip to completely destroy a fishes mouth. :cry:

Fish have come first all my life,so I am carefull what I do.

If i beleaved I could damage a fishes mouth with this rig anymore than any other than I would stop using it.

Dave Lane might condeme the rig but a lot of big name anglers condone it.

Buy the way I have seen a lot more damage caused by shortshank wide gapes,where they have been cut out by the angler who couldnt see then buried in the flesh.

And even more dammage done by barbless hooks of all styles,.

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If you really feel the need to fish this style of rig why not try the stiff hinge rig. It's a lot safer as the actual stiff section that replicates the long curved shank of the hook associated with the 360 actually straightens when a fish is hooked therefore leaving you directly in contact with a normal stiff rig style hook, which is a lot safer IMO.


Although i wouldn't use it in weedy conditions or if the bottom isn't smooth as it'll probably sit up dodgy off the bottom.

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the rig does look rather dangerous is this because it can spin and twist surly ripping the carps mouth :(


I suppose all rigs can spin and twist mate I really dont think that is the problem? When you look at the rig the angle that the hook point would be pulled from will be slightly different due to the angle of hook through the swivel if you know what I mean, I dont know but maybe the point doesn't bury as deep and is therefore more able to slip, particularly when coupled with an bent shank hook????


Who knows I've only used it once and caught a fish on it with no damage caused, but overall it seems that everyone agrees that its not for use where small fish are present.


Personnaly I've got doubts about bent shank hooks such as nailers due to limited experiences using them, but a mate swears by them?

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that sounds encouraging for a carps gob!


so now all you have to do is tie a length of braid to the swivel then your off?!?! atleast previously u had to go through the bother of constructing it yourself before destroying a carp's mouth!! :x:x:x:evil::evil:


im sure the newbies have great fun slinging them around runs waters packed full of pasties without lips....... makes me mad :evil:

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I don't know how many of you know of the Freshwater informer, it's a free mag based in the South east, it's a general angling publication but it does feature a fair amount of carp related articles.

I picked up the knew issue today and found a section by Ken south titled:


"safety rigs, When fishing for carp we all have the responsibility to ensure that the rigs we use are as safe as they can possibly be"


and can you guess which rig he is endorsing as the safest rig? The ever debatable 360 Shocked Shocked


After reading the thread about the rig published in TC i thought this deserved a place to have you views with the intention of fowarding it on.


I know this rig is not dangerous when used in the right surcumstances but it is one that should not be put up as an all round safety rig i'm sure you'll agree.

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Like its been said before on this forum, on others and in print, most rigs are designed for a particular water or set of fish in particular.


Its when a particular rig/set-up gets shown or put into print without a TRUE Explanation of why it is in use or what is what designed for, that that rig possibly becomes dangerous.

Most "awkward" to tie rigs are designed for BIG Fish, it is when "that" rig gets used on smaller fish, or as Levi has pointed out, Carp get bullied or played hard then the rig can cause damage.


In most cases a Basic Line Aligner or Knotless Knot set-up will hook the Carp effectively and safely. Even on that basic rig it is possible to change the parameters that the Carp encounter. The most obvious are the hair length and the hooklink length.


The next step on from the basic hair is either Rod Hutchinson's sliding Hair or Roger Smith's D-Rig. Both were designed for wary feeding fish that were mouthing the bait, and in the right situation will continue to catch. In fact if you look at the D-rig set-up it makes for a very good Pop-up rig, due, I think, to the way that the bait can be blown out along the D, leaving the hook to drop into the lip.

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yeh, good one, i think some of these mags need to aim more for their target audience instead of trying to boost the numbers of guys reading the mags and copying the rubbish out of them. :?


glad to see so many people actually care about carp care tho, in the times of comercials and bagging carp in keepnets, well bearing in mind im 17, i guess im part of this" modern age" but fish care should still by paramount - as you all know

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lol thanks mate! :D


well fishing is just my thing, any spare time im thinking about a rig or a way to take it to the next level, or trying to beat other anglers (quite competitive :? lol).


i have even more time to think about it now, live in dubai (as in near saudi arabia :P ) so am gunna be back with vengence in a few years when i come back for uni! :twisted:

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