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Looking to go to France next year for the first time. Don't really want to do "drive and survive"...I don't mind the odd overnighter or week-end under canvas, but don't fancy a week of it. Looking to go in early April if it's available want to avoid late April/May for obvious reasons. Reading the catch reports, June doesn't seem to fish too badly so wouldn't rule this out either. Would have liked September but work won't allow me leave then.

Not after massive fish, my experience (and budget) won't run to some of the more illustrious fisheries, just want a small(ish) water with a chance to catch an upper 20, maybe a 30. That would do for me at the moment.

Came across this place which looks ideal for my requirements, but just wondered if anybody on here had fished it before, or knew anybody who had?? Looking at catch reports, carp run to mid 40's. Village close by with a range of shops, pubs and restaurants but also a bbq area and all cooking facilities so a quick stock up from the local supermarket with bangers, burgers, chicken and bacon and you'd be good to go!


link deleted as per forum rules


£700.00 for a weeks exclusive use of the lake which includes rental of the 4 bed cabin, so if I can get 3 mates to come along with me that makes it £175.00 each for the week.

Not too far from Calais (3.5 hours apparently) so getting there won't be a major heartache.

So apart from the fact that it hasn't got any 70lb stonkers in it, it seems to tick all the boxes as far as I'm concerned.


My best mate is a keen fisherman, but he's not really a "carper"...more into his river fishing for Pike, Perch and Chub. The fact that there are other species in this particular water might tempt him, but at the moment I'm on my own.

Any comments or suggestions welcome.



Rules-Barbless hooks....Always wary of places that have a barbless only rule. To me it shows they aint really got a clue and you dont want to travel so far only to find the place is run by a twit!


Errrr..most of the places I fish have a barbless rule. My own club water has a barbless rule, and I wouldn't like to think it's being run by "twits".

I'm not being argumentative but are you looking at it from the fishes or the anglers view???

I'd be keen to know.


Errrr..most of the places I fish have a barbless rule. My own club water has a barbless rule, and I wouldn't like to think it's being run by "twits".

I'm not being argumentative but are you looking at it from the fishes or the anglers view???

I'd be keen to know.



Both point of view really. Barbless hooks were not invented for large fish. The match lads started using barbless in the name of speed.

I think, as do others, that they cause more damage to a large carp than a barbed do and being as I dont particularly like sticking a hook in any animal I like to keep the damage to a minimum.

Im also of the opinion that clubs/venues etc that strictly enforce a barbless rule are shortsighted and in the case of clubs usually run by matchmen, venues just by people in it for the money alone.

The 'no nuts' rule doesnt sit well with me either. A blanket ban aimed at the percentage of anglers who'd be stupid enough to use too many or use them dry, if people are stupid enough to make such basic mistakes then that percentage shouldnt be fishing for carp.

No shelf life baits either, dont get it, most shelf lifes are good baits just with a capfull of preservative.

All these nonsense rules would really put me off a place, and if someone asked me to reel in to see my rigs??!!

I go fishing to fish and relax, not be monitored like I was in school. Each to their own tho..


Both point of view really. Barbless hooks were not invented for large fish. The match lads started using barbless in the name of speed.

I think, as do others, that they cause more damage to a large carp than a barbed do and being as I dont particularly like sticking a hook in any animal I like to keep the damage to a minimum.


I appreciate what you are saying, but I'm firmly in the camp that barbed hooks do more damage. I've seen plenty of inexperienced anglers struggling to get a barbed hook out of a fish, and like this writer feel that more damage is done at unhooking time than during a fight...



He makes a valid point that if a fish snaps you up, it stands a helluva better chance of shedding a barbless hook than a barbed one.

I'd hate to think what damage a fishes mouth would have if it had had a hook stuck in it for a couple of years.


Having caught all sizes of carp upto 41 I have over the years come to a conclusion based on fact

95% of the fish I have ever caught above 5lb get more mouth damage with barbless hooks than they do with barbed hooks,FACT


We have owned and successfully run a french fishery for the past 10 years and we have a barbed only rule.

Our fish rarely sustain ANY mouth damage. Barbed hooks once in... stay put and do not move about tearing etc

A barbless hook in a good size fish on the end of a novices rod would give me palpitations!


Thanks for the replies lads, and points taken. But I won't decide not to go to a venue because of the barbless rule. There are loads of fisheries around that still demand it. I'm not saying they're right, not saying they're wrong.

Bit like saying you won't go and play golf at a top notch golf course because they ask you to wear a collar and tie for the evening meal. If I want to play their course, and that's their rules I'll wear a collar and tie or do the other thing.

I've been to a couple of places that state in the rules that they will ask to see end tackle if required....but neither of them did. I think that if you are acting like a prat then you deserve it if it happens, but I wasn't so it didnt!


from what you said do you really need to go to france? the boat house at weston park can be rented for a week and is ideal if you want bit of luxery while fishing. buitifull lake lots of 20ties fair few 30ties and a 40. there also other species that never get fished for. Why go catch french carp fishing if an english venue can offer you what your after?

from what you said do you really need to go to france? the boat house at weston park can be rented for a week and is ideal if you want bit of luxery while fishing. buitifull lake lots of 20ties fair few 30ties and a 40. there also other species that never get fished for. Why go catch french carp fishing if an english venue can offer you what your after?


Just that France will be more of a holiday. I can do things other than fish while I am out there. Nice restaurant, bit of sight seeing.

To be honest, I could (could) go to Weston Park next week if I wanted to!


Presumably youve checked their french registration details as there are no french contact details or address on their website?


That's something I need to confirm with them today.


By the way, Elsons Lake at Stanwick Lakes fisheries. Apparently it's steeped in history and one of the country's premier waters.

Barstons lakes, where the forums winter social has just been held. Both have barbless rules...Run by twits???


Run by twits???



Both run to make lots and lots of money! Twits? Dont know but Barston does have a no surface fishing rule, thats a joke and could quite easily have been made up by a twit!

The fact they both have barbless rules tells me a lot and i'd visit neither place, more room for guys like you who would!

Run by twits???



Both run to make lots and lots of money! Twits? Dont know but Barston does have a no surface fishing rule, thats a joke and could quite easily have been made up by a twit!

The fact they both have barbless rules tells me a lot and i'd visit neither place, more room for guys like you who would!


Look, I asked on this thread if anyone had any details about a particular fishery I was intending visiting. The argument about barbed or barbless hooks is for another place, another time.

You have added nothing constructive to this thread, and despite me answering as politely as I possibly can, your above post comes across as very condescending.

"Guys like you who would"......what the hell does that sweeping statement mean. Are you intimating that "guys like me" don't care about fish care??? If so, you couldn't be further from the truth.

Rules-Barbless hooks....Always wary of places that have a barbless only rule. To me it shows they aint really got a clue and you dont want to travel so far only to find the place is run by a twit!


Nothing constructive! The above was very helpful pointing out what kind of venue it may or may not be!

We all draw our own lines in the sand where rules are concerned. I've seen barbless hooks make a mess of a large carps mouth and consequently would never use them meaning I would never fish a venue with such a stupid rule.

Nothing constructive! The above was very helpful pointing out what kind of venue it may or may not be!


No it wasn't!! No mention of location, gallery pics, value for money, "looks nice" etc. bait recommendations, tactics or rigs. That I would call "constructive".

Your only comment was that it had a barbless hook rule and was most probably run by twits. I hardly call that constructive.

You then hijacked the thread to climb onto your barbed hook soapbox.


It's an unregistered fishery near Laval, which is a fair bit more than 3.5 hrs from Calais: about 5hrs.

It is extremely silty so long hooklinks are required and I think left by the owner for anglers to use. Twenties and thirties water, to upper 30's. Nice place, but not a legal fishery so you are taking a risk. :oops:

Thanks for the info!

I will buy some extra fluoro



Rob, be aware that unregistered fisheries in France are illegal. If the authorities decide to pay a visit, like the EA Bailiffs do in UK, you genuinely run the risk of a big fine AND confiscation of all your gear.


Think on, mate.




Rob, be aware that unregistered fisheries in France are illegal. If the authorities decide to pay a visit, like the EA Bailiffs do in UK, you genuinely run the risk of a big fine AND confiscation of all your gear.


Think on, mate.




Thanks for the warning Ian. I had heard about this before so am aware that there are certain rules and regulations mate.

I won't be taking any chances.

Thanks again


  • 2 months later...

Hi Rob

Did you get fixed up?

I just joined the forum and saw the post and saw your enquiry straight away.

I might just know the place for you, Les Kaolins in Brittany. I am going there myself in May, also having another week at Meadow Lake.

I am not sure that we can talk about it on the forum. I might get moderated on my first visit. Anyway you can PM me.

All the best


Hi Rob

Did you get fixed up?

I just joined the forum and saw the post and saw your enquiry straight away.

I might just know the place for you, Les Kaolins in Brittany. I am going there myself in May, also having another week at Meadow Lake.

I am not sure that we can talk about it on the forum. I might get moderated on my first visit. Anyway you can PM me.

All the best



Mike, trust me, I shall not be moderating you for discussing fishing. Links to other French fisheries aren't allowed but open discussion is what this forum is all about, so get on with it!


Oh, and welcome to the forum. :wink:



Mike, trust me, I shall not be moderating you for discussing fishing. Links to other French fisheries aren't allowed but open discussion is what this forum is all about, so get on with it!

Hi Ian

I guess you are our moderator, so thanks for the welcome.

What did you mean by "other", surely ALL links are either banned or permitted.

I have a special reason for asking.

I live in Costa Blanca and also have a "holiday" home on the banks of the Ebro. Last November I was travelling with a mate in France, we discovered Les Kaolins in Brittany and had a good 5 days session there even though the weather was really bad.

Les Koalins is owned by an English couple who, as it turned out, have a holiday home in the town where I live - an amazing coincidence! But the remainder of the story is even more amazing.

Neither of them are anglers and they don't even have the foggiest idea but they did stock one of the lakes around 3 years ago and have been feeding them ever since. They built shower blocks and converted the Chateau into an anglers kitchen and dining room. Terry is a ex-chef and provided us with some amazing meals delivered to our swims.

In all that time the lakes have only been fished 6 times.

I want to help them all I can. Perhaps I should get them to join this forum and warn them about linking?

All the best and thanks for your help.



Better still Mike get them to become a forum sponsor. The advertising rates are reasonable and they wont be running the risk of self promotion or pming for business which is also a no no.


Quite happy for you to help them and details of your visits to the venue and catch reports can be posted on the catch report forum.

Mike, trust me, I shall not be moderating you for discussing fishing. Links to other French fisheries aren't allowed but open discussion is what this forum is all about, so get on with it!

Hi Ian

I guess you are our moderator, so thanks for the welcome.

What did you mean by "other", surely ALL links are either banned or permitted.

I have a special reason for asking.

I live in Costa Blanca and also have a "holiday" home on the banks of the Ebro. Last November I was travelling with a mate in France, we discovered Les Kaolins in Brittany and had a good 5 days session there even though the weather was really bad.

Les Koalins is owned by an English couple who, as it turned out, have a holiday home in the town where I live - an amazing coincidence! But the remainder of the story is even more amazing.

Neither of them are anglers and they don't even have the foggiest idea but they did stock one of the lakes around 3 years ago and have been feeding them ever since. They built shower blocks and converted the Chateau into an anglers kitchen and dining room. Terry is a ex-chef and provided us with some amazing meals delivered to our swims.

In all that time the lakes have only been fished 6 times.

I want to help them all I can. Perhaps I should get them to join this forum and warn them about linking?

All the best and thanks for your help.



Mike, you're welcome. Why not do as you suggest? Mention this forum to the people you refer to and I feel sure that they'd benefit from constructive discussion.



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