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Everything posted by The_Viking_Angler

  1. I've used Dynamite's ready made stuff for ages and can't fault them
  2. Both fixed and adjustable have their different pros and cons mate, just about using the best one for your situation. Again, fox have two recent videos which covers both set ups and the different advantages they offer. 3.5oz will be fine mate, I usually use 3oz.
  3. Hi Mate, In terms of which colour foam to use, it's all down to preference but my rule of thumb is if your fishing in the upper half of the water, then i use black foam and if your fishing in the lower half, then use a brighter colour. My thinking behind this is that when the carp are looking up, black will stand out against the bright sky, when they look down, a bright colour like yellow will stand out against the dark bed of the lake. This isn't a stead fast rule however, as any colour will work in any situation but its just a rough guide to work from. The easiest way to net the fish with a long hooklink is to drop the lead, which will allow you to wind in further, or use a zig float. If i am fishing with a zig float, then i use the lead set up the float packaging suggests but if i am using "fixed zigs" then i always use a lead clip with heavy leads. That way i can make sure if i am fishing super long hook links, then i can put the pin in the lead clip and fish drop off style or take the pin out if i dont need to drop the lead. I would also always use a ball swivel as it gives max movement and prevent line twists. Fox do a great little kit's which comes with everything you need to fish zigs, i will post a link below. Fixed Zigs https://www.anglingdirect.co.uk/fox-edges-zig-lead-clip-kit Adjustable Zigs https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fox-Edges-Zig-Float-cac753/dp/B07T5RJB7D Also they have a couple great short videos on their youtube page which demonstrates both types of zig fishing, which i found really useful, if you just search for fox zig fishing, you should find them Sorry for some of the grammar, i wrote this in a rush just before a online work meeting :')
  4. Smashing it mate
  5. Definitely going to remember that, i suffer quite bad with bites, never used to but recent years have seen me get quite a few bad ones which usually results in antibiotics. Ah that makes sense
  6. I didn't know Avon Skin so soft also worked as a bug repellent, i might give that ago so it might not make me feel too uncomfortable and oily.
  7. Hi guys, I'm stocking up on bug repellent for the summer and just wondering if anyone has used the mosquito spiral candles(link below) and are they any good? I try and avoid using the skin cream/spray stuff because it always makes me feel to oily. https://www.gooutdoors.co.uk/15893027/lifesystems-mosquito-coils-15893027
  8. the bulk of my fishing is day sessions but each year, im doing more and more longer sessions, which i much prefer. At the moment, my preferred length is 24-36 hour sessions, usually arrive the morning off and fishing till the following evening. I have done a couple 48hrs but i just dont get enough time to do them but this year, its looking like that'll change so should get a couple more in. I've also got a social coming up this year, that a friend is ornasing between about 6 of us, i think it'll be 3 nights, 4 days. Will be my longest session but i cant wait!
  9. just for the day. i have no interest in doing nights in the winter if im honest, not whole nights anyway. I will go fish till 10/11 on the river this time of year but i much prefer going back to a warm bed lol
  10. So we have had a last trip of the year post and i thought we could have a first trip of the year one. My first trip is next saturday, over on a club water, about 5 mins from my partners house. About 9 acres in size and is usually pretty good for a run in the winter, as im told anyway. Can't wait, haven't been out carping since end of september. hoping to get a run but if im honest, just being out there will be nice.
  11. personally think it looks cheap and ugly
  12. Probably not going to get out carping for a while but doing plenty of spinning with a mate, we're not good at it but it's good fun anyway lol
  13. Solid bags, zigs, chods, i've even used a hinge stiff rig to good success in silk weed. plenty of options for ya mate.
  14. i have had a couple double takes in the past, mainly on easy runs waters but have had a couple on harder lakes. i remember once, having 27 runs in a 24 hour session, i had a triple take that time aha, had two carp rods out and had a single rod out for cats with 2 24mm pellets on the hair, landed two carp and a 15lb cat that time 😂
  15. From my experience, anywhere on a river or canal that has regulur boat moorings will usually hold fish. Many boat owners throw left over food directly into the water and the fish learn this. I would prebait the area over a couple weeks if feasible and then fish it. Don't over do it with the bait though as remember they'll likely have left over food from the boats too.
  16. i use all sorts like most who have posted but i do use the snowman set up a lot.
  17. unpopular opinion but it wouldnt cause me any moral dilemma. if someone told me they were prebaiting a spot and the swim was empty when i turned up, providing i couldn't find any other obvious signs of fish elsewhere, i'd be straight in that swim. If you don't want people using your hard work to their advantage, keep it quiet, don't shout about it.
  18. This has happened to me quite a few times, it really gets on my nerves.
  19. I really don't have time for people who get annoyed by people publishing a decent catch, yes it attracts plenty of national attention in the angling world but so what? Its all part and parcel of fishing. Yes there'll be a good chance of more people on that bit of river now but that's just one challenge that makes us decent anglers. If i catch a 50lb carp from the river lea tomorrow, i'll have a simple choice, keep it quiet and only tell a select few or i could let the magazines know and have my "15 minutes of fame" so to speak, i shouldn't be bashed for whatever choice i make because i can guarantee that it'll upset someone whichever choice i make.
  20. i must admit, the dipping of the nets, slings and mats can annoy me when the dips aren't at the lake itself. take a few weeks ago as an example, turned up at a lake, recently imposed a dip rule(which i was not aware off), where you buy ticket is where the dip is located...a 5min drive to the lake...which meant i had to fully unload the car to grab my net out of the holdall, then place a soaking net and sling back in the car for the drive to the lake. Its just more of an annoyance, i agree with the reasons behind it but least have it at the actual lake!
  21. i like nash 😂
  22. i'll use the same bait as i use in summer, which is a mixture of different bollies, of various flavours. Only thing i really change is i use maggots a lot more and i like to spod corn a lot more.
  23. Thanks for the tip mate.
  24. looks like i'll be using them to stock up for next season then!
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