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Turnip last won the day on January 31 2016

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About Turnip

  • Birthday 21/08/1961

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  1. I think it goes like this, but I will stand corrected - once I have gotten up off from the 'not worthy' bowing. Absolute Goofees, emm. Stonkers the lot of 'em. Congratulations.
  2. Turnip

    Female dogs.....

    When the love of my life was alive and just a puppy, my wife and I went to bed and my baby was tucked over with a blanket and left cuddling his 'baby' - a tennis ball that went everywhere with him. I made the silly mistake of leaving my work-boots in the vicinity of easy access to his gnashers. When I woke with the alarm at 0400 ready to go off to work - I went into the kitchen to check on my 'boy' and to let him out for a pee before going into the bathroom myself to have a S.S.S and S. Up the garden he went with his tennis ball - did what he had to do and came back in. Off he went - zoom - straight into the bedroom - nuzzling the wife to move over a bit and straight under the covers. Kettle on, ciggie lit and get ready for work. Now, I am sure that when I took my boots off after the previous days 6 till 2 shift the boots were highly polished, and I'm sure they had a top and did have a top and metal eyes which the lace is thread through?.....well, at approximately 0458 it was noted that the left boot had a lace and one side of the top of the boot, but the right boot only had a lace and was barely recognisable as a boot. Never did see the eyelets again, and I can promise you - I looked for weeks, and I mean 'looked'. Sadly, my baby is no longer with us after 15 years, but I can honestly say my heart was truly broken the day I had to take him to the vet. Love your dog, 'ammer, and your dog will love you more than her own life. Anyway - If it is any use to you - if your 'baby' starts to get bored, maybe leading to chewing furniture - get yourself 2 pairs of socks - preferably 1 pair of footy socks (but not a 'ammer pair - poor dog would be poorly with indigestion just looking at 'em, let alone putting them anywhere near the mouth) - now, with the normal socks, over a period of time (depending on how much you sweat), wipe under your armpits with 1 sock and wrap it inside the second 'normal' sock. Now, repeat using said sock until the socks take on the 'human scent'. When you are satisfied the smell is strong, place inside the footy sock. Now, do the same with the footy sock containing the pair of socks. After time and the smell etc etc,... place inside the last footy sock and tie off nice and tight up to the 3 internal socks. Do a good few knots up the sock and then offer to your dog. She'll instantly take to the scent and her boredom/thought of being alone (for want of trying to explain it differently) will be virtually zero, and your furniture will be saved. She may try to chew the sock, but just keep taking it away from her with a stern 'no', and then offer it her back. Rinse and repeat for as long as nessie-celery, but it wont be for too long. That gem was given to me by a work colleague who used to train dogs, that when trained; would 'talk' for hours if instructed to do so, and rip your arm off at the same time. I remembered it, and put it in to practise with my 'baby' quite a few years later, and he never ever chewed any furniture - boots yes, Chippendale, never. (OK, Ikea) That said - as Adam has mentioned - there is a massive difference between a dog trainer and a trained dog.
  3. K.T.F Wigan '77, '78 whilst home on leave - when music was music.
  4. https://upperpeellandcare.wordpress.com/category/carp-muster/ So very sad. 'When in Rome' - not an issue with, and the Countries issues have to be respected, yet I can't help thinking that for such a 'Westernized' Country such as Australia - there appears to be so many backward thinking people in charge. Victoria - first offence of returning a Carp to a water - $12k, second offence is $24k (if I recall correctly). The way that the Australian acts - and I mean absolutely no offence to anybody in person, but generalizing towards the powers-in-charge - the Aussie has managed to kill/make extinct so many species of wildlife (although many losses can be accounted/blamed on SS Makambo running aground) just for the sake of hunting. I was speaking with my friend last night (he lives in Casino) with regards to this topic/thread, and he was explaining that the eco system isn't so much damaged by the predatory factor of Carp as it is to the man/woman who enjoys driving their 4x4's through the rivers, spewing petrol/diesel out all over the place, or the companies who decide it better to pour their chemical waste into a river - allbeit 20/30k away from their site, and blame it on good old Carpio. With a tad of understanding, and with the 'correct' policing (contradictory, I accept, but for want of explanation) - Australia could be the world capital of Carp fishing. It could certainly take away the bounty to which South Africa is attempting to achieve, and would, in my opinion, be more of a destination than say, the Ebro, France, German, Italy and several other European Countries.
  5. Turnip

    Self Takes

    Self takes 1, 3, 4 for no other reason than you're looking away in the 2nd photo.
  6. It has been netted, and from what Iain was saying a fortnight ago - ',...it will be netted at the end of this/start of next season'. I can reliably inform you that not all the fish in the lake are giants . Digression - the lake is up for sale.
  7. Haven't had chance to get down town yet, Ian, but I will get it down their Monday. From what I am reading - it seems that this isn't a rare occurrence, although that isn't to say that it is frequent.
  8. The lock on the flash unit is set to 'off' Androoooo. I think it's best I take it to a camera shop.
  9. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Viltrox-Speedlite-especially-mirrorless-JY-610/dp/B00FF5APRS That's the flash thingymajig. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Canon-Digital-Camera-18-55mm-3-5-5-6/dp/B00IE3UR08? ,... and that's the camera. As you can see - top slides on to the bottom - no screws.
  10. There's nowt to unscrew. The flash unit slides on to the top of the camera. Try as I might - it wont slide off, and the 'Lock' switch which is on the Flash unit is set to 'Off'. Is there a button or a setting on the camera that I should set too so as the unit will slide off?
  11. I've tried the old fashioned way - seeing if sudden force of a wall helps, but to no avail. The unit is - Speedlite JY610 The camera is a Canon 1200d I have read online not to force it off and also that applying a little leverage where the two meet, but am not willing to force it. Any ideas on how to remove it would be appreciated.
  12. The length of time it took us from home departure to arrival last week - I'm sure with a little help we could have built a tunnel from Calais to Les Nouys.
  13. Does the lead wire not concern you with regards to lifting scales, Nick?
  14. That is where you have been going wrong all these years. It was Peter and Andrew that were the fishermen. Jesus was a fisher-of-men. Big difference.
  15. I didn't type that in plain English. Oooops.... What it should read is - tie the tape behind the neck end of the lead - not neck end of swivel. Basically - lead is touching the buffer bead - 2/3 inches past the swivel have a bead. Tie the tape up and past the bead starting from the neck end of lead. Feel free to doubt if it works.
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