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Ginger9991 last won the day on June 5 2020

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  1. Hi gents, Long time no speak! so i need to make some pop ups, im still with Urban Baits so i have brought some base mix, Will add a little bit of neat nutcracker flavouring, I have brought some cork balls..... But my questions is around eggs, I have seen people mention egg albumin, Should be i be using this as well as eggs? Whats it for.....and just wondering what the boil time is roughly? Thanks guys
  2. So, Its time to come out of the closet....i have never really floater fished for Carp in the 30 years i have fished. BUT...im now fishing a lake where its going to be a strong method through the summer and i can also fish a little during the day/early evening SO: Any advice or tips?....what dog biscuits should i be using now a days? Should i be using something else.... Should i be rubbing my vaceline down my line instead of my.....lips! I will be buying a 4th rod for this, Any recommendations on a good floater set up? 12ft/10ft..... THANKS ALL!
  3. Looking to maybe join the syndicate, details of the lake are pretty vague, I knwo they lost a few lumps over the last few years. Anyone fishing it or know whats going on there at the moment?
  4. Have you been glugging these? If so some thick glugs can dry them out giving you this issue.
  5. i thought about it but my existing Adobe for me and him is about 8 years old so it could do with replacing anyway.
  6. Hi, So probably should have mentioned his 4...so same bivvy really. Need to be able to get 2 beds in and a little bit of space between (little way) so he can play if its raining! We have a 2 man Abode, Great bivvy but the beds have to be side by side which takes up the whole bivvy...He has an adult bed.....daddies cast off!
  7. Hi guys, I need a 2 man for me and my boy, Looking at the Avid Accent, Wondering if there is anything else out there people will recommend?
  8. @salokcinnodrog Hey buddy long time no speak, Hope your well? i know you know this area pretty well.
  9. Hey all, So someone mentioned to me recently her partner was fishing Elmstead Res...i have never heard of it, was wondering if anyone had any info? A quick look on google maps shows some big slabs of water so any info of lakes in the area would be useful. Im currently fishing the Match Pit near there so looking to join some waiting lists for when i eventually move on.
  10. Yeah thought the bag was great, Used it right through winter. Only changed when i got a Nash Indulgence bed.
  11. brought the bushwhacker, the standard length just isnt enough so i ended up buying the 20 extra sections....its expensive i dont want to add up the cost, but if it catches a few fish its worth it!
  12. A fish or 2 would be nice!
  13. Hi guys, Any suggestions? I know Nash do one thats hardly in stock. I have the bushwhacker and 20 poles, Need to store them in a bag as the extras came in single packaging. Any suggestions?
  14. Some well thought out ideas here. might have to buy some of the stuff myself.
  15. lol a few have been caught out already this year doing that.....1 bloke on the caps ticket who mentioned he had left a bucket in the car park...only for someone to find and open it....full of tigers...
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