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Everything posted by ianain

  1. Try contacting admin, I always crop and resize images before uploading (normally to a width of 600 pixels), but then I don't post many pictures of fish
  2. I've been after a job selling programmes at the word cup since I left school; any more jobs going?
  3. It's down to personal choice of course, but, I would not suggest using a pole for carp fishing simply because you have no control over it; I would suggest float fishing using a medium to heavy feeder rod as an alternative.
  4. It's a never ending debate, I'm not sure if we will ever really know outside of a gut feel; what seems to be the case and works one day might not work the next or seem to be something else. Fishing would soon get boring if we did know everything, most of my enjoyment is the chase (including dabbling in the bait quest) rather than the capture.
  5. I'm just wondering if it's a 'Live' picture on ifone or some such odd format? or maybe the server can't understand some of the exif tags? You can try an online resizing site and see what happens. Have you changed a setting on your camera, have you uploaded images to this site using the same phone?
  6. Could be the size or the type of file. What did you use to take the picture? (camera, phone, tablet etc..)
  7. My drain rods sink
  8. If each end of a hollow pole is plugged with cork or foam, it should be quite buoyant; the drain rods I have will let water in as that is the way they are made (brass fittings, pinned in place); but I haven't tried to float them on water. Yet!, I might get a chance if I play my cards right
  9. Or drill a hole and pin them together using the connectors?
  10. Do they do 'No More Crays'?
  11. Cheers Steve, think I've cracked it:
  12. Doh! Not Boddington, I'm on mud, but there are rocks less than 16.764mm beneath ground level; you can sometimes weave a peg through, storm poles make me speak funny words . Trouble is I rarely use a brolly, so haven't developed a knack for using one (showing how dumb I am ). When I have used one, it's normally on plain simple mud where you can get pegs and stuff in.
  13. Any advice for pegging down a brolly on rocky ground? Was fishing yesterday and needed to put up my brolly, to protect from sun (not much, but enough) to protect from rain (enough) to protect from wind (not my own ) The wind kept changing direction and meant re-positioning the thing, anyone know any good ways of getting the pegs deep enough in the first place (mallets not allowed)?
  14. Well done, you must be a happy bunny
  15. Effort = reward, so you are due some; you'll be moaning about aching arms next
  16. I know the feeling
  17. Welcome to the forum, I haven't used big game; but I do use Sensor Brown, it's very reliable, fairly consistent, knots well and behaves after fish and bushes give you the janx.
  18. For me the true test has always been once you've got a lump on the end of it that gives you merry hell, some lines just don't seem to play nicely after and pig tail / knot up. Hope it's not the case smuft, and I hope the line will receive a good verdict (that's another way of saying hope you catch plenty), I enjoy your reviews
  19. Welcome to the forum Will, I'm afraid I can't help much with a syndicate, but if it's a 6 year waiting list I would get my name down pronto and spend some time getting to know the venue. Good luck with your search
  20. Thought it was
  21. Are you talking about other anglers or fish
  22. Not sure if it's still the case, but, Drennan own(ed) Kamasan (ergo ESP hooks as well); whilst they're not manufactured here, they are British owned? Having said that, much of the spiel surrounding the quality of hooks has been (and probably still is) the inferred Japanese craftsmanship. Not sure if Partridge still make hooks here, I'm sure they were forced (due to price) to get them made overseas.
  23. Not knocking their stuff, but if you don't supply to shops, you can sell at half the price; their pellets aren't much cheaper though if at all. But without having a fiddle with the product, you are buying blind or following like sheep. I might have a look when I run out of things they do, but I can't find carriage charges and that annoys me when I have to sign up to find out something that should be upfront; I'm sure that we've got regulations which state clear pricing policies? (if not we should have, cos it rattles my sensibilities :humpf:)
  24. Welcome to the forum Chris, I'm afraid that you have awoken an old thread (2009 / 2011). With a bit of luck, someone may be on here with some more recent news on the venue
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