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Everything posted by nealjt

  1. Are you fishing where we saw signs in that swim? I guess 11 is taken? If not defo put one off the point of the reeds
  2. It's good you are getting line bites, may be worth bring baits in closer? Any one in 2 or 3 ? Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
  3. Ooooh, what swim Mr spr? Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
  4. Thank you chaps! Yes yonny is correct, I couldn't yesterday as by about 4 every swim was taken! Spr I will happily share any info I have, I'll pm you later RE the shallows. I also found a good video the bailiff made detailing some swim info. Crusian where are you headed? Good luck to you! Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
  5. Fair point Mr C! I will try and make my posts more thrilling!
  6. I wish you the best spr, fished the shallows, no leading or markering, but I found some good spots, I'll pm you rather than give it away on here !! Yeah really there is no chance I'll give it up, it is funny as the place is exactly what I don't like in fishery; busy, immature, no opportunity for stalking, but I blooming love the place it has got me and I've got to crack it! The fish i saw caught today was a lovely mirror, dark browns and yellows, so when I do get one it'll be worth it
  7. Well no black eye! No five course meal and of course no fat carp [emoji30] [emoji30] [emoji33] [emoji31][emoji37] [emoji33] [emoji12] [emoji31] [emoji30] I now officially have serious concerns with my ability to catch, a chap turned up in the swim to my right and proceeded to land a 22lber within 30mins of casting in and I then found out the chap I'm the swim to my left caught a new lake record of 41lb!! Arrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!! I see golf in my near future [emoji30] [emoji30] [emoji30] really not sure what I'm doing wrong. Might be the fish want more bait, I was only using small bags, where as those near me put a few boilies out (?) Oh yes I even set a float rod up and not even a twitch on one grain of corn!! On a brighter note it was a blooming lovely day and my new light weight chair is genuinely the most comfortable fishing chair I've used... I've now got to decide if I stick at b-water or go for a confidence boost session elsewhere... Anyway I am nursing my battered ego with a lovely healthy maccy d's! Until next time
  8. Yeah right! I'm banished to the spare bed so I don't wake her!! No chance of a bank side delivery [emoji12]
  9. Well am back tomorrow for another day sesh
  10. It's a tough one. I've got a scraggly terrier that I'd love to take fishing with me. I've only taken her with me a couple of times and it was hassle so I'm inclined to agree with CM's comments. I love the image of the lab fetching every cast!!! I'd say it very much depends on where you are fishing and how much control you have over your dog. I know I can't trust mine to stay in the swim and it will jump up at every walker by, oh and definately take my rods out a couple of times! If your lake is quiet and you know the other anglers are fine with all potential dog behaviour, then go for it, but I thnk if your worried it may be best to leave dog at home.
  11. Woo hoo! Welcome to the club spr
  12. Really I'm just trying to get an idea of the place, I did find out more of that particular area, noting a clear spot near the place that had weed and the muscle, this was a miss cast that brought on the weed. Yes followed Yonnys advice and had a lead about on another area, found what I think was much thicker weed near a clearer area so will keep a note of that.
  13. Ha ha! Thankfully it was after I had been asleep it got turned off, and no wasn't feeding on my boat as was only on single hookbait in that particular area. Was fascinating to check the weed I dragged back in from that area as I found what I assume was a baby swan muscle not even an inch long but very definitely alive and well. Also good to note the carp was only a few meters from where I saw one cruising when I first arrived. So think I'm beginning to work out a possible patrol route to and from a feeding spot
  14. Meh.... Still nothing! Good to meet Spr though, quite embarrassing when talking bite alarms I found I forgot to turn mine on! No wonder I never catch anything. Oh and I discovered I was fishing in the right spot... But only after moving swims as my nephew arrived!! Rods out and put in new swim, walked back to get the rest of my gear to see a carp stick it's head out exactly where I just had my bait, argh!!! Oh well I can't wait until summer !
  15. Meh, nothing
  16. Left hand rod top just dipped twice.... Small method feeder..... Getting excited#.com
  17. Nothing yet apart for a nibble from a coot ! Feels cold today ⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️
  18. Sir chod rig out first me thinks
  19. Seen two carp
  20. I've looked for that one, think it is pretty new, I could find it on tinterweb, is it series 9 episode 6? Oh spr of you arrive you may need to be prepared my nephew might be with me, he had a 37lber when he was there with me in summer !! Couldn't believe it!!
  21. Woo hoo! Will have to see how it goes, not sure if there will even be any spare swims I've packed an extra cup for spr no seat though as am going lightweight! Looks like it'll be coldish, cloud with some drizzle early on ENE wind, want sun really. I'm really trying to not pre plan anything very much want to go with whatever I get when I turn up
  22. Maybe this should be another thread, if I'm successful with the hookbaits I will start one, I've done a search but only a few mentions came up. Anyhoo, it ties in as using them partly because of the venue. It is heavily baited year round from what I've seen and I don't think there is an advantage of putting more bait over other that is probably there. The lake has definite feeding areas but I think this is created by popular swims and anglers always adding bait there. The chances of me getting in these swims due to when I fish is minimal, so I aim to target the quieter areas where the carp may just go for a rest and a cruise about. I'm not able to realistically prebait, so when it's warmer I aiming to use a scattering of soluble balls of bait, my bag mix mentioned above, squashed in a 20mm ballmaker, with either the special hookbaits or a meshed paste of the bag mix. In the hope I can find where they are cruising and have enough to stop them for a quick nibble I like the write up of the specialized hookbaits as it shows the makers thinking behind them which is that a carps smell is more like taste and that the baits "taste" go into the water well. Anyway all this is theory and no practice so will have to wait until I get lake side to see what happens !
  23. Absolutely Yonny, my best fish have all been on luncheon meat, bait does interest me, but I agree other aspects are far more important!! I've seen these baits on the web and always been curious, the only reason I got them was the wife wanted to attack my teeth with some extreme tooth pick thing she has, I only agreed on the condition she wouldn't moan if I brought these baits!! I've read a lot of tim Robinsons stuff and think he is spot on. bait can be made to be more attractive to than others, but he goes to great lengths to find the fish and present his bait well. I am under no illusion that it is me and how I fish that will get me bites or not
  24. Ha ha! I'll let you know how I get on although I could blank in a fish mongers! So I'm probably not the best tester!!
  25. I had one in a tub of water over night and it had softened but no more than I'm used to with a live system boilie. I got some crushed cork pop ups and bottom bait barrels so have meshed up 50/50 to make wafters. I got the s2's which are sweet and with a coating of betaine. Apparently meshing will slow the break down of this coating. As on days only im not worried about this too much. If fishing a water without crays id happily fish them overnight with mesh but much longer i would start worrying that id loose the bait especially if i was getting liners.
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