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Everything posted by garysj01

  1. Feather line down, touch the spool with your finger as the lead hits the water, this will throw the rigs forward, as the lead travels through the water slowly lift the rod in the air, keeping the mainline semi tight, pva sticks help but you still need to featherthe cast down as i have said, i use braided hook lengths and always use this method to stop tangles even with a pva stick on.
  2. garysj01


    Always use my own rigs that i have tied, im sure there are plenty of rigs that are safe and will do the jod nicely but i much prefer my own tailor made rigs.
  3. One question i always ask myself, how can you get a bait to act and go into a carps mouth in exactly the same way as a free offering? but i keep coming back to, you can't, simply because your hook bait has alien objects attached to it. I do wonder how sensative a carps mouth is to touch, i also had a mess around with rigs and worked on the idea of a bait moving up as naturally as possible, the problem is the bait is always attached to a hooklink, so even if the carp doesnt feel the hook, it will feel the hooklink. Its a tricky one but i do applaud your efforts fella. The one i came up with many years ago was a stiff boom of 6 inches onto which i tied a ring. The hook was tied in a normal fashion with braid of about 2 inches long, also with a ring at the end. The hook was passed through the ring on the stiff boom, this presents a nearly feel free rig, the only problem was, was how would i present such a rig so it would be effective enough to work properly. Its easier if i re tie the rig and show you with a picture to be honest, its a little hard to explain.
  4. I was watching where they were tasting pork pie's, and the pot noodle one, good fun
  5. Iv'e just been watching rod race, wet nets and total fishing, i'd forgotten how good the programmes were
  6. I use the fox bubble floats as you can fill them with water to give you casting weight, a floating braided mainline for quick lifting when striking, 4ft of 8lb floating line, and a multitude of different baits ie, pop up boilies, zig bugs, flies, imitation and normal dog biscuits, anything that floats.
  7. Oh dear Gary, now you've gone and spoiled a lovely thread. Someone had to say it and im not one for shying away from controversy Every programme has its place,
  8. I always found Carp Crew quite good with Jan porter and Kev Green. Im going to be brave and say the odd Thinking Tackle can be quite good if you ignore the plugs firing squad at the ready Rod Race, Wet Nets, Total Fishing, Go Fishing, even Compleat Angler
  9. I hope the administrators/moderators don't mind me doing this. But what is or was your favourite fishing programme on tv, maybe you have a particular favourite scene from a programme. Mine would have to be watching Chris Yates on Redmire pool setting up a manikin for a few days to get the carp used to the shape and then fishing. Favourite programmes would have to be A Passion For Angling and recently Catching The Impossible
  10. Thats the reason i keep away, i was warned a while back, if you go, go tooled, not my idea of fishing.
  11. You can take a lot of the moisture our by using, oats, tiger nut flour, crushed hempseed, groundbait, boilie crumb, bread and so much more, the list is endless when it comes to pva
  12. Yeah ive noticed
  13. Well i have to be honest i have been looking at linear fisheries, st johns, plenty of room for plenty of anglers and some big fish.
  14. Hi all Ive been looking at a number of fisheries, Merrington, Whelford, Linear, Horseshoe etc..... along with many more, This is where i need help! Where in your opinion (shropshire. Worcester, Gloustershire) would you like to fish most for a social. Thanks guys i could really do with some help here
  15. So many differents ways fella, maize stays on better for casting as well as plastic, but when using plastic use a short piece of spaghetti as a bait stop, so if you lose the rig it wont stay live for long, i have used a single piece of corn right up to 5 to 6 on the hair. Now my favourite way is to use a single plastic sinking corn, thread the hair from top to bottom so it looks like a natural free offering and scatter a few around it.
  16. garysj01


    could be i had the same when i tried them out, so i just went for a curved shanked hook
  17. garysj01


    do your normal hooks have a wider gape
  18. garysj01


    Without seeing how the rig is tied and exactly how your presenting the bait, its impossible to tell
  19. But you can use an inline lead that has the insert and sleeve attached, as for a running inline then definetly not,
  20. Yes thats why i have specified a larger bore run ring is used, if your ever unsure of a rigs safety then dont use it, inline leads will snag on these
  21. I have to say its an interesting concept
  22. The good thing is, you can add as many as you want to tubing, i use this tubing with a running lead with an over sized run ring. I cannot claim its 100% but nothing is and i have found that yes tubing can lift and curl sometimes, but all you need to do is tease it straight, i have found weighting it down does help with the curls and lifts. My rods are generally made up before i go and remain made up until i change a whole set up so i dont really get that problem, i have only had problems with brand new tubing which like i said before just needs teasing out, it helps if you do it over a boiling kettle as well, but some tubing can go quite soft so be careful.
  23. There are lots of ways fella's just thought it was worth highlighting,
  24. Yes i know, this is just an example if you do not have the all singing all dancing tubing,
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