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Everything posted by studley

  1. so you would be ned flanders then!
  2. DOH!
  3. use the search mate for knots, theres a good thread with diagrams, remember always to moisten your knots!
  4. congrats on the PBs blondee that mirrors a cracker
  5. billing aquadrome in northamptonshire, holds fish to 40+lb
  6. dont think the social boys would agree!
  7. guess they are the same but i see chods as being a short hooklength and heli s as having a longer hooklength, just people call them different things i guess mate. zigs are easy mate, theres a few threads on here about them or look on you tube mate
  8. you could use a chod but id use a heli set up with the hooklength as long as the weed with a wafter or pop up so bait sits nicely on top of the weed, or find clear spots, method feeder, solid pva bags, try get one off top, zigs?
  9. il be there in few weeks so let us know how you get on mate.
  10. a fixed rig is where the hooklength is fixed to the lead and dangerous to the fish because if you get snapped off the fish will be trailing the lead around. heli rigs are fine as long as the hooklenth is not fixed. hope this helps. just put some thought into your rigs for the fishes safety, i.e, if i get snapped up what is the fish gonna be trailing?
  11. fished it many times but ive always had the family so aint fished it with 100% last time i went a chap i made friends with had 3 20s and his pb of a lovely old 30 which i weighed for him. this was on the main willow lake, this is the only lake you can night fish on. lilly lake had a reported 36lb mirror come out few weeks ago. willow ha some big old fish in it, to my knowledge a 40+, very weedy bt there are som clearer patches, they do come in very close at night so margins are best mate.
  12. hi mate, theres no set length fo a hooklength. im always playing about with short and long hooklengths and short and long hair lengths? if your just starting out mate id probably use a 6inch hooklength then have a play around with lengths till you find one your happy with and its catching fish
  13. you could try a heli set up mate. if fishing zig into weed make sure the lead can drop off as it makes it alot easier and safer to fish. but type in zig on google or the search on here how to set them up mate.
  14. you can get them on ebay mate, aint heard of them coming into bivvy tho but wouldnt suprise me. ring them up and ask about security mate. its shocking that fishing has come to this
  15. you should be ok if fishing with someone just stay alert at night and invest in some motion sensors. mine cost £7 each and they come with remotes and a good range of detection. i put one hidden near my rods and one on front of my bivvy.
  16. studley

    Rig Setup

    none, very occasionally tubing
  17. welldone mate, some cracking fish there. how big was that last mirror! what tactics did you use to bag these beauts then?
  18. type in google, carp fishing in northamptonshire, theres loads of day ticket lakes available
  19. where bouts are you in northamptonshire mate?
  20. would any daiwa br spool fit? ebay there is 2 br2650 reels with spare spools. could try messaging the bloke to see if he would sell one spool?
  21. very true mate. I had similar experience, i have been fishing a lake near me for bout 15 years on off, had some nice high doubles and a low 20 from it bout 6 years ago and since then only getting fish from there averaging 10 12 lb ish. read a thread on here that fish had been taking from this lake and sold the elsons, confronted the old man that owns the lake and he basically lied through his teeth saying a fish has never left the lake! wont be fishing there again.
  22. well thats just poor management mate. i see what you mean though, there are a few lakes i steer clear of due to, swims to tight together, letting just about any noddy fish it (im sure 75% of them aint got a license) I think all lake owners, bailiffs should ask to see a license. might cut down on the number of undesireables Im fed up of paying for my license and nrver being asked to see it, like i said i bet there are 100's of lakes being fished by people with no license, care or respect for the fish or the lakes they choose to chuck there pound land rigs into.
  23. i dont personally think you can say any lake is rubbish! (if it has fish in it! ) Its down to how you fish it, what bait, what rigs, weather conditions etc. i got told many lakes were not worth fishing, i still caught!
  24. studley


    i also use the korda hooks and they seem fine for me. also ive been trying the inline fox bubble float ( adjustable zigs ) but some times the float and my bait dont seem to rise up to the surface? i am using it with an inline lead. any body else useing these?
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