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Everything posted by rosstheangler

  1. AwesomeNess! I may give it a whirl just to see then.
  2. https://g.co/kgs/y2ytE1 I love this song.
  3. Me neither but the coating is designed to break whether it is stiff or soft so was just thinking if it will actually work.
  4. I have a small and large and they are rubbish! I've gone back to the spomb
  5. I know someone who got some for his lad but he doesn't rate them at all. Saying that the lad in question has had carp to over 30lb on them!!!
  6. Have you crimped in top of the coating or stripped a bit?
  7. I'll tie one up and show you tomorrow mate.
  8. I would say no. All you are doing is trying to stall the in line lead as the line is pulled through it on a take.
  9. You can use a float stop inside a bead and it does the same thing.
  10. The bead sits on the tungsten that is fused into the leader. Basically trying to get you to buy more Korda gear lol
  11. That line shape is supposed to aid distance casting. You must have all 5 washers under there for it to lie like that.
  12. You generally only get frap ups when using bigger reels and small rings so I wouldn't worry about. If you want to go bigger look at the Shimano baby big pits they might balance well on those longbows.
  13. I recently got a Daiwa SS2600 to go on my ESP floater rod and is balanced to perfection. Never been a fan of the older style Daiwa reels I had some 5000T's and thought they were awful but got the SS on some advice from the fat lad at Fosters!
  14. The best wafter I use are from Bang on baits and they are actually called off the hook wafters. My opinion is that criticaly balanced, pop ups and wafters are all different categories of hook baits. But if we were all the same it would be boring.
  15. As I understand it a wafter is supposed to sink with the weight of the hook so it is just a heavy pop up really. If yours are sinking with no added weight then I don't think they are a wafter, I think they are a balanced bait which will act differently once it's attached to a hook link.
  16. Use a longer hair and the wafter is basically a pop up. The hook is enough to weight the wafter but it will rise on a hair.
  17. The reason I stopped using the pop ups was in my mind the pop up would only want to be 15 - 20mm popped up for it to be effective and I had a few fish landed on this method that were hooked outside the mouth and up the gills a bit. Almost as if the carp were feeding on the bag contents but the pop up was to high to go in its mouth.
  18. I've stopped using pop ups in solid bags. Instead I use a wafter on a short uncoated supple braid.
  19. The rig on your link is the simplest you will find and will catch carp from any venue. If it ain't broke and all that.
  20. I don't really have a favourite. I am lazy though so, no knot hair rig I suppose.
  21. I've made ice cream with it and it was nice. I think there might be different grades but don't quote me on that. Also I used to do work for a Bull stud and they used to freeze sperm with it for transportation.
  22. Could you add frozen enzyme to the mix and then boil as normal. As it would take longer to heat them up. I think liquid nitrogen freezes to some ludicrous temperature so maybe that could work?
  23. This has been a very interesting thread. Bait making isn't really my thing. I have found a bait I like and it works so I'll let Essential do the hard work on that front. I have a question regarding the enzymes. At what temperature do they start denature? I was thinking you could sous-vide the baits as this will harden the egg enough to toughen the baits up. A sous-vide bath will keep the water temperature at a constant so you can set it as low or high as you like.
  24. I like to keep the lead on and just use as small as I can get away with.
  25. Sorry to hear of your loss mate.
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