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Everything posted by framey

  1. Have a Look at the likes of millets, go outdoors, mountain equipment, military shops and decathlon. some of the decathlon clothing gear is well rated even compared to the top end gear.
  2. Welcome in Tom 1 no limit only limits are your baiting ability 2 depends on time of year 15 mins or so at a start but also depends on method of fishing 3 don’t see why not 4 this time of year ? fish the warmest side, they will most likely be there somewhere anyway.
  3. Is there anywhere on it you could use a clamp of some description ?
  4. Just buy some paste from your bait supplier that is still very much overlooked. even if you just wrap it around a boilie
  5. Be interesting to see what happens with solar now they have been bought out again by a different (2nd ) Chinese company whether the quality will still be there or not.
  6. What do you use now ? as long as they fit in the reel seat then they’ll work I would imagine the Korda team used the daiwa range through testing so would work.
  7. And the flying rats and snotties that take them 200 300 lol
  8. Think it depends on any active ingredient you are using if it’s active the last thing you want to do is kill it by boiling it
  9. Gotta add eggs to the cost as well then you will get a fair £per kilo rate and then the biggest saving of all is Labour followed by tax lol
  10. Dont think you wanna use 5l of any liquid lol
  11. in theory, a proper home rolled bait with good levels of the good stuff will still be more attractive than a commercial bait over time.
  12. Bit extreme could have just booked a weeks holiday lol good luck
  13. Geoff is still rolling at ABS so you could do a lot worse than go back others good ones who put bait over price are bait works Aqua bait company Trent DNA mirage I sure some others will be along to give you others
  14. 👍 well done
  15. Yup they have no choice as you could then just bring up the distance selling regulation of the same consumer rights act 2015 if you say those words it shows you know the law lol. but they must deliver within 30 days that’s the part they could kick back on the actual rule is listed below https://www.gov.uk/online-and-distance-selling-for-businesses/online-selling hope this is off use
  16. Realise that doesn’t help out in this situation but deffo try the Facebook post route as well as PayPal dispute.
  17. Use the power of the web put a post on their Facebook page and ask for them to contact you regarding a refund lol that seems to work a lot.. personally,I wouldn’t have used Gerry’s for coarse fishing tackle tbh and it wouldn’t matter how much cheaper they are than any others simply because they are known more for sea angling. never had a problem when buying sea tackle from them.
  18. Royal Mail are correct your contract is with bank tackle as you purchased goods from them Bank tackles’s contract is with Royal Mail as they employed them to deliver your goods. bank tackle need to chase Royal Mail for you whether the goods are worth a pound or a thousand pound that doesn’t matter. that is the law under the consumer rights act 2015. A big IF IF you had paid by a credit card and you had spent 100£ or more you could ge the money back under a section 75. IF you paid by debit card you could ask you bank for a charge back. IF you paid by PayPal you could open a claim and try your luck. 90 days I think the limit is…
  19. Still cannot fathom why we still hear of at least one a year in today’s age. sorry for the loss.
  20. The rods have a very nice progressive action with plenty of power in the butt section, producing a smooth and accurate casting action with 100 yards plus easily achievable, although I haven't really wound them up I have been hitting 70 yards with 20lb fluorocarbon mainline very effortlessly. The velocity's action is a joy to play fish on, from stopping a fish going for weed or snags to playing a fish under the tip, the action gives you control over a carp on a on long powerful run yet remains soft enough not to cause hook pulls under the tip. you have maxed out with these rods at that TC Floppy rods do not cast as far as a stiff poker. unfortunately, tackle manufacturers only give the tc rather than the action of a rod as they think that’s what we want to hear. a stiff (Fast taper) 2lb tc will almost always probably outcast a 3lb through (progressive ) actioned rod. unless Terry Edmonds is casting against you not sure how a progressive fast taper works lol but I’m not a carbon expert or a rod maker but that’s how I see it
  21. Go onto hobby craft website and type in pipe cleaner https://www.hobbycraft.co.uk/kids/kids-craft-supplies/pipe-cleaners/
  22. See if in stock any where else and ask for a refund.
  23. Dunno lol I don’t
  24. It’s brilliant stuff.
  25. I have a fish en time watch my parents bought me for my 21st 30+++ years ago don’t wear a proper watch only a fit bit
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