The rods have a very nice progressive action with plenty of power in the butt section, producing a smooth and accurate casting action with 100 yards plus easily achievable, although I haven't really wound them up I have been hitting 70 yards with 20lb fluorocarbon mainline very effortlessly.
The velocity's action is a joy to play fish on, from stopping a fish going for weed or snags to playing a fish under the tip, the action gives you control over a carp on a on long powerful run yet remains soft enough not to cause hook pulls under the tip.
you have maxed out with these rods at that TC
Floppy rods do not cast as far as a stiff poker.
unfortunately, tackle manufacturers only give the tc rather than the action of a rod as they think that’s what we want to hear.
a stiff (Fast taper) 2lb tc will almost always probably outcast a 3lb through (progressive ) actioned rod.
unless Terry Edmonds is casting against you
not sure how a progressive fast taper works lol
but I’m not a carbon expert or a rod maker but that’s how I see it