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Everything posted by crusian

  1. Hello everyone Has anyone ( probably Nick ) used Kryston Supersilk please ? . Before I buy online ( my local shop doesn't stock it ) is this the braid that is tricky to work with , i.e. the various strands get caught on rough parts of your fingers and it's prone to tangling and air knots ? . Thanks .
  2. Thanks fellas Your replies were helpful and interesting .
  3. Thanks for all the info. fellas , it's all very interesting , but a bit depressing as it sounds as like I spent season 2009/10 fishing for carp that weren't there ( despite what the bailiff said ) . Reading your replies Jazzo are you saying that ( freshwater ? ) otters would cross the River Deben from the Bawdsey side to the Felixstowe side ? . Isn't the Deben saltwater at that point , or does the saltwater only enter the river from the sea for a few hundred yards ?.
  4. Cheers Jazzo That's more or less what I feared . I fished there 3 seasons ago and it was good fishing , but the next season the majority of the larger carp just seemed to vanish . Oh well I guess I'll stay fishing where I am .
  5. Hi Has anyone been fishing at Loam pond this season , and if so how did you get on please ? .
  6. Hello Has anyone fished at Loam Pond this season , or know any factual information about the pond . Thanks .
  7. Hi Sam If you do join the syndicate for Loam Pond all the best for this season , and I hope you enjoy yourself . There is a lot of wildlife around if you are interested - owls , foxes , kingfishers etc . I probably will not rejoin after the disappointment of this season unless I physically see the disappearing mirrors - perhaps I will get down there when the carp are spawning . Oh , almost forgot to tell you , night fishing seems to be the most productive time . Failing that early morning , or late evening , days are a waste of time unless you want to try and stalk the Commons .
  8. Hello Sam Officially there are 80-100 carp in Loam Pond with the biggest being a 29lb 10 oz mirror , loads of silver fish , 2-3 big bream , no tench , and big perch 2-3 lbs+ It's very quiet ( unless the diesel pump is pumping out water for irrigation ! ) , it's common to be the only angler on there , but it's very weedy and the weed type seems to change from season to season . The cost is £100 per season April til March . This season has been a real struggle , apart from a group of about 15-20 Commons the other Carp seem to have disappeared , or have suddenly become very cute . Have you considered Melton ? . Breakaway Tackle told me today that an offer to buy the complex has been accepted and the deal could be completed in 2 weeks . Apparently there is a plan to make it into 1 big lake , and fence it all in .
  9. Hi Sam The chap who runs the syndicate is called Dale Wilby . You can contact him on 07806 729796 . I wouldn't call him too late at night as he gets up for work very early .
  10. Hi I heard that Albie had saddly died . However if you write to ; Barry Roper 43 Lonsdale Close Ipswich IP4 4HD ( 01473 ) 713288 He's the Membership Secretary , but there's a waiting list ! .
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