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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Its hard enough getting line through tubing let alone trying to get Leadcore through it, really not sure what the point is unless Leadcore is banned and he is trying to pull a stroke, I thought helisafes are designed to sit at the end of the leader? I think lead clips do lose the lead if the tail rubber isnt pushed on too tight, I always use saliva to lubricate it before I push the rail rubber on, it's true they don't always eject but normally they will if used correctly,
  2. I think the best rod I had the most fun with was my 9ft ledger rod (leeda) it was great for freelining dog biscuits and did most other stuff too but caught me loads of pb's up to 17lb, I had a nice quiver tip rod before that one but my mate was swinging it about and the tip went out into the middle of a lake at Emberton Park 😂
  3. I finally found a bait I liked, but sadly retro baits has closed,terrible shame because Nick was always good to me and he did make some cracking baits, but I am starting that cycle of looking for a new bait again 😭 There are blooming loads of baits nowadays and quite frankly it is frying my brain, a few contenders I am considering Innovate baits (localish for collection ) Baitworks (monster Red) Bait guru (jungle mix) Blakes baits (milky nut Pro) Poacher baits Purebaitconcepts amino ester Dennis mcfetrich baits (just up the road from me) Rollin baits (dark spell) Needless to say in am getting Confused, particularly interested in innovate tbh if anyone has any experience of them? Thanks in advance any advice or recommendations greatly accepted, I would like a bait that works instantly, and ideally suited for short sessions so soluble I guess is a good word, also a good deal is preferable 😂
  4. Helisafe? I bought a couple seem quite complicated and faffy, never got round to using them, people do seem to like them though I think
  5. Lead clip tail rubbers pushed on too far can be a big problem, those leads are never going to detach from the clip
  6. If they are both trailing that much line how is it the leaders fault? The first one does look like tubing to me also?
  7. I've been thinking about getting back into solid bag fishing again, I'm going double ring swivel on a lead free leader, drop off inline style, nice and simple rig with just a bit of shrink tube for a kicker, just think it's the go anywhere, quick bite set up for next season, I've been too preoccupied finding perfect spots this year, next year, simple again I need to think of a hookbait that I can leave in a bag for a bit, as I want to pre tie them but don't want to use plastic incase I crack off hmmm, something to ponder I guess
  8. No sadly not its trending at the minute, I might release a new mag vanglers mail,
  9. Only if you drive up to your swim and clank about in it and use it as a white massive super bivvy
  10. Just thought I would bring this up a bit as I've now been Eating healthy for a few weeks, my youngest is now a 6yo eco terrorist veggie and actually its been inspiring to eat lots less meat, so far this week we've only had one meat based dinner, a good old bolognese (she had veggie meatballs with various veggies in a tomato based sauce) I made a banging veggie soup the kids both ate, made a really nice quick veggie curry too, we've started ordering our fruit and veg off Facebook from a local firm who delivers it, sooooooo much nicer and fresher than supermarket veg, we are getting a tray for £30 and it's brilliant, Breakfasts have mainly been smoothies, I'm feeling quite positive after a couple of weeks lost a few lbs so far, just need to ditch the sugar in tea now, we have emptied the biscuit barrel and today I am going to make it a healthy snack barrel, just going to fill it with nuts and seeds and stuff that you can pick at when you want a nibble That's my update anyway keep fat fighting y'all
  11. Are earr wax removals big payers then?
  12. Yes as long as it was on another lake
  13. It's becoming a thing though isn't it? The Vanglers I just think it misses the whole point, I can see the benefit of quick packdown times and that but I think sitting in a van isn't proper fishing, it's like a mobile cabin and them things are going to ruin lots of lakes too if we're not careful, i had the big fully out of hot tub 3 at 6 wraps 😳
  14. One thing that really bugs me is people that just turn up and drive round the swims lol, I leave my car away from the lake grab and bucket and walk round, not many do that anymore, I'm seeing a lot more vanglers lately too (kitted out fishing vans lol) , I don't want to see vans in place of bivvies when I look across the lake, I always try to park up behind trees or bushes so it doesn't spoil the view or stand out to the carp too much but they love getting them vans right in the swim, it also gave me a better idea where I can prebait though any swim you can't easily drive in 😂
  15. I think I am anti social 😂 The phrase has annoyed me too in the past, I set up in a swim further up the bank because there was already 2 the other side one of them went past in his van and came back, then another one came past in his van pulled up behind mine, left the engine running whilst chatting to me, announcing he was just going to see his mate, drove back out then came back later stopped again announced he was going round there for a social with his mate, didn't invite me for a beer or nothing, fair enough, then they get set up and the other dude starts noisily packing up must have done about 100 spombs all over the place before he stuck it up a tree,still hangs there like an Xmas Dec he left at 11.30pm and then drove past me and returned at 7am and noisily got everything out the van, and started casting all over the place That session really annoyed me especially as if I knew the social man was going to go in the swim I had been baiting I would have just gone in it myself but to me that seemed bad etiquette, I want to do another France trip if anyone fancies it? I would have to clear it with the misses but now I really want to go back 😍
  16. You should have been worried ages ago this is just the final death rattle,they've already done much worse, they've done a destroy and exit now, even GB news has started praising starmer now, which Definately highlights how untrustworthy he is, The tories are finished they really don't have a leg to stand on now, you have kwasi on drugs at the queen's funeral making economic decisions and really bad ones, that will make us suffer for years to come, it's a class war now and if you can't see that then you will have a rude awakening sometime, I won't rise to the anti Corbyn comment, just let you know you are wrong but you will never seek to understand why, but you should the truth is out there, he will be reinstated soon, call it a hunch, As for Boris's charm, yes he was pretty good on have I got news for you, but the fact he pretty much got sacked from every job for lying, really never made him prime minister material, he was finished because of his corruption, they were quick to get rid of him because his ties with the kgb were about to come out, and we all know the tories really loved the oligarchy, if you still think tories have done a good job then it's looking really hopeless because I bet you can't name the things they've done well?
  17. Yes but not with a table sides for cooking on 😂
  18. No they didn't say a price for it, but like most carp tackle, probably billions too much
  19. Yes but it turns into a kitchen, now that is a good bucket 👍
  20. Probably best to avoid it then, a horlicks on its own isn't a bad alternative though,
  21. Must be nice having a government that wants to help its people a bit 😉
  22. Has anybody mentioned bailicks yet? The greatest winter warmer that only I seem to rave about 😂
  23. Lol the old B word nobody wants to mention, they have been stripping the country bare ever since, blaming covid, Russians, oligarchs, and Jeremy Corbyn, everyone but themselves Is it just the French goverment that have also knocked 30 cents off a litre of fuel? Or is that an EU thing too?
  24. For me it's the corruption in the tories that is so bare faced, that ignoring it is dangerous, look at liz truss she has been in the job a week already looking to borrow a further 150bn to subsidise the energy companies, who are already making vast profits for the shareholders each quarter, but not enough to reduce their profits with a windfall tax, now personally this is where Labour doesn't now go far enough now, and the only real solution should be renationalising our utilities, because bringing them back into public ownership would basically mean all profits would be reinvested rather than grifted into an offshore tax haven like they are now, there certainly wouldn't have been a cost of living crisis and the tax payers wouldn't be gifting some fat cats 150bn to essentially continue to overcharge us, But that's what you voted for, tories = corruption, sleaze, self interest and capitalism, its capitalism that causes wars, dumps sewage into your waterways, causes poverty, and keeps your wages low, it's capitalism that buys all the houses and rents them back to you at extortionate rates, and it's capitalism that is going to destroy the planet, Why do capitalists spend so long telling you socialism doesn't work? It's pretty simple the few want all the money and don't want you to stop giving them cheap labour, basically they enjoy having you as a slave and find many ways to make you poorer, basically they are parasites and they have an abundance of everything and you give your life to work and end up about as rich as when you started
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