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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. The greatest WWF wrestler of all time Rowdy choddy piper The red hot chilli hempers
  2. Thanks that's what I just wanted to know about the rig, just that it was tight when it needs to be really against the eye, no one really shows you what they end up like only when they are new and shiny I will try and watch the Jules vid when i get a chance should be useful
  3. Should be more proper music in carp vids I think, don't get me wrong I did enjoy the odd rave in my youth but I don't want to hear toned Down beats I want metal or punk in a carp vid, would be much better even some nice acoustic For a bit of fun Fishing related bands Slipknot, Zig-gy Stardust The Carp-enters Tench Cc Papa roach Rod pod Stewart Anyone else?
  4. Guys I've got a multi rig question, I've been watching the vids on how to make it and it doesn't seem to have a tight knot,at the hook end I get you have pulled the hook through the loop so its like the 2 loop marker set up but I have always pulled that tight and it has the other knot to tighten to , does the knot pull tight on a take with the multi rig ? I just don't quite understand the mechanics of it
  5. From all Ive read and heard about Jules he really does seem one of the good guys, always seems positive and really enjoys what he does, we could all learn a lot from him I think
  6. Premier Baits have been helping me via email today, Tony is very helpful and a great service they do all sorts of baits and you can mess around with the custom bait creator If you wanted something a bit different
  7. I've only ever hooked one cat, I knew it wasn't a carp as it just carried on going and going and going sticking to the bottom then it snapped my hook link behind an island need to beef up I would say, I've never felt anything that powerful before or since can't even remember what it's like hooking a carp these days 😂
  8. Love that feeling when you just feel sure something is going to happen. Keep us updated
  9. Good luck @muftyboy I also hope you are in the right place at the time, tight lines
  10. I am also that lucky at the moment to be so close it is convenient but sounds like you might need a fresh challenge or a break hope you find what you are looking for as for the carp scene if it's getting boring try something different I really enjoyed a couple of stalking sessions the other week was nice to just have a mobile approach I didnt even wet a line one day but it was nice to be in pursuit
  11. I can't really remember why I stopped last time but I guess it was something to do with girlfriend, work shift pattern changing and buying a house, I have come back refreshed and as excited as I've ever been after 10 years or so away, I've found a set of lakes I can work my way round and although none of them are easy I am enjoying the challenge, personally I never spent more than a couple of years on one lake, I can't see me doing more than 1 on the lake I am fishing tbh even though I hardly ever see anyone there are plenty more to try my hand on and they seem to get more challenging each time, Is there a certain target fish you want to catch? I just wonder if there is a reason you have been on there for 5 years, if so why not try to think of a different way to try and catch it to complete the challenge Anyway I think it's up to you what you do maybe a change is as good as a rest but a break has certainly made me appreciate my time on the Bank more
  12. I think its probably jealousy that I don't have the coordination 🙄 but it does look weird and should be banned 🚽
  13. Floss is toss ha ha Have you tried it my kids couldn't really do it still a bit small, (3+5) I believe it is impossible for grown ups to do ? And any that can look silly
  14. I think nowadays there is so much info available there isn't a lot that should really be an issue, I've not really fished anywhere this weedy before but it isn't putting me off too much intact I am enjoying the challenge
  15. Hope so too it's an area I've been baiting for a while now so they should be used to finding it there but last time I kept getting a lot of liners so I have decided on 2 new spots a bit closer in, the only other people fishing it are tench anglers at present but we shall see if it's unavailable there are other spots to try it's all about discovery for me at the moment so fishing a different swim isn't the end of the world I might learn something important from it
  16. I've thinned it out a bit and left some bait on it so hopefully the fish/birds will thin it out some more for me but happy enough I'll be able to present a bait on it
  17. Well after my exploratory pre baiting session tonight I think I might be in need of chods, pulled out about a tonne of Canadian pond weed but it still kept coming
  18. I would just like to add my thoughts on this book , I read it a while ago but it was a great read , if you haven't read it you won't regret it ? It's up there for me alongside some of the great carp books being based local to me I could almost picture the lakes he was writing about and some of it very close to the truth an epic read and Martin is an excellent guy , he has been most helpful since I joined st Ives and regularly see him creeping around the banks, his autobiography bivvy tramping is a great read too There is a Kindle edition now btw so go forth and buy it
  19. Now I understand it a little more i can see how it works, i don't really have any issues with it, I think if it works for you then you have created an edge that no one will probably be using, and a genuine edge is quite rare these days good stuff .my initial understanding was the lead disconnected from the washer on a take which could work if the washer didn't become a nuisance after it ejected, it could be like a running rig with an initial bolt effect
  20. What happens to the washer when you get a take ? Does it then run free up the line ? If so I would suggest it may increase your chances of a cut off if it became snagged or weeded as that could be stuck and your line rubbing back and forth on the metal
  21. If you can get my misses to agree to a 72 hour session you are a better man than me i have to do short sessions really as I have little ones I am lucky in that I can spend time walking the lake as it's close to me and I can get in a bit of pre baiting and area research but prepping for the trips in advance is as good as it gets for me , I think I've just got to keep baiting areas and hope it comes good in the end, and actually once I get my waders I will be able to set some super sneaky traps which they will hopefully not be able to resist and hopefully spots those chuffing birds won't find so quickly by being covert
  22. I shall just use the baitsoak for now then and maybe when the going gets tougher resort to the goo, it's not really angler pressure on the lake I am fishing it's more locating the blooming things that's the trouble I do think a liquid will make the baits hold up better as it's silty all round
  23. Yeah this is true or I could just use the matrix bait soak and/or the goo and save myself the hassle,would probably work better and save effort 😀 I think I've been here before, and should just let them do what they do best and use there stuff so I can concentrate on the fishing which really isn't that easy at the moment anyway Tight lines
  24. I think a matching one would be good though as you could give all your freebies and pre baited spots the same flavour signal and at a reasonable cost, I know you could do this also with the premier goo but it would be nice to tinker with something
  25. Im going to have a look into making my own goo, I think it can be done on the cheap and made to match flavours exactly will let you know how I get on
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