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Everything posted by carpingod150

  1. Because, it was a while ago, when I was just starting out, and the lead clip is recommended for beginners, so I followed the crowd. I use helicopter rigs now, with a weak link of 3lb mono tied to the lead On your set up, how would the lead discharge?
  2. I've used the ESP ones for ages, and if you want the lead to eject, they're great, but every time, when you'r playing a fish, even in open water, the lead will discharge. I wouldn't mind, but it as a runs water, so I was getting 9/10 fish a day, and it started to get expensive I wouldn't mind, but they were only 5-10lbs, so, I guess it depends how you use them. For times where you get fish rarely, and it's snaggy, so you need the lead to eject, I highly recommend them, but for runs waters, I'd go for the Korda ones probably
  3. But on your photobucket album, there's no picture of the rig
  4. Ah, jumped the gun a bit, thought he meant chod rigs And I spent ages on that aswell
  5. It works on virtually any lake bed, as long as the weed isn't too thick, the idea is that the pop up makes it float above the 'chod'(hence the name) or general detritus on the bottom. It's an awesome rig for light weed, but I wouldn't recommend it in the heavy stuff, the lead tends to get snagged. It was originally the 'silt rig' for fishing over silt, and first tied with braid, to sit on top of the silt. You can alter the length of it, for the depth or amound of chod you're wanting to fish over, the more chod there is, the longer the rig you want. Also, try to put a slight curve in the hooklink, to enhance the hooking effect. It, actually is a very effective single hookbait rig, even in situations it wasn't designed for, eg, clean bottoms and over gravel etc, as it doesn't tangle, and, it seems to be a rig that's hard for the fish to eject. If you want to increase he hooking potential, try adding a tiny 1in boom section, before the hooking section, so it looks like a very short hinged stiff rig, then use putty on the hooking section swivel to weight it down. The hookholds seem to be better, as the rig seems to fly up into the mouth more, because there is more flexibility
  6. Go on then, spill the beans...
  7. Now, as it's coming up to winter I've just started more fishing with single hookbaits, ie, hinged stiff rigs and chod rigs, but I was wondering, can you use Amnesia for Chod rigs etc? I've been using clear 20lb Amnesia, but all the mags seem to suggest using ESP Bristlefilament? I would have thought it was just advertising, but they use Amnesia for the boom section?
  8. I have seen fish trailing leadcore etc. but it's just the idiots who don't know how to use it. You shouldn't use it unless you are 100% sure of how to use it safely and properly. It can be made unsafe, in the same way rig tubing can, by the idiots that put a swivel behind the tubing, but IMO, companies should show better how to use the stuff! The new Solar stuff is good, comes with instructions etc, but I use the ESP leadcore, and it's brilliant stuff! I feel more fish will be damaged by mainline lifting scales from people that don't use tubing or leadcore, and in my experience, the people harping on about fishcare at the rig end are the ones that are worst when they get the fish on the bank! I once talked to a bloke for half an hour, about the importance of breakaway leads and rig components, only to see him, 5 minutes later, put a 12lb carp on a wooden platform to unhook it, and then throw it back, from the comfort of his chair! The mainline will break anyway, as it's weaker than the leadcore, but it will still have the same pressure exerted upon it if a fish does go for the snags! Another thing about lead clips, what happens if you crack off, and a fish takes the bait, hooking itself in the process, it'll end up trailing your hooklink, lead, leader/tubing, and X amount of line! This is why, 90% of the time, I use running leads, or helicopter rigs with a weak link of 3lb nylon tied to the lead. However, if I do use lead clips, I use the ESP ones, which I've had 4-5lb carp on, and when they shake their head, it discharges the lead! Which, I think is great, because, as I said before, if you crack off, it'll leave an effective rig on the lakebed, whereas with the ESP clips, the fish can just shake their head to lose the lead I'd rather lose a 50p lead than kill a fish, any day of the week.
  9. Tried the marker mate, seriously, it's a bowl! No bars, weed, silty patches etc The problem is fish location, there isn't (apart from the fountain) any obvious fish holding areas!
  10. Kryston mantis the best
  11. haha, just joking mate
  12. from the korda site
  13. the braid scissors are kept sharper so the ends of the braid will be cut cleanly, instead of fraying (I keep 2 pairs of scissors too, but that's just because I can never find them )
  14. http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/search.php?mode=results Using the search button helps sometimes, and then people won't get in a bad mood with you
  15. yeah I guess. But 4 fish off! I was using about 5" inch long mantis hooklinks with a line aligner
  16. well i brought it in from about 50 yards, so i think the hookhold was ok
  17. this happened to me the other day, using wide gapes aswell. I lost 4 fish near to the net! I hadn't just slackened the line or was putting too much pressure on it, just reasonable pressure and the hook just popped out!
  18. Taken over?!? How recently?
  19. this is the needle knot... http://www.dynamitebaits.com/index.php?id=717&usergroup=carp And the figure of 8 knot is just where you make a loop knot in your mainline, then a loop in the leadcore, and pass the leadcore through the line knot, and put t'other end of the leadcore through the spliced loop It's hard to explain lol
  20. Is it better to use a needle knot or a figure of 8 loop knot to attach mono to leadcore at the reel end??? Cheers
  21. I don't mind, as long as 666carpcatcher tells me where the lake is with the 40lb ghostie!!!
  22. TBH mate, beedles and willesley are getting too crowded, you're better off finding a decent club or syndicate, because apart from those two and perhaps nanpantan res there's nowt round here mate!!! (unless you fancy a 6 month blank with no night fishing, try charnwood res, fish to over 40lb!)
  23. Has anyone actually used this??? IN the catalougue kevin nash can't stop going on about how great it is, but i'm not too sure. Surely it can't give you that much of an advantage???
  24. lol i'll try that one when i get some new mantis lol
  25. yeah but TBH the inner braid of mantis green and gold sticks out like a sore thumb if you look at it on the bottom of most lakes and the korda stuff is supposed to be pretty camo'd up so i'm not sure
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