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Everything posted by carpingod150

  1. Just a quick tip, if you get a few different colours of anti-tangle tubing, and then cut them up into 1-2 inch pieces, then thread these one by one onto your mainline, alternating coulours, it really breaks up the outline of your end tackle on the deck, and makes the tubing a lot more supple, so it won't stick up over bars etc
  2. No wonder I didn't catch!
  3. Nope... Just rang the owner of the lake and the access road is under 4ft of water, it runs beside a river under a road bridge you see The first picture is actually from the lake I was going to for some stalking, I'm after the twenty common that was mouthing at my floater last summer Wait, would have worded that more carefully!
  4. What, no pic? Of the fish, or the rig? the fish Here you go... 10lb1oz 9lb6oz And the rig Sorry about the bad quality, they were on film and the scanner is still on the blink There's only two pictures because I stupidly didn't take the camera for the third fish, wish I had though as it was my first ever fish from a river, a 14lb common
  5. What, no pic? Of the fish, or the rig?
  6. I am slightly in love with my new(ish) bottom bait rig, haven't lost a fish since I started using it, and every one of the three fish has been hooked square in the bottom lip
  7. Silt rig, its called a SILT RIG I was expecting that from Nick!
  8. Apart from the 2 posts yesterday Just to clarify, make sure everyone knows!
  9. Nice one Jesue. Oh and... Don't crimp fluorocarbon, its likely to shatter. I don't think it says that anywhere on that site
  10. I wouldn't do that for Fluoro, due to the molecular structue of it, putting pressure such as crimping on it may cause it to shatter.
  11. You can coil the hooklength with PVA string, just be careful not to tangle it
  12. carpingod150

    Fox Cortex

    Yeah I know, I saw an advert describing Fox end tackle as 'reliable'!
  13. I think its an Allbright special knot
  14. carpingod150

    Fox Cortex

    I dunno, you've bought it! Surely you'ds check it out before buying it?
  15. A wide gape rater than Longshank for pop-ups seems better for me, I've found the fish tend to snatch at the bait, so a hook with a larger gape seems more likely to catch in the mouth.
  16. That reminds me... Someone posted a picture with lots of different hookpoints at an extreme close up pic, so you could see which was the sharpest, does anyone still have it? I've done a search but I couldn't find it anywhere? Cheers
  17. That hook doesn't look too sharp!
  18. Don't mention it
  19. You tie it onto the rig ring using either dental floss around the bait or a seperate hair made from braid or mono looped to the ring
  20. Yours was a bit more detailed. And better
  21. Tie your normal knotless knot but don't knot the loop at the end, instead put the tag end back through the eye of the hook and blob the end with a lighter. BTW, put a rig ring in the loop before you blob it Tie the baits onto this and you're ready to go!
  22. Courtz is the man to ask
  23. poetic lisence again? http://www.fisheries.co.uk/millfarm/index.htm
  24. What knots does everyone tend to use for attatching leaders? I usually use the leader knot, can't find the proper name, but you make a loop, put the other line through, whip up the line 5 times, then back down, back through the eye and tighten
  25. Nah, I think it's the automatic censorship thing, they'll know what we meant
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