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Everything posted by carpingod150

  1. Only thing is, if your lake has Crayfish in, stay away from putty, they love the stuff.
  2. I've said it before, but I have never had a fish on a Zig, and that isn't through lack of trying either. I have no confidence in them at all. Courtz is probably the lad to ask, he seems to had a bit of success on them in his videos.....
  3. Then I'd go for a size 12 in fact mate, the smallest you can get away with
  4. TBH though, in my opinion, like most things in carp fishing, there isn't really a fixed answer to this, it depends on snags in the lake, how rig-shy the fish are, buyancy of the bait etc etc. There are thousands of variables
  5. I'd go with a size 10 personally Although it's all down to personal preference
  6. i used to have it but can't find it now I have myself a lovely 100mm macro lens, i'll see what kind of results i can get. Won't go buying loads of packs of hooks unless i can get good shots of them first Nice one Sharpy
  7. I use the Korda teardrop shaped rig ring things, tie the hooklink to that, then connect this to the quick change clip
  8. Thank Jason Hayward, I'm just relaying the idea
  9. Wrong thread Jake
  10. Actually, I can see that working, because as the carp sucks in the bait, the hook will follow, just behind, at the right angle to hook the fish. I think this would work best with a critically balanced bait, 'coz I think a pop up would mean the hook would float in the top of the mouth, a bottom bait would drag along the bottom, which may catch hold, but the critically balanced means the bait would be above the hook, with the hook hanging down. Heres a tip, get a piece of straight pipe about the diameter of a carps mouth, then cut the end so its about a 45 degree angle, and stick some small strips of foam on the angled end of the tube, on the inside where the fishes lips would be. Lay your rig out in a fishtank, then put one hand over the straight end of the pipe, so it's airtight, then position the 'mouth' over your rig, and move your hand, as the water rushes in to replace the air the rig will be sucked in, and you can see how effective the rig is in a real(ish) situation. If you didn't understand that, you never will, it's hard to explain
  11. Mate, you ever heard of constructive critisism? Jeez, give the guy a break!
  12. Couldn't the loop slip off the point of the hook?
  13. I don't think thats true myself mate, I think the fish will eat what it wants to eat, maybe the boilie first, maybe the corn Although the original idea of the rig was to 'clutter' the fish's mouth so the rig is harder to eject. Thanks for the praise though
  14. Thinking about it, it might be better to have the boilie on the bottom, and the smaller bait on the loop of the 'D', as the bigger bait willl obviously have more 'pull', as the fish sucks on it, so the bait and rig would go into the fishes mouth boilie-first.
  15. Thats a fair point, I might move the silicon further back down the shank to try and avoid this
  16. OK, been playing around with rigs again, and thought about this, the hair is pulled through the silicon on the shank, giving it a D-rig style effect, so the fish can blow the bait back, plus the extra bait would give the fish something extra to deal with. I imagine it would also work with a boilie as the second bait. This may have already been published somewhere, and if so, tell me, but I assure you thats not where I got it from. It turns quickly when you drag it across your hand, so it all seems good to me. I was trying to decide though whether it would be more effective with a pop-up or bottom bait? Any opinions? The hooklink material is Sufix 15lb black silt, the hook is an ESP raptor D-7, and I used a Korda micro rig ring on the shank
  17. Of all the places in the country, why the monument
  18. One of the reasons I'm trying to get on a club water at the minute
  19. Too right, I was down at a lake near me, and there was half an inch of ice on top!
  20. Where's your avatar gone!?!?
  21. Just to let you know, the other place you can buy tickets isn't the newsagents, its Sharpley road post office in Loughborough
  22. Well. I was ther again today, got an absolute screamer within 15 minutes of getting the rods in, and I was playing the fish for about 5 minutes, got it ten yards from the bank, and I just saw the leader knot, and then I got that horrible feeling of everything going slack as the fish comes off. Felt like a good fish too, mid-double at least I thought it was going to be one of those days where you get a run at the start, then 'nowt for the rest of the day, but at 3.30 in the afternoon I got 3 bleeps on the Delks and the bobin dropped. I played this one extremely carefully, and when I eventually got it into the net I found a 3-4lb common, probably the smallest fish in there! I didn't bother weighing it or taking a picture, 'twas only a baby. Still, at least I didn't blank! And by the way, the competition is still open Courtz and everyone, so the first one to catch a fish gets the buttrests
  23. I wasn't too sure about which was the outlet and which was the inlet mate
  24. Thats what I was on yesterday, DT baits ones, about 40-60 yards out, to the right of the water tower, and I got one liner all day The red blobs are where I was fishing, and have I labelled the inlet and outlet right?
  25. This was my thread too, forgot about it, but does anyone know of any baits that'll work instantly at Nanny? I'm only going for the day on wednesday
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