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Everything posted by carpingod150

  1. Fair point TBH, but I've got new ones now
  2. It would be easier to defend myself with a different avatar
  3. Personal fetish?
  4. That's gonna open up the barbed v barbless can'o'worms now I'm all for barbed BTW, but most blinkered fishery managers cannot see whats best for the fish
  5. Yeah, people seem to have this preconcieved idea that its the spinning of the rig that does the damage, when in fact, if damage is caused at all, it is mostly to do with the hook pattern. A normal rig tied with this style of hook (lets say fox series 5) would still do damage if its played the same way as with the 360 rig I know a lot of people would disagree about the damage, I think it's Levisgp who has posted before about his views on this, it's actually in the other thread on the 360 rig
  6. Yep, although a lot of people will disagree, this is the general concensus on the rig
  7. Try the search mate, a thread has come up recently on that. But TBH if you're not sure how to use it, I wouldn't use it at all. Ask yourself, do you really need to use it in your fishing situation, it has been known to cause unnecessary damage to the Carp's mouth
  8. Mantis, the original and still the best
  9. But Goblin, I'm sure you're not an idiot, and would be able to use leadcore safely, so how come you don't use it? Or do you not see the benefits over tubing?
  10. Don't get Nick started on tubing V leadcore, seriously... And anyway, leadcore is heavier!
  11. how do u find this sort of thing out???? Saw an advert somewhere Yeah I saw that, this month's ACF
  12. What kind of stories?
  13. A) Is it safe? B) What size do they go up to in there?
  14. http://maps.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&cp=52.514331~-0.886052&style=h&lvl=17&tilt=-90&dir=0&alt=-1000&encType=1 That it? Looked like an old quarry, just a hole in the ground from above
  15. http://maps.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&cp=52.523781~-0.871611&style=h&lvl=15&tilt=-90&dir=0&alt=-1000&encType=1 Here's Welaham, can't find the lake though
  16. I think the problem is, you thought the braid/leader skin was a hooklink material? If so, it's not, have a look on the website I posted before
  17. No, just normal shrink tubing as the line aligner http://www.rigmarole.co.uk/products.htm The braid/leader skin goes parallel to the shank of the hook, between the ring on the shank, and the eye of the hook. It's tricky to explain, but if you look in CARPology this month, it's in there
  18. That's why you use the rigmarole leader skin, it's just like reallt thin shrink tubing
  19. TBH my favourite bottom bait rig is fairly simple. Long shank hook, fished blowback style, with a length of Rigmarole's Braid/Leader skin between the eye of the hook and the ring on the shank(to reset the hair if the rig is ejected), using Mantis(lovely stuff) and shrink tubing to turn the hook quicker. Nails 'em square in t'bottom lip! If you don't get the gist, it's in CARPology this month, but I was using it for a while before then, got a mate whos 'in the know '
  20. No I haven't fished it befor, where is it BTW?
  21. If you're talking about Jurassic... No, I haven't fished it, but I was interested for a while, and from the online forum and people I know that are members, it was getting very busy there And if you're talking about he place across the road, no.
  22. I think he probably doesn't want too much publicity on the lake, from what I've heard you've got enough members already!
  23. OK, each to their own I guess, I just prefer helicopters We'll agree to disagree. Anyway, back to lead clips...
  24. Ah OK, thought the bead was a weak link. I rarely use lead clips myself now, prefer helicopter rigs TBH When fishing in weedy waters though, using inlines, what if thelead gets snagged when playing a fish, and also, with running rigs, the fish could be free to move, but the lead would stay motionless if it was snagged?
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