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Everything posted by carpingod150

  1. Been using mantis gold for a while now, and am reasonably happy with it, but have heard good things about the korda fluurocarbon coated braid, and was wondering if I should switch. Don't want to buy the korda stuff and not like it, but I need some new coated braid, as the mantis is running out. They're abou the same price, so this doesn't make a difference. Thanks
  2. just get a lenght of light mono, double up the ends, push it through the eye, slide your braid into the loop and pull through
  3. there's 1 outlet but it's pretty murky doesn't look very carpy
  4. Has anyone fished at nanpantan reservoir near loughborough, in leicestershire, I've only been once, but I blanked, although I did see a bloke get a 22lb mirror from the other side of the lake. The problem is, apart from the water tower, there are no features to fish to that you can see?!? Here's a pic http://maps.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&cp=52.749031~-1.250131&style=h&lvl=18&tilt=-89.8679853649729&dir=359.816348976097&alt=466.412569191307&encType=1'> http://maps.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&cp=52.749031~-1.250131&style=h&lvl=18&tilt=-89.8679853649729&dir=359.816348976097&alt=466.412569191307&encType=1 (it does work, just takes a while to load??? )
  5. Thanks thay helps. does anyone have the number of the bailiff by any chance???
  6. Has anyone fished the lake at brooksby college in leicestershire? I'm looking to see if there are any bans etc, as I can't find the bailiff's number anywhere
  7. How many people on this forum are from leicestershire I've seen loads of posts about leicester carp lakes. Anyone got any good lakes with good-sized carp??
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