Have you got a Boyes store round your way,they do short 6" 8" Fladen spinning rods for £15 £20,they have large eyes and make good stalking rods.I have a 1oz casting weight 6 footer and I have had carp to 15lb on it.
They brought out GT80,I presume it was meant to be an up-grade.
I did'nt like it and nowhere sells it anymore so I suppose the majority
of other peeps thought it was cack...
I have lived in the Boston area for 15 years and I have not heard of a single sindicate.
There has to be some but they must be kept very quiet.
Bainton is pretty much sown up from what I can gather.
I lived in the area a long time ago and it was always shrouded in mystery even then.Used to be syndicate and a bit of a closed shop,not sure about now...