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Everything posted by kevtaylor

  1. Mat Hayes did 2 programs from there, they should be repeated on Sky TV. From memory M1 boilies are fed on mass by the owner, so I'd give them a go with plenty freebies. I also think they did OK on maggots, using a feeder rig. Pretty much each swim has underwater features, so get that marker rod out. Hope this is of some help?
  2. I dont think its the hook thats the problem mate, i've had this happen with several hook types. Its the line aligner which traps water, when left on the rod it doesn't have a chance to drain. Like you say - you need to remove the rig and put it in a rig box to dry.
  3. kevtaylor

    Zig Rigs

    Just search the forum - theres plenty of descriptions and pictures.
  4. I use them - and like the new versions as well, will be getting some. Never had problems with hooklinks snapping, even with florocarbon and simple overhand loop knots. Maybe your not lubricating the knot enough before tightening, and therefore weakening the hooklink? Only ever had a hooklink break once and that was because the carp bit through 25lb coated braid.
  5. Longshank Nailers, Korda Longshank, Korda Pattern B, Super Specialist Barbel, Richworth Incisor, ESP Raptors. I use all of the above for different rigs etc.
  6. I've been using the Suffix Heavy Skin (25lb) in brown, its great stuff - no complaints.
  7. I just use a pair of pliers to hold the hook, whilst I'm steaming the rig. The rigs come out just as good as it would using a cone, a waste of money IMO I cant explain how I do it in words, but with a couple of attempts you'll get it right.
  8. Sounds like your just making your hook stand out to me, plus as tony said the paint could put them off.
  9. This is the first rig I ever used, never thought I'd hear of it again after nearly 20 years has passed. But now its got a name (silly as it may be).
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