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Everything posted by salokcinnodrog

  1. This is catch at all cost! Would you really cast into that lot?
  2. Not a soul on the park lake today. I think an Environment Agency visit this week catching a few local anglers who thought it was worth the risk of not having a licence might have put them off.
  3. Nothing wrong with the 10ft carp rod, just didn't want you buying an expensive carp rod if you already had a ledger rod suitable for the purpose😉
  4. Welcome to Carp.com. I'd carry on with the float rod, but also fish with a heavier ledger set up on another rod where you see it. If it is jumping in the same area there is something it likes. Baitwise, to start keep it simple, sweetcorn maybe, luncheon meat, peperami, with a few freebies around it.
  5. Drennan Long Range Groundbait catty, with the elastic shortened slightly. It is almost the same as the boiliepult, but with a hard ball pouch. You are firing out balls around the size of a tangerine. Incidentally, the Drennan Boiliepult also gets maximum distance after the elastic is shortened
  6. The cheapest place to buy it is from Vitalin direct, but it is over £60 is carriage free. https://www.vitalinpetfood.co.uk/store/item/original Pets-at-home is a £ more, but is usually in stock in store.
  7. On Layer Pits near Colchester the favoured method to catch loads of fish was spodding massive amounts of hemp, (in cases I know some anglers had a water tank in the back of the vehicle full of hemp), then CAPS chose to ban loose feeding hemp and spodding. In order to beat it hemp was mixed with Vitalin and balled in via catapult, it still worked. The plain hemp ban was lifted and anglers went back to spodding hemp to catch. It is possible to get Vitalin groundbait balls up to 100metres or so with the right catapult, and Vitalin is a good binding groundbait for many many extras, from breadcrumb, pellets, boilies and particles. On Ardleigh I used to spod Vitalin, mixed with boilies and particles, and fish it Method style, moulded around my lead. It is not just a small fish method as I was catching fish to over 20lb. Strangely enough I stopped doing that when I moved on from Ardleigh, possibly or probably because of water rules, all free bait had to be put in with PVA.
  8. Nothing wrong with margin fishing😉 I think honestly I have caught far more carp under 20metres from the bank than at longer range, including fish to over 30lb from under my rod tips. Baiting up by hand or catapult is a whole lot easier than spodding. I usually use a mix of boilies and particles in my summer fishing however I put it out
  9. Not everyone has the new Delkims, only just released this year at the last show. My Delkims were purchased in around 2000, and are the ST version. Wind, sun and rain, ice and snow no failures. I was quite happy with a wire heading to my receiver until I fished a lake where you had to bivvy up off the platform and the lead wasn't long enough so I added the Att receiver and dongles. In terms of new alarms, should I ever need an upgrade or update because mine finally failed I would be thinking Delkim ST, TFG Magrunner or Atts. Reasons: Delkim have not let me down, product loyalty, good after sales service when I had to have repairs done when I left battery in and it corroded. The added sensitivity adjustment is a very useful function. You can increase buzzer sensitivity for wary fish where reduced hanger indication is minimal. Atts a good alarm, will last and take the abuse. The TFG Magrunners I have played with in the shop when I worked there, and obviously read Dave Lane's reviews on them. Ok, my reasons for avoiding Fox alarms; I do not like a new model that looks totally different being released every couple of years. Micron M, MS, MX, MR, Mini, NTX, just some of them since 2000. So many different models, too complicated, too many price points. You do also have Wolf coming into the alarm market. @andy52 has seen them in the flesh, and spoke to Wolf at the show, I believe he was very impressed. Bivvy light etc Oh, and before anyone says 'no such thing as military spec', many military items have worked their way into fishing. You would not have GPS if the military hadn't come up with it.
  10. Welcome to Carp.com. Personally, I think a 3lb test curve rod is too heavy for most carp fishing in the UK, and the maximum you need is a 2.75lb tc. A 6ft 3lb rod is going to feel like a broomstick, and is likely awful for most fishing, but heavy test curves are the fashion. In most cases test curves of 3lb plus are designed for casting long distance, not playing fish. A heavy test curve rod is NOT always the best for playing fish around snags, better to get a lighter more through action rod around 2lb. For ages my stalking rod was a 9ft Browning Spinning rod, perfect for floater fishing, fishing the lift method while carp stalking, but when it was stolen I went to a Daiwa 1.5lb test curve 11ft 6in Pro Specialist, then an Avon rod. In fact I would say a barbel rod is perfect for a lot of carp fishing. I use mine for floater fishing now, or lift float, and always on one water where the carp go from single figures through to 20lb. I have caught a number of carp on those lighter rods to over 20lb from near lilies and snags. Have a look at twin tip ledger rods, one tip section should be your quiver tips, the other is a barbel or Avon tip. For carp fishing the barbel or Avon tip is fine.
  11. Gates are locked at night. The carpark and cafe area area is covered by CCTV.
  12. Have you looked at Suffolk Water Park? On the edge of Ipswich, just off the A14 and A12. Bex Tackle shop and cafe onsite. It has been throwing up fish at the moment on the Traditional and Big Fish lake.
  13. I just decided to see if there were specifications on the Nash tackle website. Talk about difficult to navigate or find information through Nash site navigation, I had to go back to Google to get directions to the correct product page. When I got to the product page, there was nothing on maximum weight and I couldn't see pack down size. Whoever is designing some of these tackle manufacturers websites needs shooting. To get infomation on what you need it might be worth PM'ing @nigewoodcock he has the misfortune to work for Nash Tackle
  14. You mention the dreaded poisson chat, are there crays as well? Drilled Soaked wooden balls in glug. Hard hookers, I make up a 1egg mix of my normal base mix with around 10% of extra egg albumen, and 50ml of glycerol. The flavours are usually what is required to a standard 6 egg mix. Boil, and then air dry, give a roll in glycerine, then dry again until rock hard. You can each time you roll in glycerine add a few drops of flavour. It may still be worth meshing your hookbaits though. My 1 egg mix makes me enough (pop-ups) for a years fishing, so will give you plenty for a French trip.
  15. Using a marker float you will find braided mainline gives better feeling, so if you are using mono on your fishing rods, then you will likely need a separate rod for the marker. If you are using braid for fishing, then all is ok. The thing I will say, use a mono leader (length of line between mainline and hooklink trace) if you are fishing with braid, braid can seriously cut fish up should they get tangled up in it. Amnesia makes a good leader.
  16. @alake223_05 Welcome to Carp.com. I think from the packing, it is what we refer to as maize in the UK. To use it it needs soaking for 24 hours then boiling for around 20 minutes. A good bait as a mass feed and as a hookbait.
  17. I still prefer these, no latch on them. Reminds me, I must get a new one, I broke one last trip. I do prefer the black though.
  18. What works then will work now😉 Rigs are something else that have become fashionable. Ronnie's down to media and the Chod because it became almost a 'chuck it anywhere' set up, it can be fished over almost any lakebed. I still catch on the same rigs I was fishing in 2008.
  19. The number of fish I have seen lost by anglers who didn't test their hooklinks before casting them out. It took me ages to find a good fluorocarbon hooklink, I was never comfortable with the knot to swivel. Even D-rigs I made sure I tied carefully as I found the inside of the hook eye could cause a flaw in the hooklink. I went to the extreme of tying the hook on, then forming the D from the tag, and whipping it in place with thread, very fiddly! The Spiderwire I have never found a problem with though, although I do use the Rapala loop knot to join the mainline swivel on rather than a blood or Uni knot.
  20. Welcome to Carp.com. I think Highy himself was the last person to ask about North West waters near Wigan. The last thread I could find is 18months old
  21. I know Embryo have bought some lakes next to Northey Park Fishery near Peterborough.
  22. If you use braid shockleader do make sure you wear a glove or finger stall. Also remember that braid does NOT stretch much if at all, so crack-offs may be a problem.
  23. I can't remember if I have said it on this thread, but foxes will take otter kills after otters are finished with it. Foxes tend to drag and cache the kill. They tend not to eat in 'public'.
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