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Everything posted by salokcinnodrog

  1. Another water has added it to the banned list: Broome Pits on the Norfolk Suffolk border https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid032t6k3runzWZr4GXEox5sS9f2VuHTLiTszKYQ1UNbPPL9bHgDEsfQyNYjw5j1ghehl&id=100057395951471&sfnsn=scwspmo
  2. I know that Shimano made 2 different types of spools for their DL baitrunner range, a metal spool and a plastic one. The ST's (the budget version) only came with 1 spool, where the DL had 2. You could also purchase spare spools as an extra, so you ordered the metal or plastic. The spools fitted the ST and the DL, they were the same. It may be that Wychwood do the same. Personally if I had the choice of an aluminium or alloy one and it fits, I'd take them over plastic.
  3. That sounds like real fun. Like you I'd be absolutely chuffed to bits catching from there, although obviously that 20lb fish would really be the icing. Never believe you will fail. Every barrier can be jumped or climbed over. The harder it seems to do, the more you enjoy every reward.
  4. Something else that gives particles a bit of boost is the spice pack that comes in 'flavoured' noodles. As the noodles are plain and you add the pack as cooking, I don't add the spice pack as most of my cooking is already seasoned. Instead 1 spice sachet gets added to 1kilo of birdfood as I soak them.
  5. Aye, don't fill it up, leave around a ⅓ of the bottle empty to allow for expansion.
  6. I often 'save' that liquid for my Vitalin or Molassed Rabbit mix; putting the particles in first then baiting over the top with the groundbait.
  7. I've fished waters where bait boats were the number one method of getting end tackle in the water, including under trees. At Taverham Mills while I was bailiffing it, there was a bay on the island that from a particular swim people would frequently use a bait boat to put a bait under the overhanging trees. I had to go out a few times in a dinghy to recover and rescue bait boats from under the trees. Carp rarely visited the spot, it was absolutely foul stinking silt. While fishing that swim I'd found that out by watching the area, casting and dragging my marker float back, boat journeys and wading confirmed it. Most anglers using a bait boat do the same thing. Rig and bait in hopper, send out to feature, nice pile of bait around the hook. Without a bait boat, you may think of alternative options, that 2 bait stringer, a spod or 3, a bag or mesh. That bag or mesh can also be used to give a clean drop through the willows... Don't forget, I did used to use a bait boat, but my ethics probably bit back. This sonar searching may give you some idea, but sonar only tells you weed, not what type. Eelgrass has holes or clear patches, that will not necessarily show up with a bait boat and sonar. Then some other weed like the dreaded blanket weed may show up clear, or as a fuzzy layer, but a layer on the lakebed may make your hookbait disappear.
  8. From tap to kettle, boil and pour on particles. Or from pasta into bucket and freeze. Defrost and pour on particles to soak them.
  9. You haven't seen my casting. That's how I used to cast on Earith, and on Nazeing aiming towards the corner by the inlet Frank Warwick style (I'm sure Google can find you a video on that, I've seen it pop up on my FB feed). Even if you have to 'creep up' your casts; cast, clip, cast, creep, allow a bit more reclip etc. Another way of doing it is with a particular lead and a certain number of baits on a stringer, knowing it will drop in nicely. In fact towards the inlet corner it was nearly always a stringer, stick too many baits in and you'd only get crays. I did also have my maps with distances marked with my bank reference points. Problem is as always, the idiots cast their baits too far. Idiots are idiots, whether they own a bait boat or not.
  10. Problem is some of those overhanging trees have extensive sticking out roots as well. I've had to retrieve fish from them after anglers boated their gear in and got smashed or snagged. Go round a lake when the water is down, and you can see some of the snags those root systems have become... At Bromeswell I had to remove a lot of branches and roots from the trees, the roots extended at least as far as the branches, sometimes further. I don't like bait boats for that reason alone, but the disturbance of 1 PVA bag or stringer is a lot less than a bait boat and dropping rig and bait. My point of view, fine if you are a disabled angler unable to cast, not for others.
  11. Elliot Symak has banned it at Northey Park: https://www.facebook.com/100005652707984/posts/pfbid02wMTCbyZDW1Eafz1H8E3k8Xje4qxgF1VWaoywXdsPP11ZSxyFrfukgbCgVY3dxZt3l/ That is his personal Facebook video about it
  12. Yes and no, although I don't like them either
  13. I have been using AngryFish 0.37mm 50lb 4X braid myself for pike fishing and spod/marker rod. It does start as a brighter green, but fades as per the pics. It doesn't fray like the spod braids I have used, the Fox one was awful. I did have problems tying the Albright knot, I wasn't comfortable with it and had a few break under pull tight pressure
  14. I'm laughing at this thread, but for the right reasons We've managed to pass opinion on The Twig, and still within topic pass comment and switch to safe leader to mainline tying. I might have to see if I can split the mainline to leader posts away. I also had a look around local waters to me, and I know Ladywood lakes in Nacton have banned The Twig. I have a feeling HWDAC might have also, but I'm not sure.
  15. Banned ban, not even supposed to be able to access the site at all.. I noticed the bitching and moaning.
  16. This will work: https://www.fishingrepublic.co.uk/15911138/westlake-shock-leader-50lb-15911138 I tie an overhand knot in the leader, but don't pull it tight, then thread the line through the overhand along the tag end. I then tie a 5 turn uni knot up the leader with the mainline braid (or mono). Now I pull the overhand tight, along with the uni knot, then lighter blob the ends. I've not had the blob catch up or snag any rings or the line, and ots a long time since I cracked off with a Spomb or spod. Same leader for over 3 years now and I do check the knots and line visually. Years ago when sea fishing, the blob was all that held the uni knot in place, no overhand knot, and that was recommended for years in Sea Angler!
  17. I use either 30lb Amnesia, clear or black (black is more supple), or Drennan Grey Greased Weasel in 40lb. (https://www.drennantackle.com/products/line/greased-weasel/) The grey seems softer than the hi-viz colours. I go through the Amnesia faster as it is also boom material on combi-rigs. I do lighter blob the ends of the leader material 'just in case', although I've never had an overhand loop pull free from casting. I have had a pull through when using hooklink braid to Amnesia, cost me a fish, but my fault for not checking as I'd just landed a 20lb carp on that hooklink, and just recast it. I've been keeping half an eye on developments and apparently Fisheries in 🇫🇷 France are banning The Twig, Les Quis is in this list.
  18. Aye, the tilt on fences is nothing. A couple of years ago at Bromeswell I was patrolling at night with Sky and they were actively searching for easier spots to climb over the fence, and waiting until we were in the distance before getting into the stock pond. It found a carp we'd missed when netting. We had tail damage of a fish, one of our biggies, and she's lost weight, although could have been fully spawned out.
  19. About 4 weeks ago I guess. Posted in the morning, banned by the evening. Strange that the people who were insulting me didn't get banned and are still posting twaddle... Wonder if they know I can still get on...
  20. I've been thinking solar as well. I have 3 battery power packs, only small although one is powerful enough to jump start a car, but with very bad phone signal on a 5 day/night trip, my phone just goes through battery life, and the 3 end up out of juice very quickly. I could recharge either the power packs or the phone and tablet in the car. Big worry for me is the cost of a solar unit. At my dad's mountain hytte in Norway we fitted solar panels to the roof simply to provide juice for mobiles. One big powerful solar rechargeable pack could be the way forward, with the smaller packs as backup.
  21. Another one joins the list banning it, Sandhurst. https://www.facebook.com/100064746514355/posts/pfbid0ajVToc9wAGrHdGjQxjVopF7k3ZzGd6BG5YonWEXVc4r9GhHyF87fuRTXP7qeQNTcl/
  22. The only reason I use a Spomb is because boilies mixed with particle don't always come out of a spod. They somehow jam up against each other.
  23. I prefer a shockleader as I did find I could crack-off plain straight braid on a marker rod, and that was big casts on Nazeing, I think about 120metres. I only did it once, the 30lb Amnesia leader went straight on. I was clipped up! For spodding, at the time I was using a separate rod, with leader anyway. Personally, I think it's shorter fishing when hitting the clip straight through that normally causes crack-offs, although a beast or numpty can do it at longer range, and I am that numpty as I can crack-off with my sea gear with a leader. The sudden stop and pressure just above the knot I think is what causes the break. When I got onto the syndicate 3 years ago, I did initially start with separate marker and spod rod, but after finding some lovely far bank features to use as aiming points, felt I could dispense with one rod. It is rare for me to spod on there at much above 70metres, very little long distance fishing needed, so I have had the same shockleader and braid on for 3years. I've played with knots from braid to leader, and came up with an overhand knot on the leader, and a 4/5 turn uni knot through the overhand and up the leader as my 'goto' for all my fishing. I wasn't happy with water knot, nor grinner to grinner.
  24. In Norfolk you have a very active Pike Anglers Club region who arrange fish-ins, (sometimes with Suffolk region) and boat days. I know that the PAC may seem expensive for a single species 'club', but the money is piped back into pike preservation. With Norfolk, you might get some 'help' or training on handling pike, and be lucky enough to be able to go with someone. I love the whole concept you have on your fishing, it's a real breath of fresh air, and most importantly, the enjoyment you have.
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