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Everything posted by salokcinnodrog

  1. And you`re suprised by this!!!!! No Mate, Not Really! Just saddened more than anything, saddened that people are searching for Publicity by using something thats been used for years and claiming it as their own NEW idea
  2. Used it for quite a few years Mate. Normally with a small swivel separating the Leadcore from the Braid section attached to the hook, like in this picture:. As you can see I have spliced the Leadcore into itself. Never had one give way while fishing and I have tried testing them to destruction. I think it eventually broke about 2cms from the splice at over 50lbs when I tested it hanging from the ceiling in my Garage! I have got another Version that I'm playing with though that I'm keeping quiet until I know it works
  3. So its another re-named/re-invented rig that has been used before then? Been using them for over 15years! . Using either Tubing and a Rubber Bead or straight on the Mainline using the DAM Float Stops!
  4. Full reason! Carp were getting wary of Baited hooks back in the 70's and were giving screaming runs and nothing was there, or the Carp felt the resistance of the line and the Bait. It wasn't until the 80's that Kevin Maddocks, Lennie Middleton and Keith Gillings came up with the Idea of attaching the Bait to the hook with Human Hair, hence the Name Hair Rig. Since the Development of the Original hair which was between 1-2inches long, the hair seems to have become shorter and we are almost, in many cases, fishing Shank mounted baits by virtue of the fact that the "Hair" is so short. Once again we can be back to the problem of Carp knowing that the Bait attached to the hook is dangerous. dbofblacksouls, Must admit I have no problems with Braid Hairs. Maybe its down to the way I make them. I tie a large overhand loop knot at the end of the Braid and then attach the hook knotless knot style. I then clean up the loop knot with a quick fly past with a Lighter, in fact if you look at the 2nd picture on this thread carefully, http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=22185, you can see where I have burnt the tag end down. The large loop does not have any problem accepting the Boilie Stop, and the Knot holds the Boilie in position against the Boilie Stop so it doesn't slide up or down. I also don't cut the Boilie stop away from the remainder of the strip until I have put it into the Hair Loop. Incidentally I don't buy my Boilie Stops, I have a large stock gained from when I worked in a Fire Alarm/Extinguisher Company. The Tags that are on Fire Extinguishers are exactly the same as Boilie Stops you can buy from a Tackle shop. I would get all the Broken Tags and get permission to take them home.
  5. Very True. I can think of 3 Bait companies who were selling products that were all coming from the same Factory and were actually Identical! Rods, Bivvies, and other Items as well
  6. Quick easy and effective: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=22185 These are probably the Basis for the majority of all Carp Rigs tied today!
  7. The Shape may have some Bearing, but I'm not 100% Sure. They are exactly the same shape as the Carp-R-Us Nailers. In fact in many cases, the SAME HOOKS are sold by Different Manufacturers under different Names!
  8. It doesn't matter what type of hook you use to tie your rigs! What matters is that you have confidence in what pattern you do use Look at the Basic Rigs and Knotless Knot Sticky at the Top of the Rig Tying Forum. There are instructions and pics which are the starting point for nearly all other rigs
  9. That is not a Paternoster Rig. A Paternoster is with a Lead Link separate from the Mainline. It can be made from a Lighter Strain than the Mainline to break off in case of a snagged fish. The thing with a Paternoster is that you have to Strike any Takes! Pic enclosed, had it on the PC for ages. My 6Year old Son actually drew it playing with Paint , although because I printed it off his PC I wrote the description in by Hand.
  10. To tie your own rigs, you could even look at the Sticky at the Top of the Rig Tying Section:http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=22185. Comes complete with some pics, tying the Knotless Knot and simple pop-up attachment
  11. When Carp are pre-occupied picking up on beds of bait then a Short Link will work well especially if used with a PVA Bag. Everything goes back quickly to be swallowed, so a good hookhold can be gained. Better on beds of Pellet, particles and groundbait than beds of boilies If the Baits are spread out further then a Short link may work against you. The bomb will come into play quickly, but if the Carp are having to move further between mouthfuls and aren't feeding confidently then the hook on short link may only hook in the extremity of the lip. This may lead to hookpulls. If you read the Complicated Rigs thread in Advanced section then there is a real breakdown on Advantages, opinions and loads of information on rigs. Steve (ripslider) did some experiments compared to standard thinking and put his results on that thread.
  12. Slugs, thats not a Strange Bait, that one of my Stalking Specials Try Malteasers, Jelly Babies, Cola Bottles and goodness knows how many other sweets. Baked Beans, Sugar Puffs, all work. Think there was another thread not that long ago on strange baits, I'll try to find it!
  13. Easy Answer! http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=22183 Basic Rigs thread. From those Basic Rigs the Majority of more complicated rigs can be made. The easiest things to change if you are having hooking problems are the Hair length or rig length. I think all of the Rigs above are made using the Knotless Knot, and that includes the Line Aligned rigs. If you are suffering Hookpulls or hooking at the extremity of the lip then there are a Couple of possible reasons: 1) Your Hooklink is to stiff. 2) Your Hair is too short 3) Your Rig is too short. Possible Answers to above 1) Change from a Mono/fluorocarbon to Braid 2) Buy a wig . Seriously increase the length of your hair on the hook 3) Increase the Length of your rig. If you are deep hooking fish or you can see that the hook has cut from the back of the mouth down to the Lip, then there are again a couple of possible answers: 1) Your Rig is too Long. 2) Your Hair is too Long. 3) The hooklink material may be too soft. Possible Answers 1) Shorten the length of your rig. 2) Shorten the Hair length, get a Hair cut! 3) Maybe a switch to Mono or other Nylon based Hooklink. If you are catching successfully then why change? You should be able to compare your results as to the Other Anglers on the Water. The Rig itself is not the only thing that may be at fault. Yours and the other Anglers Baiting Situations may be creating wary Fish. i.e if they are all spodding or piling in loads of bait then the Carp may associate Large Baited areas with Danger. Conversely if everyone is fishing with just bags or single Hookbaits then the Carp may be wary of a Bait on its own. Its when everyone is fishing single Baits that you may find the need to change a rig, but just by fishing with more bait in the area you could create more Catchable Carp
  14. You could always try a Combi Rig, use Amnesia as a Stiff Section near the Swivel, then using the Shockleader Knot attach a length of Braid to the Hook. Or what about Coated Braid, strip it back about halfway between Hook and swivel. Either way you then have a length of supple braid near the hook and a stiff section near the swivel.
  15. Will dig some out Mate, Got some pics somewhere, of fish that I actually stocked in there when I was working there. Some from Redmire Stock, some Italians and other Fish. Strangely in all the years of Fishing there I only had 1 20. Had loads of fish, but only the 1 20lb Common.
  16. I have been known to Fish Stringers with maybe a Few boilies as freebies and then with Dog Biscuits on the Far end, this holds the Rig up and then allows it to sink down slowly. This method can be used with Bags as well As Neil said, Feathering the Cast, something I didn't think of or put. Feathering the cast as it lands kicks the hooklink forward and avoids Tangles.
  17. Lol, Re-invent maybe? That pic comes from Rob Maylin's Carp, published in the early 90's
  18. Hi Mate, Welcome to the Forum, The Name's Nick, my username backwards Taverham is a Beautiful Place to fish definately No I'm not fishing there any more. I felt that I had gone as far as I could fishwise, and didn't like the way things were turning out with the Bailiff (who has since left). I think over the 10years from 1992-2002 I had caught many of the Fish in the Lake and wasn't going to catch many new ones. Even if they were at higher weights I don't like re-captures and although some of the New Fish Stocks I was getting more recaptures than New Fish. Take Care Mate Nick
  19. Hi Mate, I use Braid mostly myself and don't have Many Tangles. Some Tangles can actually happen on Picking up the Rig from the Bottom of the Lake/River. As the Lead is cast it sits on the bottom, but in the middle of your rig. As a fish takes it gets straightened out, but If you don't get a take and you reel in the Lead snags up on the Hooklink and you APPEAR to have a tangle as you reel in. This sounds like the Tangles you are describing. To Help Reduce other tangles: If you use Tubing have it about 10cms longer than your Hooklink. Pva Bags and Stringers do help reduce Tangles on casting. Try using In-Line Leads, they help avoid Tangles around the Lead. Another tip If you push about 3cms of Silicon Tubing over the Braid to swivel knot it pushes the Braid away from the Lead and helps avoid Tangles. It doesn't make the rig any less effective.
  20. I'm not going to get to far into the Fishery Debate, but Bob left Taverham Mills in a hurry! I had fished there for over 10years and know the Lake better than he does. He would try to tell me where to fish and to do this and do that. He exaggerated Fish numbers and sizes Caught. Many Anglers disliked him and his "False Information". Simon the Taverham Fishery Manager would tell exactly what was caught, but with no embroidering the story. As far as Cobbleacre goes when I was living in Norfolk it was known as a very good fishery, but mostly stocked with Small Carp up to Mid Doubles, but bear in mind this was over 10years ago though. New Lakes have been dug and stocked since I left Norfolk
  21. Extending Link with Braid and also a "Sliding link" Extending Rig. Incidentally although Marked as Terylene any Braid will do, and it doesn't have to be used with a Pop-up
  22. Hi Mate, The same question is further down in the section. http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=22976 It can pay to use the Search Facility as there are also a couple of other threads dealing with the same issue
  23. For the Simple obvious Reason, NO CHANCE!
  24. iv tried that but you couldnt do that for a hook lenght Yes you Can! I'll find a Picture of it. It was featured in an Article Last year or so In a Mag, and is a Rig that Rob Maylin published in his Book "Carp" back in the early 90's. There are also another couple of ways to Make extending or Concertina Hooklinks
  25. The first things I would change in any of my rigs are the Hair length and the Rig length. If you want to create an extending rig use a length of silicon tubing and fix it over the swivel end of the rig. With a braid hooklength of say 12 inches have 4inches of tubing. Extend the tubing down the braid and then let go, it will draw the Braid back inside it, you then have a hooklink that extends when you get a take.
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