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Everything posted by salokcinnodrog

  1. True, but some homemade ones are not the safest. At least if you get a Ready Made set-up all the Components should fit each other and release as required. Far better to know that the Carp are safe than be fishing a Death Rig
  2. http://www.solartackle.co.uk/ Complete Helicopter Rig Kit. In my views the Solar Tackle is the Best.
  3. Hi Mate, Welcome to the Forum I have moved your thread into Fishing in France section
  4. You have to remove some of the Lead Inner, enough to tie the Knot. Leadcore is one of those things I am having Grave doubts on in Fishing now. If a breakage occurs above the Knot then there is no way that a Carp can get a Slack line at all, there will always be some tension in the Hooklink. With a Helicopter Set-up then the Rig MUST be free to slide off the Leadcore. I would suggest that you have a look at some Dumbell Beads, Cox and Rawle used to make them. They went on the Line/Tubing and the Top Bead could slide off allowing the hooklink to come free. If not then as long as the Top Bead can slide off the Tubing then it should be free to slide off the Leadcore over the Needle Knot. The worrying thing is the Beads ability to slide off the Tubing. Rubber Beads may help, but even then there is still some friction which may prevent it coming free. There are some Helicopter Set-ups sold, I would look at the Instructions on them and see if they are suitable. IF ANY DOUBT AS TO ITS SAFETY THEN DO NOT USE LEADCORE! Yes, I did shout that on Purpose
  5. Try asking about them as Bert Wrights Pits! Got a few bits and pieces about them that is years old, but it may help Tel:01842764312 or 01953498289 It did used to be Day Ticket, but with No Night Fishing except by Special Arrangement, so this may have changed. Nick
  6. With the expection of the Clearwater material, I have all of those hook length materials in my tackle box. Between those materials you can cover pretty much all rig situations. I do really rate the hook length materials by Kryston, and I am always sceptical when I first use materials by other companies. I have had far too many "great" "wonderful" "the best hooklength ever" materials that quite frankly have be tripe and have hit the inside of my dustbin after the first time I have used them I'm the same, although a few haven't even hit the Bankside before hitting the Bin. The strange one was Hybrid though. I tested it and tested it in the Shed on Bench Tests, and was about to use it on the Bank. Yet just before I did a Mate had a serious of Unexplained Breakages. I then started testing it in a small (shallow) pond by hand and discovered that it was prone to Breakage when it just lightly rubbed against any Surface, EVEN Weed, while wet. Korda recalled and replaced loads of the stuff, but I just won't use it since. The Clearwater Fluorocarbon I got for fishing very Clear Waters (!) where I thought that a Slightly stiffer Hooklink would be beneficial. It has a good amount of Stretch, which is handy for a Fluorocarbon. I actually use it for Surface Fishing (greased) as well. One that I have run out of at the moment that I normally keep in the Box is Kryston Multistrand, an excellent Hooklink that can really confuse the Carp, and some Anglers, on how/where to use it.
  7. I nearly always use 15lb Mainline and 15lb Hooklink. When it comes to Hooklinks I have loads in my Tackle Box. Kryston Snakebite, Mantis, Mantis Gold, Merlin, SuperSilk, Amnesia, Carp-r-us Clearwater and Drennan Fly Leader are just some of them off the top of my head. The majority are 14 or 15lb. The knots in any set-up will always be the weakpoint as very few knots are 100%. I hate to say it but it is unlikely that 1 hooklink material will be suitable for all fishing, so it is better to have a few different types.
  8. Tried and tested both, happy with both if used on right type of water (stock sizes). IMO the Withy Pool rig is the best, I've got total confidence in it coz its saved me from a blank a few times. In a week session my mate and I did on Bluebell a year back, the Withy Pool rig outfished all others, we were the only ones to catch consistently on the whole complex. Use it with boilies or fake corn/maize, its the dogs! I've since tied mine in a combi using a section of stiff IQ to give it further anti eject properties and help the hook push away from the lead. Get on it mate - seriously good. I dont go along with all this why use it over simple pop-up rigs talk. Its good so try it/what you got to loose? Good luck Sure that may be true. Think about this though; The Bent Hook rig was published, and then used by all and his dog, YET it was designed for Particular Fish on a Particular Water. The publishing and Recommending of the Bent Hook Rig was aimed at Big Fish, but because of its publishing Small Carp started appearing with Serious Mouth Damage, that was directly attributable to the Bent Hooks that were on the Market at the time. It was seen as the LEVELLER in Carp Fishing. It was never intended for use on EVERY Carp Water I'm not condoning its use in any way, but I used to use it on BIG FISH ONLY Waters where the Carp were doing the same thing that they were on Fox Pool, and the Mouth Damage was negligible (equal to ordinary hooks). Yet it used to damage the Mouthes of small Carp that would pick up the rig and so many waters Banned its use. I'm not saying that the Withy Pool rig is anywhere near as damaging as I have not seen its effects on Waters I fish as no-one has needed it. The main things that MY Friends and I change are the Hair Length, Rig Length etc. We have not found a Rig that has outfished the Withy Pool rig on the few occasions we have tried it. Next question, WHY do you think it is called the Withy Pool Rig? It was used first on Withy Pool to cover a PARTICULAR situation on a PARTICULAR Water, that they could not use because the Bent Hook rig was Banned. If you really want to get into Complicated rigs (and the Withy Pool rig is complicated) vs Standard Rigs have a read of the Complicated Rigs thread I started ages ago: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=9536&highlight=complicated+rigs
  9. That may be true, but consider how close you could be fishing the Pop-up to the Bottom. If it is only popped up the Hook shank distance away from the bottom then you may be able to get the fish feeding comfortably on Freebies. Yet it you pop-up another centimetre or so then it may well be too far. It also depends on how heavy (quantity) you are baiting with Freebies, and what your free bait is. If you are using Particles as your free bait then a Pop-up may well be a waste of time anyway. PVA Bags are often fished with a Pop-up. The Hooklink and hookshank is hidden under the Bag Contents, that counts as freebies , it also means that the Hookbait is often the first thing the fish can take as it is on top of the pile. Remember this Rule in Carp Fishing: In Carp Fishing there are no Rules!
  10. No Stick from me! Extra complication, extra things to go wrong and possible extra risk of Damage if used on the wrong Fish! Next point what size hook do you use usually? How do you bait up usually, what size bait do you use usually? Then just fish the same size as you would normally
  11. Theory is Good, but in practice I like to keep the Lead as close to the Rig as possible. The additional hinge that you create could give the Carp enough leeway to eject the rig
  12. Hi Mate, thread here on Shockleaders, may give some advice:http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=25357&highlight=shock+leader+knot, including Good Safe Shockleader Knot. Use a Standard Knot for attaching the swivel to the hooklink, although you may need to have a play around with the best number of turns to suit you. Amnesia and Greased Weasel both tie best with a Blood Knot, but CHECK AND TEST THEM Before you cast. If you need to change the Hooklink, just cut it off at the swivel rather than cutting the Shockleader! That way you won't need to keep cutting and replacing the Shockleader
  13. Are you talking Hooklink Braid or Mainline Braid? If Mainline then do you really need it? But I would suggest using the Search Facility and typing in Mainline Braid and "search all terms" If Hooklink then use the search facility or mooch a couple of pages down the Rig Tying section of the forum, as there are quite a few threads, loads of different views and opinions.
  14. Yep, and then along came Bait Bands!
  15. Looks like I may be getting a New Hook for Floater Fishing then
  16. size 7 barbel hooks fantastic. god knows why they call them barbel hooks Is that the Super Specialist Hook as they used to be called? I used to use them years ago and they were Mega Sharp. The only problem I had was the Lake I was fishing some of the Gravel was so severe it would take the Point off almost every cast!
  17. The Knotless Knot can give you the angle as the Line comes from the inside of the eye, but its not as acute as that provided by Tubing. Shrink Tubing is not always an Essential as Fine Bore Silicon Tubing can give the same effect when fished with a Line Aligner. Its only when you really need to bend the Tubing to increase Hooking potential from wary and Heavily fished for Carp that you need Shrink Tubing
  18. If you add Crushed or Grilled Hemp you can quite literally make the Groundbait explode from the Spod or Feeder
  19. Sounds like the Savay Looney rig published in the 90's in Carp by Rob Maylin. If you can get hold of a copy its in there Also possible with Pop-ups and Bottom Baits.
  20. The problem with a Lot of Rigs is that they get used on "wrong" fish. The Bent hook rig was designed for Large Carp on a Particular water. When it got into General Use it was used on every Carp that swam, and the smaller Carp did get terrible mouth damage, not necessarily from being hooked, but the fact that the Hook went in deeply and became very difficult to remove, and in many cases the Hook should have been cut at the shank. I'm not saying its the same, but maybe the 360 rig has the same effects? The Problem with all rigs is that it is very difficult to choose what sized Carp picks up the Bait, even Donkey Chokers (large Boilies), unless you are fishing a water where the Carp are all above a Particular size.
  21. The only thing stopping what you add to Vitalin is your Imagination. Pellets, whole and Powdered, Hemp, Pigeon Conditioner, other Particles, Tuna, other Groundbaits, Bread Crumb, Base Mix, Robin Red, Spices, Gravy Powder, Whole/Crushed/Crumbled Boilies I regularly add Particles to my Vitalin and the best way I have found is to prepare it the night before you use it, easy even on the Bank if you take a Large Bucket of ready Prepared Particles. The water of the Particles gets absorbed by the Vitalin, just play around until you get the right amount to do what you want with it. This mix is soft enough to go in a Spod, or stiff enough to be used as Groundbait and Balled in or Method Fished
  22. I nearly always use a Swivel. It provides a Stopiing Point thats neat and Tidy for my Running Rigs. A swivel also means that I can change the Bare Minimum of Rigs in seconds without having to Cut the Leadcore, as I can get them through the Splice on Leadcore Loop-Loop style. The swivel also means that if a Carp rolls it doesn't create twist. The swivels also provides a point for my PVA Stringers to be looped/tied onto
  23. With the Leadcore on the upper section I don't need to use any putty at all
  24. Thread moved to Where to Fish in UK. I would also suggest that you put up a Search for "Monument" as there has been quite a bit on it in the Past Possibly one of the best people to ask for more on it is Jemsue5, if he's willing or able to tell you
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