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Posts posted by Jordz611

  1. 20 hours ago, salokcinnodrog said:

    I can laugh now, but got my car stuck in the mud as I came off the hardcore path. 

    The lake owner told me to get my gear round to the swim and she would arrange a tow out in the morning. Bit of a telling off, but she is a lovely lady so know I deserve it. 

    Two barrow journeys later, 1 Spomb that unclipped itself putting a bit of pigeon conditioner and Vitalin in after 3 casts, I'm now sat in the bivvy after dinner with a coffee. 

    I’m getting back out on the bank now like. Bout better to do 

  2. 47 minutes ago, finchey said:

    There was just me and one other on for the night, I had two small carp around 7lb and on the second one I got my net caught on some brambles and was pulling it to free it and snapped the spreader block, plastic stinky winky block. So my session was brought to an abrupt end at 2am. I was absolutely gutted mate could not believe it.😭😭😭

    I’m back out till late tonight suns out so maybe that means the carps have been tricked out to where the suns hitting 

  3. 19 hours ago, Highy said:

    I hate it me... Yesterday was a wasted day sat in waiting for 3 ton gravel to be delivered, also waiting for car to be fixed (new fuel system).... Both happened to be ready at same time this morning. 

    So went and picked car up, while was there, driver phoned and said I'm at your property... 

    Got back and put 3 ton gravel down over the wire mesh on drive, whackered that down, just need gates arrive now. 

    Can't be stuck inside me, I'm out walking at least everyday, I'm hoping be on the bank Friday night (will be after little ens footy training, so will be setup in dark), doing till about 1pm Saturday. 


    Id be mega annoyed  I wanna try the other lake near me  but it’s further then the other and not driving atm isn’t good but I do want to get few nights on that lake in spring  park just need get a new bivvy ha I deffo want to get on the other pond near me like http://www.ulverstonangling.org/sandhall/sandhall.aspx

  4. Hey guys I’m just wondering if anyone from round here could recommend some good fishery’s for spring please as I’m new to carp fishing  so I’m looking for one where it’s good for 2days and nights where there could possibly other friendly anglers to make friends with as a lot of people I know don’t do fishing so any advice on fishery’s in north west Cumbria would be great thanks

  5. Hey guys just wondering if winter carp fishing is pointless on a mile long canal will 3 basons the canal has no boats on it but a lot of treee coverage I have been on the  bank at bottom bason few different pegs recently and nothing I am using mainline pop ups soaked and flushed boilies and stuff. But still nothing any advice I am going to walk to canal tomorrow to see if I can loacate the where abouts and bait it a little 

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