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Machali last won the day on December 4 2019

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About Machali

  • Birthday 15/01/1990

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  1. I tried to use a big spod on my rod, what a poor idea... Give us some feedback when you try those little avid please
  2. So in your experience must match the size (or weigh) of the spod/spomb to rod power to prevent tangle?
  3. I usually fish in wild waters and I prefer a subtle approach during the sessions. I'll probably use a big spomb for pre-bait, and a tiny one during short sessions
  4. Will be my solution for now, i usually don't spod huge amounts of bait while fihsing. In a near future i'll look for a dedicated rod+reel to pre-bait campaigns.
  5. Hi anglers! Today i was looking for a spod set (rod+reel) cause I'm afraid to break my rods when spodding (i'm using 3lb rods), but right now i can't afford a good set. I remember that Gardner has a tiny rocket spod, they say that it weights between 2 or 3 ouces when filled. Anyone using one of those small spods? Thoughts about it?
  6. Saw that weigh sling somewhere at £39,99, so thanks for your link I'm Portuguese, living in Portugal. In this case it would be worth the trip to shop and try it in UK
  7. The net i have now is one like that one from the photo. It has near 20 years, is a bit weak and small. Had a big trouble landing a 17lb carp with it. Looking for a new one (or maybe used if can find a good offer), with a fish friendly mesh, and bigger. I'm looking for something affordable, but prefer to pay a bit more for something good that last for a couple of years.
  8. Hello guys. I'm looking for a new landing net. I was using an old from my dad, but in some occasions I had some trouble to free the carp from it (mesh wraps around the dorsal fin). Now I'm looking for a new one that doesn't do the same. Any suggestions? PS.: I'll buy in a near future a weigh sling, looking for recommendations
  9. Nice christmas carp dayvid!
  10. Well done, nice pikes! Never caught one, here in Portugal they just live in a low number of waters. Maybe in January I'll try my first pike on spinning rod! Congrats for your catches
  11. https://www.urbanbait.co.uk/latest-news/maggot-fishing-for-carp-in-winter Anyone tryed it?
  12. Respect mate!
  13. Just got serious !
  14. All said! Now come here little hooks, let's land some carps 😁
  15. Thank you all for your opinions and experiences! A great help! Ordered a pack of Gardner Mugga Specialist Sharpened, now i'm waiting for them to try it saturday!
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