Crayfish and rudd, proper rig tanglers; anything with soft braid you might as well forget it.
Use a mono hair with crays and risk it being cut off, although 25lb braid won't get cut in half.
How on earth crayfish can find a pop-up above them and walk it down to the lakebed beggars belief.
This is where coated braid or if the braid section is VERY short, a combi-rig comes into its own to deal with rudd and crays.
Worse is when you can't use real bait and have to go wooden, even if you do go to a genuine meshed pop-up. For me that is time for the rig ring on the hook shank and a braid hair with a uni-knot loop to hold the pop-up.
Saying that @nigewoodcock has seen crays flare up at carp trying to get the bait, although I've caught carp with the pop-up chewed or even totally missing.