I did quickly dismiss the chod and roddie rig tbh, these really highlight the things I don't like about using a heli set up, as you probably need to leave the bead further away from the lead and that's what I don't like abiut it so much, and why I prefer an inline or lead clip set up as the rig is directly connected to the lead if you see what I mean, I do agree its probably best for presentation over anything and a last resort but I think if I am getting a Decent drop it should be OK and I would get better indication and more positive takes,
I think if the weed was worse on the spots I would probably see it as my only option, when I am finding spots at the moment I am using a grippa lead and also making multiple casts to clear it a bit so I am fairly confident it's not mega weedy on that spot and. Most of the times I have bought my wafter rigs in clean too, it's mainly patches of Canadian and a little silk weed and there are clear spots of you can find them some are just a little harder to find and they are the ones I want to be fishing I think 😁