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Tapered shock leader or just shock leader for mono?

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Hi guys 

I am planning to do some longer distance lead chucking this winter and was thinking I might want to use a leader? I'm ordering some 17lb katran line 0.33mm and was thinking of using either a tapered mono leader or shock leader to make it easier and less crackoffy. Which one would you go for? 

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I use the ESP tapered mono shock-leaders for my big water. They've been around forever and admittedly I'm a bit of a dinosaur when I find tackle I trust - I hate to change. They do the job and are very reliable.

Don't discount an even finer mainline to get the most out of the leader. I've gone as low as 0.28 without issues. Obviously it all depends on how weedy your water is.

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36 minutes ago, yonny said:

I use the ESP tapered mono shock-leaders for my big water. They've been around forever and admittedly I'm a bit of a dinosaur when I find tackle I trust - I hate to change. They do the job and are very reliable.

Don't discount an even finer mainline to get the most out of the leader. I've gone as low as 0.28 without issues. Obviously it all depends on how weedy your water is.

Thanks that's good to know I had looked at those I quite liked the fact they came at the right length too,

I don't want to go too thin on Mainline because of weed, normally I use that in 0.37mm and it doesn't cast awfully so I am hopeful I can make up the distance by dropping down one size. I just want the leader for a crisper feeling cast really and the confidence to whack it a bit harder. 

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2 hours ago, elmoputney said:

Hi guys 

I am planning to do some longer distance lead chucking this winter and was thinking I might want to use a leader? I'm ordering some 17lb katran line 0.33mm and was thinking of using either a tapered mono leader or shock leader to make it easier and less crackoffy. Which one would you go for? 

For years I've used 30lb Amnesia in black or clear or 40lb Drennan Grey Greased Weasel.

The clear Amnesia is not as supple as the dyed versions.

Like @yonny I'm a dinosaur, if it works stick with it, although I have tried using tapered leaders, for carp and sea fishing and for some reason I kept on cracking off, so went back to the straight leaders. I would say that it might have been my knots, but my mate Allan tied a few up for me, but I had the same issue, while he had no problems with long casting.


The other advantage is that I can go longer than the 4 turns on the reel and casting drop, I normally have around 5 or 6.

I also use them on my Spod/marker rod to braid.

Point to note, as I have mentioned to Yonny in the past, if there are snags or weed I won't use a leader as I don't like the risk of leaving a leader that the lead and rig can't be ejected if you crack-off.

With weed caught around the knot even a run ring can't come off over it.

Again like Yonny I've gone finer than 12lb; for years we used 8lb line (Sylcast or Maxima) with leaders on 2¼ or 2¾lb test curve rods.

It's probably only since the 1990's that lines rated 15lb or more got used for carp fishing.

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