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Boilies done

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As much as I like 'rare' shaped hookbaits, I do tend to just grab a boilie out of the bag and stick it on the hook, simply because I now get my bait direct from RH rather than make my own.


I have caught on various specials; massive cube boilies, sausages boiled then cut into discs, boilie mix rolled flat and then cut with a playdoh cutter (Bart Simpson), cut down boilies, uncooked air dried boilie mix, then obviously the boiled brick cut into cubes.



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Morning guys after walking there and 3 laps found them where I expected on the fresh wind after the 3 lap still there I put one on the bottom one on a zig   nothing put a zig crust out 4ft below surface looking really good then a blooming tufty had to get involved that was that nothing they'd moved out to not make an appearance till I had to pack up  and I would of moved but it's a public park lake and was packed so wasnt really an option     I love camping I do 😃😃

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It should look tidy it’s  Cell 😀

I used to make all my own base mix’s but then I was rolling 200 kg for 4 of us now I just roll for myself I buy ready made base’s 

It’s more expensive but I still manage to roll top end bait for £4.25 a kilo



Edited by Gaffa22
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I started the other way round, there were no base mix’s when I started or ready made boilies come to that.
so I spent many years trying to come up with the ultimate recipe, then I started working with a few like minded mates, we were buying ingredients in 25 kilo sacks and 15 dozen eggs at a time.
Eventually a couple of the mates gave up fishing so I was back on my own, I had come to realise there was no such thing as the ultimate base mix, all the theories and scientific papers I have read over the years can be debunked in a real fishing situation. Even Fred Wilton’s HNV theory is full of holes.

So as satisfying as it is making it all yourself, I no longer see any advantage in doing the base mix’s. I do prefer to roll them myself as most commercially made baits are boiled too long and are too hard. I can also tweak the additives and add my own little special tweaks.

I think what you are doing is great and perfect for an intimate water where you can watch the fish and see the patrol routes and their reaction to your different shapes, I’m currently fishing a large windswept gravel pit where I need to use quite a bit of bait to pull them down and hold them in a swim.

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Hi gaffa I understand exactly what your saying I make my own baits just to be different the size and shape is just to overcome the tench and bream so the carp can find them at least.  I'm fishing a large park lake with it's own weather system lol (Seriously dont listen to the weatherman) it gets filled in with particles and alot of the guys are using the same bait company and having their baits rolled for them,  I dont use no flavours etc   I give mine a really good air dry so they're like rocks then rehydrate with a little lake water and special k from baf   I know the carp are eating them I'm ashamed to say I'm yet to land one,  the weed is at least 10 -11 feet In the spots I've found that no one seems to be fishing  its mostly deeper and bait boats I've been using a fishspy to find feed and check spots  which are looking like a polished table if I'm honest   fingers crossed I'm off tomorrow new reel loaded with new braid for the one rod  the other my usual gr line both drop off system. 

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8 hours ago, Gaffa22 said:

, I had come to realise there was no such thing as the ultimate base mix, all the theories and scientific papers I have read over the years can be debunked in a real fishing situation. Even Fred Wilton’s HNV theory is full of holes.

I agree with you. After the usual experimenting with various idea "following the science" I settled for the PeteB mix. I would have sworn it was the bees knees until the local Decathlon sold a load of no name Monster Crab that was out of date for under €2 per kilo. I couldn't make my bait for that price. The rod I tested it on did just as well as my other rods. Now I use the cheapest I can find but pre bait very often and quite heavily. Again this is on large and hardly fished open waters where location and quantity is the key.

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I do enjoy a discussion on bait  I know I dont use manmade smells or flavours but I do use natural ingredients like prawn tuna garlic turmeric paprika etc  any of you guys used naturals like this is your bait your bound to have what's your views etc I do understand and know that they may not stay fresh as long once defrosted etc

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