shades Posted April 2, 2007 Report Posted April 2, 2007 This is a hard subject as i will never understand why people litter. When i fish i dont so much as leave a teabag or dogend so why do people doit? I think its about time laws changed on fisherman who insist on leaveing litter. I think they shud be given the choise of a fine of at least £1000 or band from fishing for life wot do you think Quote
sharpy86 Posted April 2, 2007 Report Posted April 2, 2007 Band from fishing is going to be a bit of a toughy...Lets face it, you dont get band from walking down the streets if you drop a maccy d's wrapper (Not that i do it). It really annoys me when i see bottles floating in the lake. I found half a butt section of a rod yesterday in the lake that someone had thrown in, with a bin 20 yards away Syndicates / members lakes are probably the only way you could stop it. Quote
shades Posted April 2, 2007 Author Report Posted April 2, 2007 Yes i agree ditch the day ticket. Quote
salokcinnodrog Posted April 2, 2007 Report Posted April 2, 2007 Litter is an Absolute PET HATE of Mine. From bits of line and general Rubbish. I must admit to dropping my Tab end of Roll Ups, but since its paper and tobacco only and NO Filter. Yet Filter ends I pick up and put in the bin bag. I seem to go home with more litter than I know I made, carrier bags and Bait Bucket almost always filled up with mine and what I picked up The strangest thing though, why do people take great care in pushing a Bag of Litter into the Deepest darkest Brambles, risking Life and Cuts and Prickles? it takes less effort to take it home. The absolute worst though has to be people who can't be bothered to tidy up after having a Dump on the Bank, leaving Excrement and Bog roll about is disgusting. BAG IT AND BIN IT or BURY IT! Quote
neilscatchin Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 Yes i agree ditch the day ticket. Yes but then you're punishing the majority of anglers who respect their fishery environment just for those too bone idle to pick up their litter who are in the minority.Problem is with issuing punishments is whose going to police it? I always make a point of remarking about anglers who are seen leaving disgarded litter/line etc and normally a quick informative telling off makes them change their mind.Personally although it still used to be a problem down my way with the surge of "instant" carpers the amount of litter has increased dramatically.Not good for angling or the wildlife. Quote
nitronick Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 Litter is an Absolute PET HATE of Mine. Monge Tout Rodney Monge Tout. And not just on the bank side take a look at the car parks around any fast food out let. Bins every where but bone idled lazy GITS just open there door and drop the trash on the floor UNREAL As for the lake side I always take a black sack to put my trash in. And quite often end up picking broken floats, length of line, old tea bags, empty beer cans and other rubbish left by other anglers. Nearly all lakes have a bin somewhere so it aint a big deal to drop your rubbish as you walk out. I dont sit around in my house with trash on the floor and I kinda like to be that way when Fishing. NitroNick Quote
kamzter Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 I fish the local canal and am constantly getting caught up on bikes, shopping trollies and other junk. I have never had the chance to see or smell someones doo doo so i suppose i must be lucky or someones trying to leave a message that this peg is rubbish !!! Seriously though it is annoying but if you dont clear their rubbish up then the person after you could think it was you that left it. I carry a roll of cheapo bin bags in my kit precisely for that reason and it dont take no room up. Quote
Guest Anonymous Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 Syndicates / members lakes are probably the only way you could stop it. Not always! Although I agree with the theory & yes, it does help, the club I've joined this year has over 3000 members & believe me, some of them are so lazy they'll bag all their rubbish & leave it neatly at the swim then walk away. I cannot understand why people will carry all the gear to a certain swim, use the stuff but can't carry the empty packets back to their car, surley it's lighter to carry? I wasn't going to join simply because of the litter situation. In our rules it states & I quote; "No member shall leave any form of litter, plastic bags or fishing line on Society waters. Any member fishing any peg is responsible for all litter at that peg and if proved that this rule has been disregarded the member will be expelled" obviously meaning that if someone before you has left litter then you move in to fish the peg, it's upto you to take it home. I know they are the ones risking their membership but is it right I should have to take (as we saw at one venue) 2 fully stuffed carrierbags (1 with human excrement & toilet paper) + my own litter? These 2 bags were from a local shop, on a local water left by local anglers. I hate people who litter & will be reporting anyone I see with the hope of getting their memberships revoked. Don't get me wrong, I do clear up odds & ends but a weeks worth of litter complete with bodily waste? I ended up joining because the lake I'm doing a week on was clean, tidy & well managed. I am proud to say that even after doing my week, as I walk away from the swim (with a new PB ) no one will be able to tell that I've been there, that is how it should be. There is one problem though, banning people from fishing won't work. Banning people from clubs won't work either because it simply moves the problem. These litter bugs have no respect for other anglers, the owners of the land or the health of the wildlife. HAVE SOME RESPECT! BAG IT & BIN IT! OR I'LL SEND NICK ROUND!!! Quote
junior1991 Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 Yes i agree ditch the day ticket. this is not the way, alot of younger anglers arent allowed to join syndicates or member only lakes becuase of age (must fish with an adult) when i fish i take every last peice of litter, even the smallest peice from the corner of a sauce sachet and put it in a bin in the carpark! Quote
louis84 Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 fishery owners should take addresses along with names when on the lakeside, and try to closely monitor which peg everyone is in (lets face it, it wouldnt be that hard for most fisheries). if someone is caught or reported to have left a lot of litter then a 2 / 3 strike warning should be in place before full expulsion. I wonder how many of these litterers dont own a rod license either? I would put money on that there is a distinct relationship between the two. spot the litterers and we would all be better off! i keep the bankside much cleaner than my house, but that only because i enjoy driving my landlord crazy Quote
sharpy86 Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 Identification cards should be implemented and a full record should contain who was fishing, when and where. Quote
salokcinnodrog Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 Identification cards should be implemented and a full record should contain who was fishing, when and where. Good idea, but we already moan about Big Brother watching. Well Bailliffed waters with regular checks would help. Actually check Rod licences when arriving on (Day ticket) Waters and then if the Peg has litter in when an Angler leaves then the angler should be banned. i keep the bankside much cleaner than my house, but that only because i enjoy driving my landlord crazy LOL, You and me both Quote
dansteel Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 the thing i like about syndicates/club waters is you dont get know where near as many idiots running around spooking the fish and throwing things at ducks or just generally into the lake like bottles etc. Quote
Gaz Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 the problem here is that no one on this site will admit to leaving litter cause they know they will get stick, i even take an ashtray with me, well a tin with a lid but as jay said (x2gsd) one of the lakes that we are members of is disgusting and 2 or 3 others are pretty bad to the point that jay nearly never bothered joining. i must say though that the club did ban someone last year for litter abuse but it still dont put a stop to it. we have bailiffs that come round and give litter tickets and then come back later to see if you have left any, but it still dont stop them. Quote
kevtaylor Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 Day ticket waters are good you can nip to one for a few hours and get some good sport - abolishing them is not the answer IMO. Clubs/syndicates are just as bad, it just depends on who fishes them - some of the day ticket waters I've fished have been by far the cleanist! Littering though is a pet hate of mine - my daughter of 4 was disgusted to see rubish all over a swim on a club lake even though the swim had a bin right behind it "why dont they clean up dad"? - to make matters worse the so called angler did well during his session, but even that didnt make him want to show it any respect. Its got to be up to management and fellow anglers to ban those people for a short time, to think of their actions and for us anglers to set a good example. I take an ashtray with me and binbags they are always in my tackle bag - when I leave a swim I always look back to make sure that nobody would know I've been there! Quote
dansteel Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 yer i wont lie i have left litter but not always purposely. Quote
grego Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 yer i wont lie i have left litter but not always purposely. Its not immensley difficult to have a look around your swim before you leave mate.. so in reality, you have purposely left litter.. Quote
junior1991 Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 i wouldnt be able to relax knowing im being watched on cam, id feel under pressure to have everything perfect! Quote
junior1991 Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 i dont even leave the slighest bit, partly becuase of ocd lmao. i just wouldnt like it Quote
grego Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 I'll see if i beat nick to it turn your caps off please mate, its seen as shouting on this and a lot of other forums Quote
louis84 Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 I THINK GETTING CAMERAS AROUND FISHERIES WATCHING AND IF THEY GET CAUGHT LEAVIN RUBISH THE MUST LEAVE THE PREMISIS.. "excuse me! You just left a bag of rubbish in ur swim, i'm going to have to ask you to leave the premesis" "oh, that alright i was just leaving anyway" doi! Quote
dansteel Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 the problem here is that no one on this site will admit to leaving litter cause they know they will get stick, i even take an ashtray with me, well a tin with a lid but as jay said (x2gsd) one of the lakes that we are members of is disgusting and 2 or 3 others are pretty bad to the point that jay nearly never bothered joining. i must say though that the club did ban someone last year for litter abuse but it still dont put a stop to it. we have bailiffs that come round and give litter tickets and then come back later to see if you have left any, but it still dont stop them. i see why people wont admit it mate lol Quote
kamzter Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 As someone that has done 15 years in security, fisheries will not put cctv up as one its expensive and there is only one person that will pay for it (us carpers). And there is a salary involved for someone to be watching the cctv say 12-24 hrs time which again who would pay that? Quote
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