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Everything posted by oscsha

  1. oscsha


    Just seen this on the BBC - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-coventry-warwickshire-44783433
  2. Sorry bees do not have to bee sit on the pad to be killed !! As I said above I would rather be cautious around fish if using one , better safe than sorry . Your happy using one , I'm not just different opinions .
  3. If any one is using one of these Thermacell's with Allethrin pads then it may be worth taking precautions i.e covering all bait and switching off when the fish are out of the water , may seem over the top but Allethrin is not good for fish , kills bee's as well (a big no no in my book ). May work well , but I'll stick to other methods of controlling the little blood suckers .
  4. I thought Allethrin was the main ingredient used in Thermacell , I must be wrong maybe they have changed the formula ??
  5. Allethrin is not the nicest of stuff IMO.
  6. Is that the one that contains allethrin ?
  7. You won't be able to use 80lb mono straight through , the spool won't hold enough , the mono will hold to much memory and will coil , the diameter will reduce the length of cast . Use the 80lb as a shock leader although 50lb is probably all you need .
  8. I've now got an image of flashing bivvies on a runs water
  9. Not for me , but Nash doesn't make many mistakes so I reckon there is a market .
  10. Optonic owned the patent hence why no one else produced alarms until the patent had run out from memory around 1992 , the flood gates then opened hence the amount of alarms on the market . As soon as the patent run out the big boys of the time i.e Shakespeare , Daiwa , Fox all started to produce roller alarms .
  11. The thing is the system Delkims use only exists due to the patents at the time , they couldn't use a roller so had to come up with another solution a good one maybe to sensitive probably .Alot of takes are more than one bleep so most alarms will suffice . If you want to see all the action use a float lol .
  12. In simply terms id you imagine the rod blank having a a line running along its length , this is its spine this will be very slightly stiffer . Some rod builders place the rings on this spine others opposite the spine .
  13. No need to try it , was my 1st saturday job bait/tea boy . Scary thing is my hands & lower arms where covered in Chrysodine .
  14. Maggots no longer feed once removed from the food source at the bait farm , hence why it's difficult to colour them the Bronze dye we used to use is very carcinogenic . Red maggots are feed the red coloring at the bait farm while they are still feeding .
  15. Adding ground bait or crushed boillie may just clog up , we used to use a mixture of sawdust and maize the idea was to clean and keep them dry .
  16. Some good advice the main trick is to keep them cold . Once you buy them they will not re-feed so just make sure the saw dust is kept dry/clean ,maggots sweat ammonia .Store in as big as container as possible this will stop them produce heat as they move against each other.
  17. total guess as I don't use Delk's but phone , ipad , baitboat could all be the cause .
  18. I'm glad you post here , it's worth reading for the comical factor , keep it up .
  19. So just where have you got your ' most tackle thefts are done by out of work druggies ' from . JUST STOP trying to state your opinions as facts . I'm not saying what you have seen / had happen hasn't BUT what i'm also saying has and does happen , some small crime dna has helped solve much larger crime FACT. I'm not saying every crime is treated in the same way but please remember I may just know more facts than yourself ( I don't work for a department store )
  20. That's the one case you have the facts about , NOT every case is the same . A career thief may not know anything about fishing so how would he know what the good items are ?? The fact is thieves will and do turn up in a van and just empty a garage , shed storage etc , they may not even sell the items direct themselves and not all stolen items are sold at bootsales they are sold through every platform . Don'y be so blind to accept other scenarios and facts just because you have not heard of it happening .
  21. You should maybe ask yourself what some of us members here do before you start trying to carry on spouting your rubbish By the way I'm in no way saying the items are stolen , but don't presume just because you are collecting from a house does not mean they are not . Unfortunately stolen goods come up for sale on every platform including forums . Sorry to the OP for going off topic
  22. People smash car windows to steal a few quid in change !!! Say the guy had all his gear in a garage , thieves pull up in a van break into the garage and just take everything and yes this DOES happen ., some criminals will take everything they have touched to save leaving any prints/dna .
  23. Could easily be stolen , not sure why it's unlikely !
  24. Whilst I totally agree with you about stolen items , if you don't buy it someone else will . I've taken car reg and a sneaky photo before just in case .
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