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Everything posted by mick1396

  1. And you`re suprised by this!!!!! No Mate, Not Really! Just saddened more than anything, saddened that people are searching for Publicity by using something thats been used for years and claiming it as their own NEW idea And on the back of another one with a carp fishing dvd to sell,coincedence??? I don`t think so.
  2. Try the smaller ones as they`re reckoned to be better than the large ones,don`t know why tho. Mates of mine have used them and rate the smaller one best.
  3. That`s why I`ve gone back to longer hairs again,and it seems to be working.
  4. And you`re suprised by this!!!!!
  5. Fair enough,hopefully it can all be sorted amicably now.
  6. No probs mate. Shunt? over to you?
  7. Ok guys,can we calm it down please,both of you have stated your opinions on a water that I admit I know nothing about. But no more insults and taunting please or threats,however vague they might be.
  8. I`m still experimenting with different lengths at the moment.
  9. No,I`m using longer hairs again,but it`s something I`ve not ruled out.
  10. What you do is hook the bait directly on the hook,but do it so that the hook goes thru the bait closer to the side than the center,that`s all there is to it.
  11. I haven`t but it`s a way they used to hook boillies back then so that the hook point wouldn`t get masked,the idea was the bait would come off on the strike.
  12. Why don`t I feel as young as I did back then???
  13. It`s another one from the past again,with the old baits being used again,the long hairs and now side hooking,we`ve practically come full circle.
  14. Right,I`ve cleaned this thread up,so keep on topic,nobody is interested in what you do to pass the time or what you read.
  15. They are still availible mate,google it and there`s quite a few shops that are selling them.
  16. Have a look at the Gamakatsu G Hard,they are expensive,but I think you`ll find they are well finished.And welcome to the forum.
  17. Gamakatsu G-Hard,they are a bit pricy,but are well made and will not blunt,reckoned to be 5 times stronger than a normal hook. For a cheaper regularly priced hook,try the Kamasan B 775,another superb hook.
  18. Try using the fox inline bubble float,as the swivel from your hooklink will push into a tail rubber type thing,it`s set up pretty much the same as an inline lead rig. The plus point being that you can add some water to the float if you want as an extra casting weight,and in the water it looks just like a bubble,so more natural.
  19. I bought some mate and they are an extremely sharp and well made hook,the eye is totally closed and well finished. The only thing to remember is that the sizes are larger than normal,so reduce the size you choose down a size. Looking at them I would deffinately suggest you get some,I`m going to try them out in France.
  20. The G Hards are down to £9.99 a pack now instead of £11.99.if that`s any help.
  21. True mate,it can be a real pain and that`s why I think alot of people stay away from it,hence that`s why I still use it,to be differant.
  22. I use Super Nova,Super Mantis,Merlin,and one that`s not been mentioned yet........Multi Strand.
  23. Try the Gardner Mugga`s or the Gold Label Penetrator 2,both really strong hooks,mate`s had Cat`s to 80 and 100lb on size 8 Mugga`s.
  24. Multistrand is good for that too.
  25. as long as it`s the rig and not the Withy hook,that is a nasty bit of kit.
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