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  1. I'm my opinion if I'm baiting over debris like you mentioned then I use half baits as they flutter down much slower than a whole bait ( if using boilies) which gives them a better chance of sitting on top of the chod.
  2. You on commission or something?
  3. The only "runs" waters i can think of near me in the midlands are barston lakes, earlswood lakes and the obvious one drayton reservoir
  4. Me and a m8 went drayton on friday and was rammed big time..... there were hardly any pegs left at all on the left hand side but we did manage to find 2 empty 1s together 110-111 i think, anyway the water was really low and i had to wade out 15 foot to land and release the fish so make sure u take a set of wellies or waders with you. The fishing was slow to begin with in the morning and early afternoon with hardly anyone catching but as usual picked up around 3-4 oclock and at 7ish had 5 runs in 15 minutes 2 of the times i didnt even have time to clip the bobbin on and it was away. I dont really like these runs waters but i will be doing a night on there sometime in the near future
  5. drayton reservoir possibly?
  6. What sought of size fish you after?
  7. try a domhorf knot as that only goes throught the eye twice
  8. theres loads in the blythe behind hams hall not very big tho maybe up to lower doubles
  9. I've never fished it before which is a shame cos i live 5 mins from there. I am gonna give it a good bash this year though and try and do the nights at the end of the month which they allow.
  10. There are plenty of clear spots its just a case of finding them. I walked round there the other day and seen a quite a few without the use of a marker rod. I'll be fishing up there on Saturday, I'll let u know haow i get on.
  11. well i had a walk round earlier after finding a route through all the bogs and marshes and looks very carpy, one of the lakes especially, crystal clear mostly gravel bottom but didnt see any signs of fish movement but was only there for 30 mins as the dark was closing in and we had to navigate our way back through. i think it needs another look
  12. I think i might have to go for a little walk round later on
  13. It certainly does, especially the lake on the bottom right hand side (the 1 with 6 odd islands) i bet theres a few hidden gems in them lakes
  14. also last summer me and calamity carper had 54 fish between us in 1 session all ranging up to about 18lb, in the same peg. ye that was mad session
  15. Hi guys, can any of you tell me any info about these lakes http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?ll=52.596062,-1.6852&spn=0.02904,0.084543&t=h&z=14 Just wanted to know who owned them and whether they are fisheries or not and whether they contain any carp. Anything would be great. Thanks guys
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