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Everything posted by danm1

  1. I'm sure there are folk out there who sit on Google and wait for threads to come up on some waters - then register and post this sort of thing. I'd like to see the Mods insist that when you slate a water, you give a comprehensive overview of your carp angling competence - to prevent half-competent anglers being tempted to avoid venues based on feedback by numpties. PMSL.
  2. Personally, have always tried to steer well clear of that area. LOL. Cuttle Mill's a venue I've been to a couple of times - not a bad day ticket water at all - well worth a go.
  3. Has anyone fished Horseshoe? Is it worth joining the Carp Society to fish there?
  4. Alright fella! Pretty sure Poppy Hills is really a mixed fishery - it's only very small, but has tonnes of swims packed in there - not really a carp venue. The lagoons are possibly the better option, although not really been able to pin much down as to what's in there. The Grand Union could actually be a good bet to try to beat your pb!
  5. Shocked to see so many venues on the thread! Just shows what modern day "carping" (if you can call it that) has become.
  6. Not a bad experience at the same venue presumably?! Castaway's one of those venues that I like the look of, so interested to hear how you far. Be lucky!
  7. Sussex? Chichester and District Angling Society have some venues that may fit the bill - if you live within 12 miles of the centre of Chichester. (Otherwise it'd be a long wait!).
  8. Not heard of them. I'm only a few minutes away from Weston - so interested in any info anyone might have!
  9. Good info! I'd agree - Stanborough isn't everyone's cup of tea. Manor Farm isn't a bad day ticket venue - quite like it there. Verulam's a good club with some nice waters and won't break the bank.
  10. Don't forget your beam deflectors either. A fire extinguisher is also recommended - you'll not get done for not having one, but if your car catches fire and you have no means to put it out, then you'll get done. Bless!
  11. Alright Nick. Do I think it affects catch-rates........I couldn't say for sure, but I don't think it helps put extra fish on the bank. I'm not one of these "camo everything up" folk - with respect to the end tackle, but I do think the way tubing can sit doesn't help. And I don't mean that it's sticking upright - just the way it lies over any debris on the bottom, or an uneven bottom etc. could work against you. Similarly in clear water it can stand out like a sore thumb - again, I don't think that helps.
  12. I don't know who dreamt up the "lifting scales" story, but it's something I've never ever come across in many years of fishing. I suspect it was probably someone with an interest in selling a bit more tubing. Surely, by the time the fish has picked up the bait and moved back towards the lead it will have realised something is up anyway, so I personally wouldn't get excited about the effect of the tubing. [That said, I hate tubing and never use it - but not for the reason you've raised]
  13. Have you looked on the Veralum website? Smallford is a well run venue - nice looking water. Has plenty of carp in it, mostly doubles, few 20's, the odd scraper 30. You have to work for the fish, but it's far from hard.
  14. Where abouts are you talking?
  15. Not my cup of tea - an out and out commercial venue in a county that has tonnes of pukka waters, which, in my mind, offer much better value for money. Each to their own though.
  16. Probably not going to be a huge amount of help as I don't know that time of year. I fished end-Apr before about 90 mins form Calais. We had 4-seasons in the week, but it wasn't cold - just wet, windy, then dry, sunny. Maybe 18/20 degs in the day - not much below 10 at night. I then went another 2 hours "down" - into the Champagne region - for the next week - and it was 25+ in the day - with ice on my mat (I'd caught!) at night! Quite a big "swing". It all depends on the venue though - the first wasn't a prolific water and I caught "not a lot" - the second, despite the low overnight temps - was a well stocked venue and yielded a good stack of fish!
  17. So, on another water - it's ok to, quote, "offend or annoy" another baliff? Joking aside - having looked at the website - why any self-respecting carp angler would go there is beyond me. Although I have heard it mentioned that alledgedly the "numpty-fraternity" will keep them in business for many years to come.
  18. danm1


    Having seen your profile - reckon you should stick to the golf!
  19. danm1


    You're wondering how long your hooklinks should be in France? I think trying to have a "one-approach-fits-for-the-whole-of-France" is probably a bit ambitious - maybe you could narrow it down a bit? Maybe there's a right answer for North France - and one for South France?
  20. Plantation is about the only lake there that doesn't seem to be frequented by clowns! Alarms go off on North Lake all the time - most of the time it's people setting their bobbins after casting, or checking their alarms are still working as it's been at least 5 minutes since the last time they checked. Prices going up in the new year. £40 for 24hrs! Did I say clowns with too much money?
  21. I wouldn't fish Monk Lakes if they paid me a princely sum to fish it. The carping world is your oyster in Kent - some great club waters and syndicates - wouldn't even bother with day ticket bilge.
  22. Thanks for the info - but I was thinking more for a section on here rather than for me personally. I'm afraid I don't agree with you entirely - whilst the two systems your refer to are "safer", there are still scenario's where they are wrong. If someone fishes those in a snag situation - and is fishing badly such that the fish careers through a series of snags, snagging the mainline above the lead, then when they inevitably pull for a break, the lead probably won't discharge! For me, that's not the rig being unsafe, but poor angling - which is my point.
  23. I've scanned those links - to be honest I've not read every post word-by-word - but from what I saw, the rigs displayed are "idiot-rigs" as I chose to call them - or "death-rigs" as most people call them. I didn't see anything there that suggested that leadcore or leaders in themselves are an issue, when used sensibly. [i should point out that a large number of the pictures are now "missing" ] My view - and I'll open myself up for abuse (but please make sure you can back it up with real facts!) - is that any rig is only as safe as the angler. So educating them properly is what it's all about - are there similar topics on "safe rigs" with appropriate photo's?
  24. There are no syndicate lakes on the complex any more - they have all been open to all on a day ticket basis for at least 3 years.
  25. I caught loads of fish Mon/Tues just gone, fishing boilies in PVA bags, fished over a light spodded area of hemp. Very few people were catching - more than half blanked.
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