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Everything posted by danm1

  1. Pavyotts Mill does apparently.
  2. Contemplating a trip this time next year, so VERY interested to hear how you get on! Be lucky!
  3. I've always just used my teeth. Think the only thing that didn't work with was the original Korda Hybrid - but soon found that was rubbish so wasn't a problem for long! (Korda presumably agreed as they replaced it with the soft and stiff!)
  4. Thanks mate. I had a look at the website, but it doesn't give anything away regarding what's going on at the moment. The times I've spoken to them in the shop, the standard line is, "there's a bit of weed, so pop-ups are worth a go".
  5. Any good ones that you'd recommend? Particularly interested in "runs-waters" - where you regularly get at least 10 runs a day and there are no carp under 30lbs, with the average being at least 50lbs. Preferrably no cats either - they stink. Thanks in advance.
  6. Has anyone fished this recently? (yes, I've done a search and while there were a few "hits" there was nothing that helped me!) Interested to find out a bit about the stock and going baits/methods. I've only been there once and that was about 18 months back, so any pointers much appreciated. Thanks!
  7. Thanks for the info. Is there accomodation (lodge/cabin) there - as in somewhere to take the family?
  8. Sounds interesting. How long a drive is it from the French ports?
  9. Fair play - I have the utmost respect for those who are prepared to work for their fish - all too easy to go to an overstocked pot-noodle water for instant carpers and "up" your PB. Do you think many people are prepared to pay top dollar to work hard to catch doubles though - when they can go to places like the ones I've just referred to? The concept really doesn't sound like a go-er in the day ticket carping arena?
  10. That told me then. LOL. So, are you saying it's a day-ticket water pitching itself at people who want to catch doubles, with a good chance of a 20, that are more difficult to catch than the norm because there aren't so many in there. If your right, they've definitely found a niche in the market!
  11. A mate of mine did a night on there a couple of weeks back - think it was him and 3 others. None of them had anything. It's a reasonable size lake isn't it (according to the website it's 12 acres?) 100 carp won't go very far in there - that's a pretty low stock for today's commercial waters.
  12. Worth having a little stroll down there - it's a very small lake and you don't want more than 2 or 3 people on there in total (they always used to let up to 5 on, which was asking for trouble when you get a few "typical day ticket water carpers" on there!
  13. Plastic corn mate. I was just looking back through the diary........between July 2004 and Jan 2006 I fished 15 sessions for a total of 29 decent carp (plus about a dozen of the small commons that had "come through". A lot of those were in the winter too - it has good winter form.
  14. I had a winter campaign on there in 2004/5. From memory, I only ever blanked down there once - so if you want any pointers, albeit possibly a bit out of date, happy to help.
  15. As with any water - you can't beat having a walk round before you fish. I fished Evesham way back - before it opened - and it wasn't a bad little water - plenty of action - fish from 4 to 16lb. There were lots of fry even then. I actually think a lot of the slating this venue has had in the past is down to one of the co-owners. The other co-owner was one of the nicest people you'd meet and would do anything for anyone. I am not sure who's involved with this water nowadays so can't comment.
  16. I know what you mean mate, there are some shockers out there. You may want to have a look at Clearwater lakes - I think they advertise on here? I went there about 3 years ago (when it was run by Kev and Carol - now under new ownership). Although I fished the main lake (Spring Lake) I'd hired the cottage for the wife and little 'un. The cottage is absolutely spot-on - really nicely done out! (No pool though). Mill lake was always the runs water - max of two fishing it - and that's very close to the cottage - Spring lake is a fair bit further. I'm interested in the sort of venue you mention - let me know if you find anything please!
  17. The pegs to get in are definitely Pole Position (clue in the name!) or Waiting Man's - or along the causeway between Pad Lake and the Split. At least if you fish there, if any of the boys on the Car Park bag one, you'll be able to see one of the most impressive fish in the land!
  18. Just got a copy of Rob Maylin's latest....."One Last Cast". Worth a read I reckon fellas.
  19. The Pad Lake is steeped in history, sadly the history fish are long gone.
  20. I've got a ticket at Monks - which is smaller, but with a more impressive stock than Grenvilles has at the moment. There's a list there, but it's still open.
  21. Waiting list closed long ago - don't think there's a lot of chance getting in any time soon unless you're "a name" or know someone who's an existing member and will put you forward.
  22. Very early capture of the big girl, especially bearing in mind the harsh winter we'd had. To set the record straight, the Leather Lake is not 7 acres - it's a lot smaller than that - and the other fish in there don't average mid 20's. About half of the 13 carp in there are doubles! The next biggest in there after Toadless goes mid 20! You'd have to be mad to fish there! Do you know if you were close with your late August prediction?
  23. Going back a few years since I fished it (5 years perhaps?). The first lake as you go through the gate was the one with the better fish in. It's tiny - and most of the lake is the central island! - but held some good fish to about 32lb at the time. Was pretty weedy though and they got a bit carried away with how many people they let on it. The other "carp" lake was a fair bit bigger - albeit I think a 20 was a good fish for there. Also held a few double-figure cats if you like that sort of thing. Worth a look round before you book up I'd suggest - it won't be everyone's cup of tea simply because of the size. I couldn't say anything bad about it though personally.
  24. I grew up on the Chichester pits - lost touch with them a bit now, but can probably dispell a few of the popular myths and maybe give you a few pointers!
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