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Everything posted by dougmoon

  1. http://www.weirwoodreservoirangling.co.uk/coarse-fishing.html weirwood reservoir 288 acres if you fancy a challenge?
  2. I cant wait to move now Loads of lakes to explore
  3. as im moving to leicester at the end of the month. this is really usefull. thanks Kev
  4. Hi there i can give you a few in East Sussex to get you going Weirwood Reservoir 288 acres Near Forest Row Park Fisheries Near Uckfield Stream Valley Near Crowborough Powdermill Near Battle The Carp Syndicate Near Crowborogh Broadoak Fishery North of Crowborough White Cottage Near Hailsham that should be enough to get you started and not to forget Sussex Piscatorial Society
  5. Ive been using hydrlink and there floro for years. You can leave all the floro in (stiff rig) make a break in it. (hinged stiff) strip just the end (combi) Use the floro as a stiff hair !! Or strip the lot out and just use as braid I usually tie some rigs up "stiff" and alter at the lake as needed
  6. Ive got loads of it. You are welcome to dig around in my hooklink bag.. there are lots in there
  7. Hydrolink
  8. Well thanks for keeping it quiet and not sharing doug good video nige although recently i have been using the "thinking Anglers" double ring swivels (two large rings) i now no longer need to tie a fiddly loop
  9. thats the way i have been doing it for the last couple of years
  10. I agree with all of the above
  11. speaking from experience. i always use a Sat Nav when abroad. as i have found out to my cost, maps are not very good at re-directing you when you are lost
  12. i use hydrolink very easy to do, as you say Nige. you can have a stiff, hinged or multi hinged hair if you like my favorite at the moment is the micro link.. i just use the 3lb fluro insert for the hair
  13. i have fond memories of sailing big red through france
  14. welcome to the forum. i havent fished elphicks. sorry doug
  15. ooo on the magic bus
  16. That's sneaky. I like sneaky. Ian Of course you do. You were around when it was invented. Of course you do, you're a Brummie. Of course you do, you're a Pikey. Feel free to pick the most offensive to you
  17. 10-12 lb depending on the size of fish you are after
  18. drennan double strength
  19. have a look at cottington in Deal
  20. Thanks very much now i undetstand how it all works if you use the search on here and type in chod or naked chod there are dozens of threads wich may be usefull
  21. look up naked chod rig on the korda wenbsite. its probably the best explaination
  22. you can fish it "on the line" or naked as its known. or use a leader if your water allows
  23. if you want a boom section it would be a stiff higed rig
  24. And me
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