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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I wouldn't like to see that either, for me he is a great professional, someone you would want your kids to look up too, but if he goes to utd it would be a terrible shame,
  2. Obviously I was biased but when you are spurs fan and a player does this for you right at the end of the game, he was a Match winner that day and all from skills he must have practised again again and again I was in the corner where they celebrated and white Hart Lane erupted that night magical times
  3. Sadly I don't know, I guess it's just like how carp fishing has gone, it's not the same niche market it once was many moons ago, I guess we just have to accept changes and embrace it, you can't look back and say it was better in my day, you just have to go forward and find what makes you happy in your angling, either that or just walk away I guess I've just lost Interest in Football because I can't justify the cost of going or the cost of sky sports when sadly I doubt I will get time to watch it, kids won over football
  4. Having been lucky enough to watch Bale a few times in his spurs days, he is an exceptional footballer, he worked really hard every game, he isn't just an average player he has exceptional skill, you don't just get that from kicking a ball about, it took lots of hard work how many kids do you know that get trials or play for certain teams and expect to make it big, quite a few but not many of them ever hit the big time, you have to be the cream that rises time and again, should he be earning that much probably not, but that's the game, he has worked hard so I can't knock him, I can knock the game and what it has become though, the media has turned it into a circus and I've lost my passion for the game but it isn't the players fault its all the leeches that feed off there talent,
  5. I totally agree will make my life easier too, its a solid bit of kit I was just telling it like it is really, it's a budget barrow with a few imperfections but that's why it's at the price it is, I still think there will be more expensive barrows that aren't anywhere near as useful, I am quite a practical person anyway so I can try and improve any issues I come across
  6. I've been using 4 quite a bit lately when I can get away with it but I think as sensitive as possible is best, on setting 4 I have had 2 beeps that have turned Into bream(could've been a tricky carp ) whereas on 1 it wouldn't have even sounded, i do like the alarms though, I think they are great little things tbh
  7. I recently changed to having my butt eye past the alarm, I don't think I would go back now much better set up tbh, when used with lighter bobbins it's a sensitive set up for close in stuff, I did try using the line clip last night but it was getting dark and I couldn't see what I was doing properly, will have to have another go I the daylight What's your preferred sonik sensitivity setting on the sonik ie 4 being highest 1 lowest?
  8. Quick and easy enough to fold down to a suitable size for transport, could take wheel off but should be fine not too for me I think
  9. That'll do for me, if you want a high quality barrow I wouldn't get one of these rocwood ones tbh, the paint isn't great I reckon it will scratch up easily but I am not really fussy and I can get all my gear on it easily and loaded properly it should handle all I need to throw at it , I wouldn't say its the greatest build quality either but again it's pretty solid and shouldn't break, all in all I would say its a low quality but very functional barrow which I won't mind barging through brambles etc and if the paint gets too bad I will just Re do it myself, If I was spending up to £150 I would probably get a carp porter mk2 but at £46.99 this will do me as I will be able to get my kit around the lake in one trip and won't mind abusing it either You can fit a 17ltr square bucket In the carry bag and probably my waders too
  10. If I use line clips will I end up folding my reel handles?
  11. I never really use them perhaps I am missing out, I might try it later see if I am 😎
  12. Have a look at parcel2go they supply you a range of couriers and usually get you a better deal, Royal mail are cheapest for small parcels anything else a bit of a rip off they only want small items
  13. I had a mk2 carp porter years ago that was also a good barrow, but I sold that this one seems a smaller version of that really, without sides etc but I don't carry as much so will give it a try when it arrives and let you know
  14. I do like my 10ft sonik vaders, they are nice but maybe too long as a 2 piece 5ft broken down, tbh though your baby stuff will fill up the car on a holiday you need a telescopic you can fit under your seat, the amount of stinky winky they come with is unbelievable 😂 I still have a 12ft spod though and it does make the quiver look untidy 😬
  15. I may get into pimping my barrow 😎
  16. I have a real pet hate when it comes to reading product reviews and that is "it does what it says on the tin" really boils my widdle I was just looking at a rake head ffs I know that doesn't come in a tin arrrrrgghhhh it's everywhere and mainly when there isn't a tin in sight, 😖
  17. Puncture proof sports wheels https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F333151677276
  18. Thanks that's great I mainly do shortish sessions and have tried to lighten up but apparently not enough yet and this looks pretty good for the money, I might just have to get one 👍
  19. Delving a little deeper it looks like it's an unbranded tfgear banshee anyone used one of those?
  20. Has anyone looked at the £46.99 rocwood one on ebay looks a good smallish barrow for the money but that's just looking at the pics of it, not sure if it actually would be any good https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F362021763721
  21. Hey guys Was looking into chod storage today saw the fox steam and store, but thought wow that's expensive 15 quid so 5 minutes in the garage of dreams and here it is I present to you the world exclusive Elmo DIY CHOD BIN Yep that ls right I've sawn into the middle bit of an old funnel Web tube I had kicking about, I actually think the boilie sized one would be perfect for this as it would put a better curve on the rig when steaming it, but you are free to change the design as you wish and maybe even take more care when using the saw
  22. Isn't the only usual rule the higher the number the bigger the reel 🤔 I would go to a shop and pick one you feel most comfortable with
  23. Just used the countersink have to say it does look quite lovely, As John Wilson used to say "I would eat that if I was a carp"
  24. Don't people mainly use wafters nowadays anyway for a balanced hookbait ? 🤔
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