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Everything posted by yonny

  1. Agree. I have two mates who've had boats on the Nene. Cost them an absolute fortune. Decent moorings alone cost them thousands.
  2. Try again..... I started with the heaviest items and worked my way down so first to go was the shelter (I also got the Lo Pro), then the bedchair/bag, then the stainless etc etc. I just kept going until everything I have is pretty much lightest on the market bar rods/reels.
  3. I started with the heaviest items and worked my way down so first to go was the shelter (
  4. @Its-grim-up-north, Mark @ SHB is going through some personal issues at the moment so bear with him. They'll be worth the wait.
  5. For sure mate, there has to be something in that.
  6. More an oil then a flavour but deadly in the winter: https://www.lorannoils.com/cinnamon-oil-1-dram-0010-0100
  7. yonny

    Silly Rules

    Totally agree mate - really winds me up when good gear gets banned (think braid, nuts, retainers, floaters etc) because bad anglers misuse them!
  8. yonny

    Silly Rules

    Nah, shelfies are MASSIVE in Europe dude. It's only really the UK that are obsessed with freezer baits.
  9. @smufter what hooks were you using before these and what was wrong with them buddy?
  10. I tried that on a pit a few years ago. Blanked for months 🤣
  11. They go up to 16 mm in corkballs and bottom baits, and 17 mm in crushed cork pop ups. They're made from a standard basemix with a fancy curing process so even though they're well dried I don't think they could withstand serious attention form Poisson Chat mate.
  12. I'd expect they's be just as good quality as the tat the tackle firms re-brand and sell at extortionate prices.
  13. I've also heard mixed opinions. In my experience it kills it. It's possible through baiting to have waters rocking right through winter but when it freezes even that's game over!
  14. Lethal pesticides released by man that poisoned our rivers!
  15. Pretty sure under current law it'd be like starting a petition to make robbery legal 😂
  16. It's a European protected species so it's not up to our government (until Brexit anyway lol).
  17. That petition was a complete joke buddy, it was never going anywhere. It was for "For the introduction of non-lethal means of control of the Otter (Lutra- lutra)" when a license to trap and relocate (i.e. none lethal) otters is already available. They were petitioning for something that already exists! No one is going to change things for us in the short term, we need to do it ourselves. If the waters you fish aint being fenced you need to persuade them to fence it, and assist with the costs, or walk away. The time for shouting for change is way passed, it's too late already. There is no "if" buddy. The rivers are almost empty already.
  18. The NS's have a proven track record over many years. Of the two I'd go for them.
  19. Sounds like you had moisture in the tub mate. They're really sensitive to moisture, you have to be careful.
  20. I agree mate, we were playing around with it wondering how the hell it opens. Those magnets are mega strong!
  21. Unbelievably the very day I wrote that (yesterday) just so happened to be the day I saw my first otter on Grantham Canal! Last night I was on my usual mountain bike hoon along the canal and I spotted a pair of eyes in the torch light at water level on the far side. I assumed it was a fox drinking (there's loads of foxes round here) but as I got closer it became clear exactly what it was. It had already clocked me (I use 2 x very high power lights for night biking) and as I got nearer it turned, climbed the steep bank (giving me a crystal clear look at it), and did the off into the undergrowth. I was a bit taken aback tbh.... I've seen plenty of mustelids in my time including loads of mink but this thing was bloomin' massive. I've been spotting signs of otters all last year along that stretch and didn't spot one carp in 2018 where as previously I knew exactly where they could be found. I'm basically taking that sighting as confirmation those carp are gone.
  22. Plenty of signs of otters up and down Grantham canal - and very few signs of carp as a result. I'd expect similar all around the country tbh.
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