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Malc 1950

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Everything posted by Malc 1950

  1. Hi mate, just Google South Cerney Angling Club and you will get most of the info on their site.
  2. Let's hope we don't see a repeat of 2007. Heavy rain forecast for today and in to next week, rivers are at bursting point, fields are waterlogged so nowhere for the water to go. The Severn is very high and getting higher, just hope we don't get high tides.
  3. Cheers Guy I don't fish the place much due to the distance so unfortunately I can't help with h_read's problem. I do rate it as a fairly hard water even thought it's w ell stocked small water.
  4. Few years ago I used to fish the Riddigs without too much success. However a couple of weeks ago I fished it for the 2nd time this year and had a good result, 20lb 5oz Mirror. Only 3 fish came out on the day, mine being one of them. You might not be doing anything wrong mate as a lot of Anglers don't catch there. Just be patient, the results will come.
  5. Fished there recently for the first time, there won't be a next time, wasn't impressed. There are some good beds of pads, along the dam, by the small boat shed and by the fallen tree. As for the fish, don't know, the owner says all the fish are 20+'s but I never saw any, my mate caught 3 all around the 10lb mark. Owner says once he's finished the half that's drained he's going to drain the other half ready for working on, reckons it'll be a couple of years before the whole lake is open again. As I said, won't fish there again.
  6. At this time of year you should get a swim with no probs. During the warmer months you take your chance as it's always busy. Can't tell you how it fishes but the catch reports are generally good. If a water fishes well one week it might not fish well the following week. When I used to fish there Crays were always a pain and as far as I know they still are, hard baits do help.
  7. I agree Just like the locked Korda thread, I mean to say it can't be that difficult to find on going threads, especially the Korda one
  8. Congratulations on both PB's Julie. Nice fish, great pics, and boy are those fish lucky Hope you and Andy are in good health. Malc.
  9. Malc, you can expect a phone call. Ian Look forward to it Ian
  10. Ian, unfortunately I haven't had any experience of fishing that stretch, or even the river, but have been fortunate to experience The Red Lion, surprise surprise I would be happy to come down and help you sample the beer if you like. Ring me whilst you're there
  11. There are 2 swims you can book in advance, The Alamo and The L Shape, both have what is described a lodge, I would call them garden sheds.....lol. Anyway, all the other swims are there for the first to arrive, no bookings. Hope that helps. Malc.
  12. Trench, a great water but can be a real head banger. Had more than my fair share of blank sessions on there, but well worth it tho. Jez introduced me to Trench and the Blue Pig, he will be hearing from my solicitor
  13. That was a good result considering the place was busy. Were the fish caught in good condition?
  14. I fished there, late last year, with Jez, Ian and Guy and was very fortunate to catch a 29.4 Common, early hours of a very wet, windy horrible morning. It is a hard water but, as said, the rewards are there. Whilst on this subject, Merrington, I spoke to Elaine this morning with a hope of booking the lake in September for a social, she told me she wasn't prepared to allow socials or lake bookings any more. Her decision is due to the mindless morons who are not content or capable of conducting themselves in a civilised manner and have no respect for other peoples property and in fact no respect for other people and fellow anglers. Last year Elaine was on the verge of closing the place down, she was fed up of the rubbish and discarded tackle left on the bank and damage to the cabin after another forum, probably the biggest on the net, had their social there. Says it all really doesn't it, Carp Angling of today.
  15. You forgot to mention about the stunning views. £540 a year to fish a round concrete bowl, exclusive, quiet. This has to be a wind up Horseshoe (Carp Society) is only £450 a year and is stocked with some of the best Carp in the country. I'm on a syndicate, 25 acres, stunning fish, some never been caught before, could be quite a few 30's, on a private estate, all for £100 a year.
  16. Fishery owners and bailiffs should and must try and stamp out the use of dangerous rigs by checking ALL anglers rigs. It's been said soooooo many times before, EDUCATION is what's needed whether the angler is a beginner or experienced. Don't anyone say that all experienced anglers always use safe methods of catching fish, they don't. Even some of the experienced use methods to catch fish at any cost. As regards what an angler pays to join a syndicate or to fish a day ticket water doesn't mean that he/she is a responsible angler. Just means they they can afford it.
  17. Malc 1950


    Apart from fish care, which is paramount, other anglers have to be considered. If your mainline breaks it could leave a whole lot of line in the lake which would undoubtedly impede other anglers.
  18. There is another thread about Merrington as well covering the booking of the social: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=31197, and somewhere on there is a link to their website. The website contains the prices and full location. I also know that there are a couple more threads on here about it as well Or, which could be easier for you, simply Google Merrington Carp Fishery.
  19. I've never and never will use leadcore but I do agree with the above statement, and no I'm not inexperienced nor faint-hearted, it's just my fishing doesn't include leadcore, and I have seen what happens to fish where inexperienced anglers have used the stuff. I hope the advise given is listened to for the sake of the fish.
  20. So you'll catch 2 SMALL Pike instead of 1 then
  21. I will be there in a few hours, for the weekend, so will let you know how I get on. First time out this year and really looking forward to it, so much so, I aint tired
  22. Fished Lydney lake a couple of times quite a few yrs ago now, but wasn't impressed. Huntley Carp lakes, one is a Carp lake and the other is a course lake. Syndicate only. The Carp lake is renound to hold some decent Carp.
  23. I dare say Lappie found somewhere as this thread was started over 2 years ago
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