I fished there, late last year, with Jez, Ian and Guy and was very fortunate to catch a 29.4 Common, early hours of a very wet, windy horrible morning. It is a hard water but, as said, the rewards are there.
Whilst on this subject, Merrington, I spoke to Elaine this morning with a hope of booking the lake in September for a social, she told me she wasn't prepared to allow socials or lake bookings any more. Her decision is due to the mindless morons who are not content or capable of conducting themselves in a civilised manner and have no respect for other peoples property and in fact no respect for other people and fellow anglers. Last year Elaine was on the verge of closing the place down, she was fed up of the rubbish and discarded tackle left on the bank and damage to the cabin after another forum, probably the biggest on the net, had their social there. Says it all really doesn't it, Carp Angling of today.