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Malc 1950

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Everything posted by Malc 1950

  1. Start at one end of the tube and feed the line through, making sure the line and tube is dry and kink free.
  2. Amnesia or mono for me.Haven't used braid for ages.
  3. Certainly is strange what you can catch Carp on.
  4. And a lot of Carp with wind I always wondered why they bubbled so well Just thought, this could solve Del's problem finding fish in his new water. Spod out a few kilos of beans, soon see where the are then
  5. And a lot of Carp with wind
  6. Steve just because you didn't do any good there it doesn't necessarily mean the water is pants.Obviously Carp in there. Nice fish Craig,well done.
  7. Fished a few waters up the Forest in the past.
  8. Sorry,forgot to mention,Tony was another angler who caught one of the easy 20's Only joking lads ....The fish were on your side of the lake. Tony and Nick were on swims that have produced good fish in the past. I have fished it a couple of times since the social,and caught a few and lost what felt like a real good fish.
  9. Fished there a few times. It's quite pleasant with a good head of fish.Swims are ok as well. There is a thread if you do a search, we had a social there. Nick (Admin) had a 26 out during the social so it must be easy fishing
  10. No night fishing on Creedy. At least there wasn't last time I fished it.
  11. There was a few on Shearwater last weekend. I think it could be a lot worse this weekend as schools have now broke up? I do like the lake though. I fancy having a go on Little Shearwater soon. I sat there for a good 1 1/2 hours on Saturday watching a group of fish. Unfortunatly there was already 10 rods out which is a bit tight on such a small lake. None of the rods were on the fish though A mid week session in September might be the way forward for me? Never fished Little Shearwater but,like you,wouldn't mind.I think Nick should have a limit of 3 anglers on there with a max of 2 rods per angler.Even then there'd be too many lines out. 10 rods, ridiculous As regards Shearwater being busy this weekend,well hopefully I can get there early enough before the mad rush.In fact I'll be leaving in a couple of hours,aiming to get there for 5am. Hoping to see my Grandson catch a few Carp,not too worried about whether I catch or not.Having said that I have never blanked there.
  12. Having been fishing for Carp for a short spell, 18 years, I am looking forward to doing my first session on the river and catching my first Barbel. Only joined the river syndicate a month ago and not had chance to fish it yet. Hope you find a water mate. Just a thought have you looked at Burley Fields in Leckhampton Lane, it's not too bad there and if you join the owners club you can night fish it. Hope I have helped.
  13. Used to mate but I am on 3 syndicates,1 being the a short stretch of the Severn, now so don't bother too much with commercials unless I take my son and his lad. Off to fish Shearwater this weekend,taking my grandson.
  14. No mate I don't live down that area.
  15. Yes we caught a few,mainly around the 8lb mark, but due to the noise of kids running about,dogs barking,radios blaring me and my mate packed up after one night. As I said once was enough for me. The reason we fished there was that the water we travelled down to was booked for a competition,late booking at that.Upham was a recommendation from the bailiff of the water we should have been fishing,think he was on commission....lol. As I said this was a few years ago and things may have changed since then,but I doubt it.....Try it and see for yourself.
  16. Not really into slating venues, but, a carp fishery it is not. I doubt that any of the ponds at Upham would measure 1/2 acre let alone 1 acre. Picture this.....A pond where someone is fishing with 2 rods where one rod would be more than enough. When I was there,the pond which holds a 20 had 6 bivvies on there.Shoulder to shoulder.They all had 2 rods each, that's 12 rods in 1/2 acre of water One of the lads had a take and the fish took him round the pond.Well you can imagine what happened. The place is a joke.
  17. If this is the place with half a dozen very small ponds, yes, fished there years ago.Once being enough for me. The place is a joke and a rip off.
  18. Are you getting a tad excited then? I've got to wait untill August
  19. Fished Trench quite a lot a couple of yrs ago.Very hard water and the swims are treacherous especially in the damp and wet.I believe you need to be a member of TAA to fish it.Very very weedy.Loads of bird life present so the chances are they will go down on your bait.Dog walkers aren't too fussy where their dogs leave deposite As I say it's a very hard water.
  20. All I can say is what pleases one doesn't necasserily please the other which is the case for most things in life. Having been to Rusheslake I feel I can say that you will be very well looked after and Kim and Iain are spot on hosts and will help in any way they can.They won't put the fish on your hooks though,that's down to you I am going there later this year with some friends.This will be my 2nd time there and looking forward to it. One other thing,if you are having the food package I should starve yourself before you go,Kim is an excellent cook and there's plenty if not too much food to eat
  21. Hi mate.....Yes the food,hosts,facilities and the venue are excellent, and the fishing is awesome.There are loads of 20's and quite a few 30's to go at.Some are upper 30's.There are cats to fish for as well and I believe there is a cat that will go to 80lb plus. Tell me,have you visited their web site and why on earth would you book somewhere without doing a bit of homework first? Lets face it it's a long way to go and at a lot of money to spend only to be disappointed.BUT I guarantee you will not be dissappointed going to Rusheslake.They know what a Carp angler wants from their holiday and they certainly know how to look after theis guests. I know,I've been there. Good luck, not that you'll need it
  22. For winter fishing I will have quite a few ready tied,gets hard to tie rigs when you can't feel your fingers. In the warmer weather I just tie them up when required,but will have a couple already made up if one needs changing during the night.
  23. I think Lynch Hill is syndicate now.
  24. Not had the pleasure of Serenity myself but a mate fished it last year and had the lake record....48lb 9oz. I might have a wander over there late this year....If I can get the house decorated,landscape the garden and what ever else the Mrs wants
  25. I, for one, can certainly recommend Rusheslake. Fishing, hospitality, food, venue and surroundings all second to none Anglers have hooked cats whilst fishing for carp and lost them but if you're geared up for the cats you should do well.
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