The trouble is these so called top expert carp anglers are always trying to convert you into useing rigs etc. that they reckon they catch fish on,but do they?.They try to encourage you to spend your money by saying hey this is the latest inovation in carp fishing and you will catch fish.Most of these rigs,as already said,go back before some of you were born.Ok if you're happy in spending your money, go ahead,nothing to do with me.
No one can guarantee that the rig you're using caught a fish.In fact can you 100% guarantee that the bait,rig etc. caught you that fish.I think not.Oh i'm not saying it doesn't help mind.
I fish purely for pleasure and simple methods work for me and i do catch fish.I do not go on a lake targeting a particular fish and those that do i have the utmost respect for them.
Anyway hope i aint offended anyone that wasn't my intention.If you are catching fish useing the methods you are useing,great,keep it up.
Back to the thread.I have never used the zig rig but will give it a try,never know it may give me an edge where other methods might fail.
PS.Some of you young lads on here have got alot of knowledge whether it be from books,films etc.Its experience that counts and there are alot of experienced anglers on here so listen to them and take it all in.No harm in a good debait but abuse will get you no where.