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Everything posted by sgart

  1. Allmost forgot. There is also this little old gem. The dude owning the site is a brit who lived in sweden until just some years ago when I heard he moved back but he did fish a lot when he lived here and the site is still quite informative. Some of the facts regarding the sizes and such may not be fully up to date but its a good list and written in english. http://carpoholik.tripod.com/id15.html
  2. If you are on facebook the lake has its own group https://www.facebook.com/groups/228490307186093/?fref=ts
  3. Ok in Borås you have the lake Ballasjön quite near. Ballasjön is quite a popular lake stocked with fish up to 35 lbs. I actually took my first carp there when I first began carping. (nowhere near 35lbs though ) Location and the phone number to Leif which owns the license on the lake http://svenskakarpklubben.com If im correct I believe the license for Ballasjön actually comes for free as member of Svenska Karpklubben. Several brits in the club as well. I live 30+ miles away from Borås unfortuneately.
  4. I am a swede Where in sweden do you live?
  5. Combi-rig with korda krank 4 and 20+12mm snowman. Esp sinklink tied KD style and Esp stiff bristle filament. Putty on the knot. Had 2 fish on it yesterday and both was properly hooked bottomlip and still easy to unhook.
  6. make sure you are using right underwear and dont get too warm before the cold comes. Also make sure you are fed before going to bed. Bed chair cover also does tremendous difference.
  7. No problemo. Hope it does the job
  8. In norway they use Virkon against gyrodactulys. A said earlier in the thread it kills any virus or micro organisms.
  9. I once was working at a salmon/trout farm and during my time there we were unlucky enough to be notified by the government that one of our tested specimens (allways before putting them out in waters) was tested positive for an Epizoo classed virus. That means virus with mortal possibilies that can transfer between animals and also to humans. In other words very nasty stuff to release that can affect humans and lots of wild animals. That meant we had to totally put out all of our stock with electricity or large doses of tranq and then desinfect all of our gear, tanks and dry out and do the same to the ponds and even electrocute and do the same to the surrounding areas streams etc. Not very pleasant. However for desinfecting the gear we used Virkon. A substitute for killing basicly any virus, bug or bacteria and it comes in various forms. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virkon The dams and the surrounding area we "killed" with this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcium_hydroxide
  10. Just a bit curious. In what way does a hook pattern matter when using PVAbags? I personally use pva pretty much all the time with different hook patterns thats why I wonder
  11. Basicly it wont tangle. You can throw it far. Wont give you line bites. I use it on both very weedy waters and on gravel. Also many of the times I throw it in when I am not aware of the bottom situation at all. Not many popup rigs that I know of is equally as simple to use in "most" situations. The hardest drawback for a chod as I can see it is that the lead wont drop off (at least not on normal chod rigs) My largest fish ever caught was on a chod, so of course it helps to boost my confidence in this particular rig.
  12. The curve is just there to help the hook settle easier I think. Like tubing does on a withy pool rig.
  13. ask them if you have to fish with a straight needle in order to go by the rules. To be honest I've never heard of more ridicilous rules. Who comes up with such stuff? Honestly?
  14. sgart

    Rig Setup

    Isn't that an oxymoron? I got your point but at least they wont swim around with a lead attached. I personally dont use more than 50-70cm of LC. The breaking strain of my leaders are lower than my mainline. Of course the mainline could still break before leader anyway. I use loop connection from LC to mainline so if the lead for some reason wouldnt drop the whole safety rig could also snap loose from the swivel and over the LC.
  15. I am bumping this one. Since I am the mother of blanks I was thinking I should perhaps start reading informative carp literature instead of novels during the lazy parts of my sessions. Since there is so many people on this forum there surely must be more who have read a lot of books. In my country there is only one book about carp fishing ever made so I need to rely on brittish books. Ive heard several mention fox book (as the one earlier in this thread). Is there any more that really stands out as informative books? What I dont want to read is books only mentioning there own equipment etc (you know, sales talk). Its purely tactics and "basics" Im after here.
  16. sgart

    Rig Setup

    Mostly Safety rigs, with leadcore.
  17. If thats the case with the birds then I really must get one and try it cause they are driving me nuts.
  18. You must mean the Gardner float? Not Korda? If thats what you mean, I would guess u can (and should) use thicker line than most use during normal floater fishing since its simply just not necessary to use a thin line for descretion. If the carp cant see the line and all you might as well go safe and take a stronger line, in my oppinion. Ive never tried them myself so havent tested the matter. However From what I can see on pictures I am quite curious myself wether the design of the float itself might as well spook fish or make them uncomfy enough to not take the bait. After all, the float is just next to the bait at all time. Seems quite "suspicious" to me.
  19. I would have used Double Grinner knot myself. Or Surgeon knot.
  20. FC is heavier than Mono. However, if the weight of the line dont sink ur bait then why not use FC? I read a lot UK articles about zig rigging lately and most ppl seem to use 10lbs or less lines for this. In my opinion that is extremely thin line and I would personally never dare to use lines that thin. I would rather use more bouyant baits and use thicker lines. Caught my first fish on zig rig 2 days ago (grass carp). I used a semi fixed rig with safety clip, and 0,35mm (thats 16lbs in your meassurement) FC and bread as bait. Had no problem with it sinking and obviously it worked. I didnt use that long hook lenght though. It was 1,3-1,5 meter approx. (around 3 feet) 10lbs monoline: thats around or less than 0.20mm mono. What ppl here use for fishes as tench floatfishing, chub, bream, orfe etc. I would never dream of using that for standard size carps
  21. When I studied marine biology and water (care?) A,B and C (Dont know the english names of all the courses),we learned the term "Point of no return" as a term describing when a water gets enough acids, that the heavy metals dissolve and kills everything, making it allmost impossible to restore. I dont know if you use that term in the UK but it would be strange if you dont, since we used the term in english and not swedish. Point of no return is, anyway a term used in many different subjects. It's a quite normal "chaos" term. Let me get this straight, I do NOT think it is ok to have carps swimming around with leads. My point was that if I was the person losing leads all the time, I would check the rig to make the leads loosen only when fish snaggs, and not on normal takes. I agree with you we shouldnt just discard leads,but as I said I would rather lose leads than teather fish.By the way I too have studied aquatic biology,and I studid the effects of lead in UKand EU waterways,and Im an active member of IFM so I can keep on top of current issues. I agree with you I will also rather lose lead than having fish stuck with it Its a fine line I got a question for you, do you have problems with low pH in many lakes in the UK? I have no idea of what the most aquatic problems are made of over at your place. In sweden we got plenty of low pH lakes, since we got loads of pine forrests. Another problem is Eutrophication.
  22. When I studied marine biology and water (care?) A,B and C (Dont know the english names of all the courses),we learned the term "Point of no return" as a term describing when a water gets enough acids, that the heavy metals dissolve and kills everything, making it allmost impossible to restore. I dont know if you use that term in the UK but it would be strange if you dont, since we used the term in english and not swedish. Point of no return is, anyway a term used in many different subjects. It's a quite normal "chaos" term. Let me get this straight, I do NOT think it is ok to have carps swimming around with leads. My point was that if I was the person losing leads all the time, I would check the rig to make the leads loosen only when fish snaggs, and not on normal takes.
  23. Could you please think about your statement after reading this.The PH would have to drop to a leval that is more dangerous to the fish than the lead. The lead would become an,nitride/sulphide ect not oxide. Approx 33% of all lakes and pits dug in the uk have huge amounts of lead already in them,exposed by the mineing of stone/ballast ect,without any ill health in fish ect. I studid the effects of lead in our waterways for both the BFSS and BASC when the goverment put up its draft paper on a lead ban for shooting. I believe I Know the effects. of course the low pH on its own is also dangerous to the fish. But if there are metals in the lake, such as lead, quicksilver, aluminium etc. It gets critically worse. Therefore the term "Point of no return" which means when the pH level have dropped low enough for the metals to dissolve, and hell breaks loose in the water. Without the metals, the lake kan be restored far more easily.
  24. but not to tight otherwise a fish could end up trailing it around. better to lose a lead than risk a fish. a lot of anglers fit the rubbers loose to purpously (spelling) lose leads when they have a fish on of course, otherwise it is no point having safety clip at all. I think the lead should sit strong enough not to loose when playing carp in a normal matter, but loose enough to be able to shake loose when snagged.
  25. Of course the lead is dangerous to the water! If the pH-value drops much enough, the lead will dissolve and the lead will become poisonous oxide, which is extremely letal to fishes. Also aluminium is extremely posionous to the fishes gills in low pH waters. Just because the water has a stable pH it doesnt meant that the lead is not dangerous. The other way around I would say. I would tighten the rubber cone over the clip, so that t loosen only when the fish get snagged, and not on every take.
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