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Everything posted by salokcinnodrog

  1. One of my 'goto's' on the park lake with sweetcorn and/or pigeon conditioner added into the mix. I also save up and dry my old crusts and odd slices to go in as well. The anglers who fish just boilies can sit for hours without a touch, but put this into the lake close in on a float line and you can catch in minutes, and often the bigger fish.
  2. Rottweiler? Is my reputation that bad? I'm a pussie cat when people keep on my good side😉😅 Seriously I would be ebaying, or your local second hand cash converters type store. My biggest worry of any of them is always 'hot' gear. I know how much my gear means to me, so I would hate anyone to have been forcibly parted from theirs. The Shimano 4000/4500 Aero gte's were some of the best baitrunners built, and the Optonic Super XL was a definite thought if Delkim hadn't come back into alarms.
  3. I used to use crimps for mono rigs sea fishing, if I ever had a rig go, it was at the crimp. I ended up tying my rigs again. I now only crimp my pike wire traces and I use an electrical suppliers crimping tool with the trace wire manufacturers recommended crimps. My choice, is go back to knots and swivels, quick links and loop knots if you must😉
  4. Thing is Mate, I have seen the issues with Fox alarms, from back on the release of the first Microns in the 1990's, the numbers that were returned to me in the tackle shops, or the angler asking for the Fox customer service phone number. Yet my Delkims have never caused me a problem, and I do fish in rain. As you say, maybe it is the newer models, I don't know as mine are the original St's. The only repairs mine have had is down to my own fault of leaving batteries in and corroding the battery terminal etc. I sent them back to Delkim, and had them repaired within a week.
  5. I don't use protective hard cases, I use the original material soft cases, they don't store the damp like the hard cases do. I think a lot of Delkim users who do hard case their alarms may find their alarms go faulty. Customer demand and failure of care causing a fault rather than equipment failure as such. Best bet is to send them to Delkim, only they know what the cost of repair will be with the added battery connector issue. The prolonged damp may have caused electronics component failures.
  6. I have honestly not found an all round best rod, there are too many variables involved. Size of water, distance needed to cast, weed etc. For long distance casting the best rods I have used have been Century FMJ's, followed by 2.75lb SP's, both could put a lead out long long way, well over 120+. My current Rod Hutchinson The Ones in 3.25 are growing on me, and I can hit over 130. My Century NG's in 2.75lb I can hit over 100 as well with a 3oz lead. My favourite fish playing rods were my Armalite mk.l's and ll's, followed by my current NG's.
  7. I honestly think that it is rig names being changed as developments happen. I read Carpology's Guide to Rig Evolution, and the German rig has been changed and faffed with, so it actually bears little resemblance to the original rig. As for The Ronnie rig, I have tied a number up straight to the loop end of the swivel, no ring on it. It made no difference to me catching on it. I do fish it as a combi-rig, braid to the swivel, and then a fluorocarbon or Amnesia book section. It is often my 'whack it out' or pub chuck rod, although I do use a D-rig as well, fished in the same manner. The first fish I caught on it was a 32lb mirror from a difficult water on a homemade Garlic spice pop-up.Since then I have played around on a runs water with both versions, the ring swivel clip and plain swivel clip, and found the plain swivel clip actually worked best for me. I play with the height on the hook section on the D-rig more dependant on weed growth If I am in a weedy swim, compared to a more gravel or clay lakebed area.
  8. That is the one. I rarely had rudd problems with them attacking it, very few in that lake.
  9. I was posh, I had a battery powered float for tench and bream. Only problem was staring at it in the dark and your eyes would cause the float to 'wander'. It wasn't the float moving but your eyes as you stared at one spot. I must admit ledgering on the river was almost always done with white tape round the rod tip up into the ambient light, and/or touch ledgering. Brings to mind an amusing story with the battery float. I put the batteries in for the start of the season, and went to check the shotting with a bare hook in daylight, a size 10 Drennan Sweetcorn hook. Chucked it in, float went under, "oh puffle, too much weight", reeled in and discovered myself playing a 4oz roach. That night I think I had 4 tench on the float up to 6lb, all males.
  10. Baitrunner is Shimano's registered name, it is a free spool system. A reel with a rear drag turned down to minimum and anti-reverse on can become a free spool, Abu Cardinal style, or even Fighting Drag. Daiwa have Bite'n'Run, other makes have their own brand name. Pricewise you have got me stumped, I would be going Shimano ST range, which are about £50.
  11. Welcome to Carp.com. Upping the test curve does NOT give you more stopping power as those higher test curve type of rods are more tip action, which can rip hooks out, or break line. I would be using a more through action rod in around 2.5-2.75lb TC, but upping the line to 15lb. My hooklinks would also be braided hooklink material, they take abrasion better than most monos. For snag fishing, I would put the rods pointing directly where the end tackle is, baitrunner switched OFF, clutch tightened right up, anti-reverse off. Because the fish can't take line they will arc away from the snag, so you can step back as you strike, pull them away and then play as normal, just don't let them get their head down and go back into the snag. Trying to play fish up a channel with reeds on both sides is not fun, you may need to be able to get in the water, either by wading, (but don't take any risks), or by boat. Basically if you are leaving tackle in fish, or losing more than you land, then it could be too risky to fish.
  12. Any chance for the fish to get used to your bait is a good thing. I wouldn't stick it all in one place though, I would spread it around, on the basis it is a good food source. The fish may not show in the same spots, or possibly somebody could be in there, so spread around, there is a good chance the fish will have tried it.
  13. I think of the indicators I have used over the years, monkey climbers made out of old 35mm film cases, to Gardner bodies, to PTFE climbers on stainless needles with a ball top to prevent the indicator flying off. From those to original Fox Swingers, which I loved, as the sliding weight was, I think, more 'zero' under the buzzer, than the Mark.ll's. Then onto Fox Specialist hangars where I added some extra weight with some setting putty in the base, and put bath chains on them. After that I got some original Solar Quiverlocs, in red, white and green. I really did like the the original clips. After I finally killed them, and fancied an upgrade, I went for the short arm Solar Titaniums, again in those three colours. I must admit I don't like the Grip Clips, so put the IPRO heads on them, which I have found I can tighten right up. The Titaniums can be fished at drop, or as swingers or spring arm, even with the short arm which I prefer. As good as the long arms are, which are probably better, because I often fish as low as possible, that is why I have preference for short arms. The original Quiverlocs I found a bit too long at times. Isotopes, I do. At night I often sit watching the indicators, and sometimes with the buzzers off to keep myself to myself, so the isotopes mean I can see movement, even if the buzzers are on, sometimes a bit of movement can precede the sound. With tight lines I have the indicators level, you can see any movement. My indicators need to be able to be used with slack or tight lines, as I do prefer running leads, but can't always do that. Slack lines and running leads mean the indicator is down at 'maximum drop', or even resting on the ground in the case of the hangars. Tight lines means I can level my heads.
  14. No carp in Alton😖😉 honestly😅 West Stow lost a lot of fish a few years ago, so has had a lot of new stock, it is now NS fisheries, and they also have Nunnery near Thetford. The lake I fished in Cambridgeshire is the same distance as Nazeing.
  15. I can't find anywhere comfortable in Suffolk. I refuse to pay £120 odd for a club ticket which I can only fish a maximum of 2 nights and has only 3 30's in the 3 lakes they run where the total acreage is 30 acres max. Even Suffolk Water Park which has a number of 30's is going to cost me £20 a night, the cost for 3 weekends is the whole season on Nazeing.
  16. Nazeing fish can be a bit difficult, they will stay in the sluice area for months at a time, feeding almost solely on daphnia. As the natural food dies down, (bloodworm maybe being an exception), they come out into more of the lake. Nazeing carp don't necessarily follow wind, a southerly puts them into the sluice area, the area that gets the most angler pressure as the swims are car friendly. The sluice inflow is more oxygenated, so a (warm summer) northerly wind would not necessarily move them into the south end outflow area. The causeway between the Central and South may also break up the wind flow, even though there is a 15metre wide bridged channel between them. I've been thinking my way back through sessions, my largest fish was caught on 6th December, at the time of capture, my largest common, was caught in February. At Earith, two of the four blanks I had were when the lake froze over. One of the others was a session in June, and the other was when I was having a 'mare; a 5 day trip that involved a couple of hookpulls, me in an absolutely awful mood and just not able to get my head out of my bottom. I have caught in some real blowy conditions, proper gale force winds, on occasion having to hold the bivvy down while playing a fish, Being in the right place before the wind started, and able to tie down and strap the bivvy with cup hooks into wooden staging and swim boards. I'm not that keen on fishing small lakes in thunder and lightning in the summer, whereas autumn I am. On those smaller waters, Summer thunderstorms seem to lower fish response, maybe oxygen levels in the water, and they can switch off. Heavy thunderfree rainstorms though, love it!
  17. It is often November through to the February I do best. Maybe it is down to lower levels of natural food, maybe I can be more selective, less anglers, so able to get a better swim or on the fish. I have caught well in December, personal best fish as well. I have noticed that smaller or sheltered or tree lined waters do not respond to wind as big lakes do. Even big lakes, angler pressure can change the way the fish respond. I don't get to choose the weather I fish, so I have to take what is offered by the weather god, so I try as hard even in less perfect conditions.
  18. I think using a Deeper Pro does take away to some extent from natural ability. I can use a marker float to map a swim, and see the fish, that is my ability. I could cast out a Deeper and get the lake mapped in half the time, but it just doesn't get me 'the feel'. Technology has supposed to be an advancement, and make life easier for us, but at the same time I think it also kills or dulls the natural touch.
  19. I have a local water that the majority of swims are on jetties, and you have to bivvy back off them. If the water level is up, you could be wading through a couple of yards of soft mud before reaching the jetty. I have seen anglers sit waiting on the jetties, and the disturbance they create. Every movement, every bottom roll as they shift on the chair, all create waves, vibration and noise. Brackens has a swim called Boards, I have blanked when bivvied up in there, it is big enough for a bivvy. Back to the video, awesome. Long distance from the rods? I think my comments above sum that up. We are commenting about him bivvying up, and his 2/3 hours, but a simple question has been missed. Is he sleeping with his rod out? Or is he casting at first light? If casting at first light then he is not sleeping, but sitting where he creates least disturbance.
  20. The lowest row of scales look different and the scale count and pattern just above the ventral fin is different, so in my opinion they are different fish. I would love to see those fish in daylight side on pics, you'd only get accurate identification that way.
  21. I split some of the Stanwick Lakes posts off into their own thread (https://www.carp.com/topic/24684-stanwick-lake-from-bedchairs/?tab=comments#comment-326884), so sorry if this is now a little disjointed. That is my biggest gripe about the 'top range' bedchairs, a lot of money for the foam mattress. Quality is not necessarily any better than some of the budget ranges. Stick a £20 mattress on a £90 TFG Deluxe bedchair and you have the comfort of a Nash or Fox top price sleep system. Not being funny, but I do like being able to take the sleeping bag off, and this summer sleeping in just shorts and t-shirt. A sleeping bag underneath leaves me dripping with sweat. I mentioned earlier that I have looked at various bedchairs over the years, and none of the bedchairs I have owned have cost more than £130. I had a Badger bedchair that cost me £50, and that lasted for around 6 years. Only fault is elastic springing dies, and it gets easier to buy a new bedchair; Bison was its replacement, and again, that lasted 6 years or so. I think that cost £80. The most expensive was one of the original Fox bedchairs, a simple centre elasticated section, with the canvas cover going around the frame at head and feet, and back in the 1990's that cost £129.99!
  22. Been through a few makes over the years and checked and tested them in tackle shops I worked in. Strangely none were better than the original Fox bedchairs I had around 20+ years ago, and I am not made of money, no way can I afford current Nash or Fox prices. My current bedchair is a few years old now, the Chub Vantage 6 leg Flatbed. It is comfortable and wide enough and at open, 2.15m long. I may only be 75kilos when wet (11 1/2 stone I guess), but there is room. Do not get the Outkast version, it is around 18centimetres shorter head to toe, and not as wide. The central padded mattress keeps you warm and because it is not elasticated round the outer frame, it does not sag. Proper mudfeet, and non slipping extendable legs. It also folds up with my sleeping bag inside. Shop around, prices vary down as low as £125 comparred to the £185 rrp.
  23. To be honest that was my view on the first two programmes, however it did grow on me😉
  24. I have posted above, but I use these. https://www.anglingdirect.co.uk/grandeslam-fishing-scales-50kg Think they are about 5 years old now, been abused and used. The bottom hook I have bent round so do not come off the scales, and removed the top hook and replaced it with a T bar weigh handle. Easy to zero with a standard weigh sling, although I use either a TFG Compact weigh sling or a CarpZone weigh sling.
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