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Everything posted by salokcinnodrog

  1. Hi Mate, Welcome to the forum I don't know if any of the fisheries on the link below are any use to you? http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=19962 I know for a fact that Mrs_rusheslake if you PM her will give you an honest answer regarding their fishery and how its fishing. I don't know however if it contains cats. There is a link and e-mail to many fisheries on that thread.
  2. Like its been said before on this forum, on others and in print, most rigs are designed for a particular water or set of fish in particular. Its when a particular rig/set-up gets shown or put into print without a TRUE Explanation of why it is in use or what is what designed for, that that rig possibly becomes dangerous. Most "awkward" to tie rigs are designed for BIG Fish, it is when "that" rig gets used on smaller fish, or as Levi has pointed out, Carp get bullied or played hard then the rig can cause damage. In most cases a Basic Line Aligner or Knotless Knot set-up will hook the Carp effectively and safely. Even on that basic rig it is possible to change the parameters that the Carp encounter. The most obvious are the hair length and the hooklink length. The next step on from the basic hair is either Rod Hutchinson's sliding Hair or Roger Smith's D-Rig. Both were designed for wary feeding fish that were mouthing the bait, and in the right situation will continue to catch. In fact if you look at the D-rig set-up it makes for a very good Pop-up rig, due, I think, to the way that the bait can be blown out along the D, leaving the hook to drop into the lip.
  3. Here's something for you to start you off: http://www.fishsoutheast.co.uk/venueskentbarden.htm http://www.tonbridge-angling.co.uk/barden%20lake.html
  4. I seem to remember you asking about Barden Lake in October and had few replies on the topic. It may be worth looking up Tonbridge Angling Club and see if they have any details on the Lake on their website. The alternative is to get down there and have a look around if you are allowed and talk to other anglers who are fishing it. Sorry, you are likely to have to get off your backside and do some homework on the water and see what is working best, also you are likely to have to experiment on the water and see what works for you There are plenty of Rig Pics in here: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?p=300890#300890 bottom, critically balanced and pop-up rigs Some of the Lead set-ups are also useful for fishing in weed. Next thing is, you want your bait where the fish are feeding. No point in fishing pop-ups 2inches off the bottom if the fish want the bait on the lakebed. Same if they are comfortable feeding in the weed, then a bait on the lakebed may well get ignored. Unfortunately its down to you to find out what works on there, and although we may be able to give you some ideas, the hard work is down to you!
  5. To me the Method is a Semi-Fixed Lead rig, in other words a Bolt Rig, as that is what the rig is designed to do, cause the fish to "bolt". The "Method" was banned on many waters as the original way of using it included Elastic running through the middle of the feeder. If there was a snap-off then a carp was doomed to trail a feeder around with it. Now the Method pretty much just refers to an Inline Groundbait Feeder. There are a couple of ways of getting round this, and are totally legal. An Inline Lead, covered in groundbait gives the same presentation as a Method Feeder, you can fix a Lead Pendant style (the trilobe leads are good for holding groundbait on) Or a PVA Bag full of groundbait attached to the lead with the hook nicked into the bottom corner of the bag. By the same token as banning Method feeders, does the club ban the original Open framefeeder? This was exactly the same as a Method feeder, but fished free running as you would a normal groundbait feeder?
  6. http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=24666
  7. http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=30745&highlight=360 Try reading that thread!
  8. Its a thing called confidence If you are confident in what you are doing, then you are more likely to catch. Incidentally I don't subscribe to the colouring a hook in with a marker, simply because of the hook being covered by the bait or debris.
  9. Mantis for me too, although I do use SnakeBite at times. Mantis is the Braid one and Snakeskin is Multi Strand. SnakeBite is also good and again a braided inner.
  10. Like I said in a previous thread just down the page , if you are fishing a bed of bait then you don't want a pop-up, you want your hookbait at the same level as the rest of your bait. If you are fishing a Food Source boilie in an area of baits then you may want to have your bait the same level as the freebies, in other words on the bottom. Or you may want to have it popped up slightly in the hope that it will get taken first, or you may need to have it critically balanced, so that the carp sucks it the same as the freebies, and the hookbait shoots into the mouth. Beware that pop-ups and critically balanced baits can start to work against you in the Food source baits. As for a Hi-Attract pop-up, you don't have to have a different rig from your bottom baits, just either tie a piece of power gum at the height you want it off the bottom and cover it with putty, or do the same with shot. As for other pop-up rigs LOOK AT THE STICKY AT THE TOP OF THE SECTION
  11. Jez, I won't argue about the weight of it, cos I actually know. I also know that the Leadcore is thinner than the tubing (may sound obvious I know), but Lead is actually denser than the Tubing. Like you I'm getting to the stage that I'm worried about Leadcore, although a lot of it is down to irresponsible use and in the wrong hands etc. Used responsibly I don't think it is a risk, but if there is any risk of it causing damage to Carp and/or creating a Death Rig then it should not be used. Unfortunately we have magazines advocating its use, and its not always shown in its true use or why. No thought is given onto the rigs or attachments that are safe with it.
  12. Try weighing one metre of the heavy duty esp anchor tubing and then 1 metre of leadcore and tell me which is heaviest. Give me a clue
  13. I suggest you dig up previous threads on the subject "Tubing vs Leadcore". Then realise that while a object may have more Mass (weigh more) its density is not that of another. In other words while 1 tonne of feathers weighs the same as 1tonne of coal, the coal is more dense and will take up less space. BASIC PHYSICS!
  14. I believe it was Mike Wilson who originally used Glass Weights at Savay. He was concerned due to the effect of an Electrical Current occurring between dissimilar metals in water. He was using the glass from a Chandelier. Wonder if he realised the continuing possibilities of Clear Leads. As for Clear hooks, why is it not possible? We have polycarbonates that are extremely strong and sharp and may well be able to manipulated/extruded into the right shape. Will it be an edge though? How much difference is there between a sharp metal hook that is difficult to see in water, especially if hidden under a boilie and a polycarbonate (sic) hook? Look at how, in many cases your hook lands on the lakebed, often with the boilie landing on top masking it from view, especially as the boilie is not usually as dense as the Hook.
  15. Please be very careful with Helicopter/SILT set-ups. I have posted this in the past: AT Suffolk Water Park I was smashed up on my Marker rod on a Safezone Leader. The Safezone Leader cut through my Braid. I eventually retrieved it with my Spod Rod. Attached to the end of the leader was about 50metres of Line I reckon. I tried to pull the Lead off the Korda Leader and it would not come off, even using Pliers. The Eternal Bailiff Trevor also tried to remove the lead, pulling against me and the pliers. No Matter how hard we pulled, the Leader would not release the Rig or the Lead. Whenever I have needed a Silt/Helicopter set-up I use either the Solar Helicopter rigs or make up my own.
  16. Probably the same height as the rest of the bait off the bottom. In other words if your carpet of bait is about an inch off the lakebed then put your hookbait at the same height If you are fishing a bed of bait then don't fish the hookbait off the bottom. Balanced bait on the bottom would probably be far better
  17. If you look in the Rig Tying section there is a sticky at the top entitled along the lines of Carp Rigs. There are pics in there of a few Pop-up rigs. Also if you type in Pop-ups as a search there have been debates on how pop-ups actually behave in the water as well as debates on piercing as opposed to tying on
  18. I would not say the BlowBack rigs are simple. The simplest rigs are Knotless Knotted with a Hair. From that you can change most things easily, the hooklink length or the hair length. Then add into that the Mantis, that is not a "basic" braid. It makes Combination rigs easier to tie, so I would not class it as simple.
  19. Members, Times and viewpoints change. Members of forums come and go, so different members will not always see the "older" threads. Although on many questions I may say use the Search facility, thing is on that thread, unless you knew exactly what you were looking for then you wouldn't have posted your question. If you look at the Complicated Rigs thread then I would not say the BlowBack rigs are simple. The simplest rigs are Knotless Knotted with a Hair. From that you can change most things easily, the hooklink length or the hair length. Then add into that the Mantis, that is not a "basic" braid. It makes Combination rigs easier to tie, so I would not class it as simple.
  20. Try reading this thread: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=9536. Its called Complicated Rigs, and I started it in 2005. I must admit that it is Headache inducing at times, but there are some very pertinent points on it. It goes into Rigs, Lead attachment and more.
  21. I've said before about playing with rigs in the past, and on most occasions there are only a couple of things that need changing. The hair length and the hooklink length. Look at where you hook fish, or if you lose any when playing fish consider where you are likely to have hooked it. The perfect rig hooks fish normally in the middle of the bottom lip. If the hook is too far forward in the lip, or you are loosing fish then the chances are the hooklink or hair length is too short. If the hook is far back in the bottom of the mouth, or has scraped down inside the mouth then the hair or link is too long. Play with those things first to get your rig right. From the hair rig the next step in presentation was by Rod Hutchinson and another Savay Angler Roger Smith(?) at the same time. Rod Hutchinson came up with an extending hair rig, and I believe it was Roger Smith who came up with the D-rig. The D-rig is good for bottom baits and pop-ups as well. The other thing that may need to be considered is also how the fish are feeding. With large beds of bait, then a shorter rig may be better. If the bait is spread further apart then a longer hooklink may be needed. Unfortunately every trip you may need to play around to find out what is right. Even then you have your Lead set-up to take into consideration. For some of the answers on that look at Semi-Fixed vs Running leads in Advanced section.
  22. It may also be worth having a look at the Sticky at the top of the Fishing in France section: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=19962
  23. I think that any of the members of the Forum who have been here a while know how bad my temper is. Those who have the misfortune to annoy or get me angry at work have seen me fire off and to heck with the consequences, and to be honest it may not always be their fault. We all get angry or annoyed at times, and I know in my case, think later. Its those times when maybe, me included, should step back and think about our reactions and actions. Look at it this way, I got into Serious Bad Company when I was in my late teens, and made some bad mistakes. Its fishing that brought me back to Earth when I lost it. Its Fishing that kept my head out of my Backside when Liz and I had Serious Problems. Passing the skills gained from fishing onto the latest generation is something that I wish more would do. Anything that puts something back into the Pursuit and even in a small way keeps some Youth away from some of the things that I got into is worthwhile. Next question for you Shaun, have you tried the rig with various different lead set-ups and weights? Is there any specifics that work best with it?
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