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Everything posted by salokcinnodrog

  1. If the 2 lakes get joined together their won't be a need for additonal fish! The fish in the Match lake go to double figures, and there are at least 4 30's in the Specimen lake. Some of the fish in the Specimen lake are real crackers looks wise, heavily scaled and with some beautiful patterns as well as some sparsely scaled mirrors
  2. Baitwise Taverham used to be very fishmeal orientated, but I ended up using Nutrabaits Biollix to be different as they could get a bit wary. Because it is now so many different anglers coming from so far afield, no one bait holds the roost anymore, although they aren't that keen on Hi-attract overflavoured hi-viz pop-ups. My suggestion is stick to a good food source bait. If you want something different Enervite or Enervite Gold did catch fish (low level flavour with an essential oil). YES they did insist you buy from the shop or have UNOPENED ready prepped particles. At times they really did go mad for hemp, and I mean loads (10kilos loads) would work overnight. Eventually after a few years the fish stopped coming straight over particles until they had been in the lake for a couple of days. Fishing over pellets also used to work, but again, when everyone is doing the same... Rigwise, don't over complicate yourself, stick to standard line aligned or knotless knotted rigs, and try to avoid semi-fixed leads unless fishing in the weed, in which case I would go back to zipp shaped inlines. Occasionally I would go to a D-rig, usually when I was fishing a pop-up or snowman, but in most cases I had got the carp so comfortable over my bait that I didn't need to play around. My standard rigs were 15cms of Merlin braid to a Carp-R-Us Nailer or Centurion hook, the available equivalent is probably the Gardner Muggas, before that I was using Drennan Super Specialists with no problems. If you can get into the backwaters, at times it is possible to actually watch the fish feeding in water that is only about 30centimetres deep.
  3. I've moved this into UK Where to Fish. While I'm not a member of any of them I know that CAPS do have a number of good venues, however they have been plagued recent years with litter and high numbers of anglers on the venues. Speak nicely to X2gsd or Gazmeesh as that is their area. You also have Kelvedon and District (Silver End), Sudbury and District Angling around the area .
  4. Problem is that Melton as a Day Ticket water has been trouble for anglers and local residents for a few years. The local residents are fed up with the constant noise and abuse from irresponsible anglers, pikies and thieving gits, and some of the anglers are obviously upset at being done over. I fished the Specimen lake years ago with a mate, and even then we were worried about the idiots around. The Match lake was good for a few hours stalking or catching little fish. As a syndicate it can be fenced in and the majority of the trouble will stop. It is just a shame that what few waters around Suffolk will be even less, or maybe that is a good thing
  5. Hello Sam Officially there are 80-100 carp in Loam Pond with the biggest being a 29lb 10 oz mirror , loads of silver fish , 2-3 big bream , no tench , and big perch 2-3 lbs+ It's very quiet ( unless the diesel pump is pumping out water for irrigation ! ) , it's common to be the only angler on there , but it's very weedy and the weed type seems to change from season to season . The cost is £100 per season April til March . This season has been a real struggle , apart from a group of about 15-20 Commons the other Carp seem to have disappeared , or have suddenly become very cute . Have you considered Melton ? . Breakaway Tackle told me today that an offer to buy the complex has been accepted and the deal could be completed in 2 weeks . Apparently there is a plan to make it into 1 big lake , and fence it all in . 29.10 is the biggest caught The commons sound like some of the stock fish that Woodbridge Angling put in as there weren't that many commons in there originally, most of the fish were scaley mirrors and linears of the Leney/Galician strain, and the biggest I saw was a pale sandy coloured mirror around the island. They have been cute for a number of years, often staying in the section that was a No Fishing area, you could watch them, but not fish for them.
  6. Oh, and when the lake is really crowded, don't even bother unless there are swims available that you can try the floaters or stalking. When it is like that it usually switches off
  7. Taverham Mills used to have some cracking fish in from singles up to 30lbs, although I know that at least one of the 30's got ottered Never forget your floaters in summer, in certain areas during the day or early evening they are extremely confident in taking them. Stalking can work well in certain swims as well. The lake has plenty of gravel bars, weed, lilies, silty patches for long and short range fishing. DON'T ignore the margins. Working from Peg1 round to the left. Peg1-3 itself, in between the trees and past the small islands, not a particularly good area in summer for some reason, the fish move past it, but don't feed confidently, yet in winter is one of the best areas on the lake. Peg 4/5 an area where the fish would cruise around the islands and in the island bay. Road Bank, plenty of gravel in front of you, and a couple of islands. If you cast to the islands around pegs9-10 be very careful, the branches come along way away from the island underwater, fish have been tethered by idiots casting or boating baits too close. The last swim on the road bank in the bay has a deep hole in which I'm pretty positive has a nice inlet spring in. The Point, between the 2 islands, can produce, but is patchy. From the next bay with the pipe connecting to Costessey, an area where the fish can hole up, but fishes best when water is beng pumped in. All the pegs along the bank can produce down to what is number 29 or 30, the last before an area we called "The Backwaters", and all have plenty of gravel or island features in front of them as well as loads of weed. The Backwaters themselves are good for stalking and floater fishing. By being really quiet, you can sneak up on the fish, and they do come in close, but when I say quiet, I mean silent, no vibration whatsoever Onto the Plateau Point, the swim to the right of the main Plateau swim has long produced fish from the far bank corner to the right or under the overhanging tree in front. The Plateau swim, a BIG double swim, but although the fish do go over the plateau, it can be difficult, and if the water level is low, you will be fishing in water which may only just cover your ankles. Carrying on round you have what are known as "The Tench Swims", the 3 or 4 swims with the last in the corner. The 2nd and 3rd from that corner have the remains of a WW2 Bomber in, so can be a bit snaggy as well as having loads of lilies in front. Onto the Cowtail you have the swims on the island, the fish actually are catchable between the island and the main bank, and towards the Plateau is a very big silt patch, that used to hold LARGE bream to over Double figures. Round the Cowtail you have the same water as the Back Bank, and is a shorter walk is worthwhile if no-one is fishing the back bank. Cowtail corner, to the tree in the water along the island to the left. To the right you have a large gravel bank along the island, but it doesn't produce much. The left side of the swim is the better option. To the left the next 3 swims all face to the island, as does CowTail point down the slope, but the point also has water to the left. All will produce at times. The other swim down the slope to the left of the point has a number of nice features. Round into the bay, a couple of swims on the high bank, don't ignore them and fish the margins. Hidden in that bay is a large rock standing proud of the lakebed, it will take a lot of finding (unless you can get a rowing boat out and actually see it). The swim at the back of the bay, margins and fallen tree to the right, lily pad in front. Swim in the corner is pretty much a cut-off. Round onto the meadow swims, all produce fish, and there is plenty of weed. I don't know the lake at all, not much anyway I used to fish (live on) there, but I haven't been back for 8years as I feel it couldn't live up to how I learnt to fish it.
  8. actually if you tie a flourocarbon rig with an inturned eye you will notice that the angle can get a little acute between the line and the hook ie something like a fox SR whilst not full out turned will be a lot better I seem to remember a well known angler mentioning that with a standard hook pattern and straight eyed hooks the fluorocarbon was being worn or cut by the hook eye. I seem to think he preferred an extreme inturned eye, and bringing the fluorocarbon out from the back of the eye.
  9. Unless you speak to the person runing the syndicate you will not know what is in there. I know about some of the fish, and how good looking they are, I would have put the numbers of originals at about 25-30 carp tops, but Woodbridge and District put some more fish (small fish in ounces) in a few years ago, then whatever the current Syndicate have put in.
  10. Well that sounds awfully like a School Holiday week, and with a Bank Holiday in it. You work it out
  11. It's a rumour I first heard bandied about last year or even before that they were losing or had lost the lakes. Melton has had problems for a number of years, with some of the local pikies and idiots deciding that anglers were fair game for robbing. I'll try to keep an eye on the lake as I can often wangle a trip past it for work
  12. http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=37416 Is that any use?
  13. You've got 2 different answers as to what Dan and Jules find easiest, and here is a 3rd, so you are going to have to work out what suits you. I tie a Uni knot loop at the end my hooklink and tie the hook on knotless knot or a piece of (4lb) mono if I tie a separate hair. Fit pop-up into loop and gently pull it down tight. I don't often use individual pop-ups as hookbaits, but I do usually use a snowman set-up, and tie the hair long enough for the bottom bait to go on as well and still loop the pop-up.
  14. From the experiments I carried out, the brands that the inner leadcore poked out, ESP, Gardner etc, basically all of them after time, and a few casts! One of Levigsp's fishing partners did, and discovered that the rig was running along the fish's cheeks and causing "burns".
  15. I can't put it any other way, but I will advise you NOT to use leadcore in your fishing. The cost is relative, not just the cost of what you gets for your money, but the risks it poses to the fish we love in tethering and dead fish. I may be "one track" minded when it comes to leadcore, but in my honest view, leadcore does NOT give you any advantage in your fishing, and is an absolute risk to the fish, either in marks, scars or the potential for tethering and killing fish. In my view there is NO safe leadcore rig set-up, and Numbers of fish have been found tethered and dead when leaders have been used. Leadcore does NOT hide the rig, in fact it is more visible than a standard mainline, and it does NOT pin the line to the lakebed. Have a read of some of these and then please I ask you, don't even think about using leadcore in your fishing: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=32598 http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=38886&highlight=advanced+carp+fishing http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=40711&highlight=advanced+carp+fishing http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=39794
  16. Loam Ponds! Now syndicate, and I know that you have posted on another thread about it recently I drove past the place today, and just decided to have a little break while working. The Car Park is the place where you WILL get stuck at the moment, but I did park up and walk to the gate around the venue. There is NO ACCESS to the lake unless you are member of the syndicate, and the phone number was written on a board nailed to a tree.
  17. But why add a fluoro leader (http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=32598), when at any range it is going to serve no useful purpose? At around 40metres, the line is going to have arced down from the rod tip to the lakebed anyway, and is camouflaged against the lakebed.
  18. Loam Ponds! Now syndicate, and I know that you have posted on another thread about it recently
  19. Silicon tubing I can't remember which one I have got I bought a large pack of silicon tubing years ago, and I have kept it tidily packed away in a plastic box, only comes out when I need it. Most of my hook rigs are shrink tubed, with 1.6mm black shrink tube which I get from Mo's Co. Anti Tangle tubing; I was buying either Solar or Fox Running rigs, which come complete with the run rings, buffer beads and a length of anti tangle tubing Not used the Rig Marole tubing yet, just haven't found the need for it, plus I worry about having to cut it down and leaving that little sharp piece of wire sticking out at the end
  20. Most people fish semi-fixed leads, so I want to be different, and I think that running leads give increased indication and proper screamers. Ye iv been put off my lead clip set up ever since my mate started catchin more than me wen he started using leadcore on a helicopter rig, our baits were the same but he seemed to always catch a few more than me, i think im gonna have a re think and expiriment with different rig styles.... plus rig tubings really starting to pee me off not being able to slide the line thru it Rig tubing is easy to thread! Use a Gardner Tube threader, or a diamond eye pole elastic threader and it will go through almost any tubing. I can thread Solar tubing with standard mainline though with no problems. I gave up using Korda as no matter what I couldn't thread it. I do NOT think that Leadcore is a safe fishing option, in any way shape or form: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=39794 http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=32598 http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=38886&highlight=advanced+carp+fishing http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=40711&highlight=advanced+carp+fishing Thats just a few for you
  21. Or the angler had the skill and qualifications to catch them Drayton is an almost a fish a chuck water and from in close, in some cases UNDER the boards. The fish really get onto regular helpings of bait, groundbait, maggots or other slow sinking baits; catapulted, NO need for the spod. The best rods to use are NOT the 3lb TC rods, get something a little more through actioned about 2.25lb tops, or even for more fun fish playing and to avoid ripping the hooks out go as low as 1.5lb (a barbel or specialist rod). At Drayton in most swims there is almost no need to cast long distance. As for Shallowbrook, it is probably the best place to learn about carp fishing as there are a number of fish, and its not too hard. Cobbleacre is a lot harder, and has been mentioned on here in the past (search facility) Also Waveney Valley (will show up on the search), is pretty much a bigger fish venue, although Yew Tree and Marsh are more likely to throw up easily catchable fish. If you are Norfolk/Norwich based stick Norfolk waters into the search facility and a number will come up. If you post on one of them it will come back to the top of the section.
  22. Most people fish semi-fixed leads, so I want to be different, and I think that running leads give increased indication and proper screamers.
  23. Tel, Thank you for the consideration of the thoughts posted. Unfortunately I believe that manufacturers are sometimes pushed into releasing products without due consideration, fashion or maybe because of "fish at all costs". I'll post this pic again as it shows my standard lead set-up, a running lead going up and down tubing, although the rig is "top secret" As you can see on this occasion I hadn't pinned the tubing down with putty, although sometimes I do, it depends on whether I feel that the fish are spooking off the tubing if it has raised off the lakebed. Looks good i personally wudnt be confident with such a long hair but im sure u have reasons for this, would u use this set up with slack lines? as its a running rig I'll let you into a secret, Long Hairs work better than short ones in most cases And what is a tight line? I haven't used tight lines for years unless the conditions are so bad that I can't them them slack. A running rig is only a running rig if it is fished with a slack line.
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