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    dayvid reacted to yonny in August Catch Reports   
    Had a whale of a time down at Wraysbury on a social with @greekskiilast week. Between us we had 40 odd bites over 3 days. Conditions were PERFECT. Here's a couple of my faves:

  2. Like
    dayvid reacted to elmoputney in Getting kids into fishing   
    Gonna have to do this one in stages, but went for a 2 night trip with the kids and the dog, arrived at lunchtime after the usual struggle and then some, but luckily got in a lovely swim with plenty of space for our bivvies 
    I had previous in this swim having fished it last time, although there were people fishing far side so I opted to come shorter, this was a good decision. And had 2 rods on it today. And one on my banker spot. Nothing happened the first night but I had done some good big baiting and had left some line free moments (mainly because I had forgotten cutlery and plates) got back from dog walking and shopping (dog friendly garden centre) and wanged in another 8 spods on each spot, and was quite surprised when it ripped off an hour Later in the afternoon, really scrapped hard this one due to its mega paddle. 22 1/2lb 
  3. Like
    dayvid reacted to elmoputney in Getting kids into fishing   
    Then I had to wait till 10:30pm for the next action, after some more spods and prepping as well as I could I felt confident, we had an all day breakfast for tea, I heard what could only be described as a pair of idiots walking around the far bank shouting stuff, luckily the girls were asleep, and then just as they were close enough on the far bank my alarm went into a one toner and I was battling with a demon fish and getting heckled at the same time, they run off after never to be heard again. But after thinking it was a catfish for a long time I finally got it in after an issue with my left hand rod, it had done a 50yd run and back before I gained any control, I only got control when it got weeded up but I had to bite the other rod line and reconnect it to get it in the net. Anyway it was a cool one, 27 1/2lb and i had to wake up my daughter for the pics. She loved seeing it though. 

    Then all was quiet after a late night sorting and redoing and a couple of doubts I topped up with the rest of my spod mix and redid my banker rod and moved one back alongside the shorter rod as it was a nice clean channel. 
    I had made the girls breakfast and just served my own sausage and egg sangers, one bite and the middle rod went into meltdown. My daughter netted it about the 3rd time of asking, 27 1/2lb again. 

  4. Like
    dayvid reacted to elmoputney in Getting kids into fishing   
    Whilst that one was awaiting processing in the retainer, I had another bite, this one off the rod I moved and the only one not on a match the hatch wafter. (MTH Pop up 😊) lovely fish, look at that tail 21lb 1/2lb 

    Somewhere in all this lot I managed to lose 3 to hook pulls and one with a boulder of weed that acted as a pivot. 
    And finally at just before lunch I had another run from the banker spot came in like a dog on a lead until it saw the net, then it took forever having seen it for quite a while I thought it was one of the bigguns. Turns out it was 27lb 12oz. 

    but again what a creature all ancient looking and a real solid beast of a fish. I did lose one while this was in the retainer. But I'm not complaining. 5 fish in a session is mega and getting to share it with your kids and having a real good time too was awesome, I usually fish alone and while I love it, it is nice to share the special moments along the way. 
    Also lucky to have a photographer as I had forgotten my camera 😁
  5. Like
    dayvid reacted to InteraX in Rod Shots   
  6. Like
    dayvid reacted to bluelabel in Rod Shots   
    Out on a new water... carp to mid 20's I'm told... time to give the pins an airing as its a small water...🎣😎👍

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    dayvid reacted to jh92 in Rod Shots   
    Excuse the legs 🤣
    Been feeding a pair of Robins on the last few seasons and I'm sure they've been taking the food back to a nest 👌 its got to a point where they come to the door and wait for me to give them something 🤣
  8. Like
    dayvid reacted to B B in Rod Shots   
    Last knockings 

  9. Like
    dayvid reacted to kevtaylor in View from your bivvy door.   
    Another weekend blank, racking them up.  Left what feels like my peg alone (West end, back of the wind) as there were others either side and only one down the windward end but out the way (East end taking a westerly).

    Did Friday night in one swim and had a couple show over the rods at dawn but far more were showing in a vacant swim round the corner, so I planned to move midday get the rods in place early afternoon once it'd gone quiet.  I knew the swim a little and placed rigs all around the edges of the plateau with as little disturbance as possible.  Was absolutely gutted to wake up and nothing showing, just one tiny liner, area seemed dead and noticeably colder than the day before.  That's carp fishing in spring, never kind to me, onto next time.

    Oh and pushing that barrow through floods and sticky clay holes full of random brick ends is not the one and will finish me off pretty damn soon, where's that power wheel 🙏🤣

  10. Like
    dayvid reacted to Higham1987 in No Win, No Fee   
    Yep, exactly....daft as it sounds, that what I asked first before we proceeded.
    If they think its a case they'll win they take on and recoupe no more than 25% of your compensation.
  11. Like
    dayvid reacted to kevtaylor in View from your bivvy door.   
    Back down for another 3-4 nights potentially, picked back of the wind based on what I saw last trip and after setting up I saw several shows to my surprise, showing me where to put the rods, fingers crossed might get lucky - think I've dropped right on them unless they're passing through, some chunks to - fingers crossed 🤞 

  12. Like
    dayvid reacted to kevtaylor in View from your bivvy door.   
    4 night blank to get me into the swing of things, lots to learn and a new playing field as the water is up 4ft on last year's drought level.
    Great trip loved it - spring is in the air, the birds are at it, frogs in the margins being hunted by pike and masses of bugs crawling out the lake especially during rain - so many caddis or whatever they were that it freaked me out - all coming under my door by the dozen.
    Can't wait to get back down asap.

  13. Like
    dayvid reacted to salokcinnodrog in View from your bivvy door.   
    Been 4 months since I've been able to get onto the syndicate, but even in the wet weather I still love it here.

  14. Like
    dayvid reacted to commonly in View from your bivvy door.   
    Had a couple of nights on the res.
    No fish, again. 🥺
    Always nice to get out, even when the bivvy decided it was going to leave without me, a few times in the wind this morning😳

  15. Like
    dayvid reacted to salokcinnodrog in View from your bivvy door.   
    In Britain, apparently the sun is a very rare sight

  16. Like
    dayvid reacted to salokcinnodrog in View from your bivvy door.   
    With and without flash


  17. Like
    dayvid reacted to salokcinnodrog in View from your bivvy door.   
    With and without a photobomber, or without and with...

  18. Like
    dayvid reacted to commonly in View from your bivvy door.   
    Unexpected 48. Mrs said as long as oi take my 11 year old. He's loving spombing out the bait. Happy days

  19. Like
    dayvid reacted to kevtaylor in View from your bivvy door.   
  20. Like
    dayvid reacted to B B in View from your bivvy door.   
    @dayid you could say my swim is slightly different to yours 

  21. Like
    dayvid reacted to salokcinnodrog in View from your bivvy door.   
    Same swim, 2 weeks later.
    I've been putting bait in when I leave, and although I had a walk around didn't see anything to make me want to go anywhere else.
    Last week I did have 2 tench over the bait, biggest an estimated 5lb

  22. Like
    dayvid reacted to ouchthathurt in View from your bivvy door.   
    last session of the season on the estate lake 
    off to pastures new come June 16th 
  23. Like
    dayvid reacted to InteraX in View from your bivvy door.   
    First night of the season last night. It was a lot colder than I expected. There was ice on my unhooking mat and bivvy this morning. No bites so far. Still a few hours left though....
  24. Like
    dayvid reacted to salokcinnodrog in View from your bivvy door.   
    Just so people know, I do often do 2 and 1 on single sticks.
    I do like the stability of a goalpost setup, but if one rod is better placed in another direction.
    The one on single sticks is over a mix of mashed bread, particles, crushed boilies, worms and molehill soil, while the two are being fished with stringers over boilies.

  25. Like
    dayvid reacted to barry211 in View from your bivvy door.   
    so first time out since september and managed a cheeky day session on local water, great start to the day as not only did my landing net snap on the first fish but also my bite alarm decided it would snap at the bracket so maybe some glue later might work but not convinced. new bite alarm turned up in the shape of this beautiful Robin just sitting on the rod for what seemed like ages
    despite all of that it was a wonderful feeling being bakside again and had a lovely time with a few very nice carp reckon all under 5lb, will also post up the awesome pic i got of a a carp photobombing my picture of ducks....

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